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1、Unit 1 Active reading Two kinds of judgement1 There are two different ways people judge you. Sometimes judging you correctly is the end goal. But there s a second much more common type of judgment where it isn t. We tend to regard all judgments of us as the first type. We d probably be happier if we

2、 realized which are and which aren t.2 The first type of judgment, the type where judging you is the end goal, includes court cases, grades in classes, and most competitions. Such judgments can of course be mistaken, but because the goal is to judge you correctly, there s usually some kind of appeal

3、s process. If you feel you ve been misjudged, you can protest that you ve been treated unfairly. 3 Nearly all the judgments made on children are of this type, so we get into the habit early in life of thinking that all judgments are. 4 But in fact there is a second much larger class of judgments whe

4、re judging you is only a means to something else. These include college admissions, hiring and investment decisions, and of course the judgments made in dating. This kind of judgment is not really about you. 5 Put yourself in the position of someone selecting players for a national team. Suppose for

5、 the sake of simplicity that this is a game with no positions, and that you have to select 20 players. There will be a few stars who clearly should make the team, and many players who clearly shouldn t. The only place your judgment makes a difference is in the borderline cases. Suppose you screw up

6、and underestimate the 20th best player, causing him not to make the team, and his place to be taken by the 21st best. You ve still picked a good team. If the players have the usual distribution of ability, the 21st best player will be only slightly worse than the 20th best. Probably the difference b

7、etween them will be less than the measurement error. 6 The 20th best player may feel he has been misjudged. But your goal here wasn t to provide a service estimating people s ability. It was to pick a team, and if the difference between the 20th and 21st best players is less than the measurement err

8、or, you ve still done that optimally.7 It s a false analogy even to use the word unfair to describe this kind of misjudgment. It s not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at selecting a reasonably optimal set. 8 One thing that leads us astray here is that the selector

9、seems to be in a position of power. That makes him seem like a judge. If you regard someone judging you as a customer instead of a judge, the expectation of fairness goes away. The author of a good novel wouldn t complain that readers were unfair for preferring a potboiler with a racy cover. Stupid,

10、 perhaps, but not unfair. 9 Our early training and our self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgment of us is about us. In fact most aren t. This is a rare case where being less self-centered will make people more confident. Once you realize how little most people judging you care

11、 about judging you accurately once you realize that because of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where judgment has the most effect you won t take rejection so personally.10 And curiously enough, taking rejection less persona

12、lly may help you to get rejected less often. If you think someone judging you will work hard to judge you correctly, you can afford to be passive. But the more you realize that most judgments are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors that most people judging you are more like a fickle nov

13、el buyer than a wise and perceptive magistrate the more you realize you can do things to influence the outcome. 11 One good place to apply this principle is in college applications. Most high school students applying to college do it with the usual child s mix of inferiority and self-centeredness: i

14、nferiority in that they assume that admissions committees must be all-seeing; self-centeredness in that they assume admissions committees care enough about them to dig down into their application and figure out whether they re good or not. These combine to make applicants passive in applying and hur

15、t when they re rejected. If college applicants realized how quick and impersonal most selection processes are, they d make more effort to sell themselves, and take the outcome less personally. 两种判断1 判断一个人有两种不同的方式,有时判断的最终目的是正确地判断一个人,不过另外一种则不是如此,并且这种判断要常见得多。我们往往认为所有的判断都属于第一种。如果能意识到哪些是第一种而哪些不是的话,我们也许会更

16、幸福2 第一种判断,即把正确地判断一个人作为最终目的的判断,包括法院判决、考试成绩及大部分比赛。这些判断当然可能会有误判,但因为其最终目的是正确地判断一个人,通常会有某种类似于上诉的程序。如果你觉得别人没有正确评价你,你可以表示反对,说你受到了不公平的待遇。3 几乎所有对孩子的判断都属于第一类,所以在小时候我们就养成了这种习惯,认为所有的判断都是这样。4 但实际上还有更广泛地存在着的第二类判断,在这种判断中,对你作出判断只是做另一件事的手段。这包括大学招生、聘用及作投资决定,当然也包括在约会时作出的判断。这种判断并不是真正意义上对你作出的评价。5 假设你要为国家队挑选运动员。简单起见,假设这是一个没有位置要求的运动,并且你需要挑选二十个运动员。有一些明星运动员肯定要在队里,还有许多肯定不能入选。只有那些难作取舍的情况会让你的判断产生差别。即使你搞砸了,低估了排在第二十名的运动员,使他落选了,他的位置被排在第二十一名的运动员所代替,你还是组建了一支好的队伍。如果运动员之间的能力分配正常,第二十一名运动员只会比第二十名略微逊色,或者他们之间的差距比测量误差还要小。6 那位排在第二十名的运动


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