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1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除年 级三科 目英语自Unit 2In课 题the library姜倩主备人主设姜倩周玉林吴静朱玲玲参加人计教学目标:1. 能初步会听、说、读单词shout,eat,run,talk,sleep和 library;2. 结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句Dont,并会用 I m sorry.来回答;3. 能把握字母 P 在单词中的发音;4. 会唱本单元歌曲 Donttalk,Tom.并初步懂得 want to ;教学重难点:1. 结合动词, 听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句Dont 并会用 I m sorr来y.回答;2. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句

2、型Is this your. 教学重点:能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述;教学难点:能把握字母 p 在单词中的发音;教学时间:4 课时第一课时教学内容:A.S tory time教学目标:1. 能初步会听、说、读单词shout, eat, run, talk, sleep 和library ;2. 结合动词, 听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句Don t, 并会用 I m sorr来y.回答;3. 能听懂、会读和有感情地表演故事; 4. 使同学树立公共场合文明礼仪观念,懂得遵守公共秩序, 培养同学正确的人生观和价值观word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除教学过程:(一)

3、导入新课,激发爱好Warm-up Play a game.T: Hello, children.Let s play a game first. If you see a phrase,pleaseshout.Ifyou see a rabbit,please say(二)自读课文,预习指导Presentation Enjoy a story.T:You are great. Ill tell you a story. Shh.Dont talk. The story is“The race between tortoise and rabbit”.A rabbit iswalking in

4、the forest,and singing loudly. Suddenly he sees a tortoisecoming slowlyfrom anotherroad.“I am a rabbit. I can run fast.”“Dont look down on me. Lets have a race.” The tortoise gets angry.“OK. Let s have a race. I must run fast.”The otheranimalsinthe forestare the referees.“One, two threego. ” The rab

5、bitruns likean arrow.Soon thetortoisefalls far behind him.The rabbit looks back. He cant see the tortoise.Hes very proud.(三)预习沟通,互助检查Story time1. Watch and chooseT: Mr Rabbit feels very sad.“Why didn t I win.” he thinks.The rabbit needs Yang Lings help.Butwheres Y ang Ling. Look. Shes in the library

6、. 板 书标题 In the library Who are in the library. Pleasewatch and choose.S: 同学看卡通并回答 Yang Ling and Liu Tao. T: 依据同学的答案将人物图片贴在黑板上;T: Would Yang Ling like a sweet. S: No.2. Listen and chooseT: Goodjob.What does LiuTao do inthe library.Please listen and choose.S: 同学听录音,完成选择T: 板书:将 shout, run, talk和 sleep贴

7、在刘涛的位置 3. Read and underlineword 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除T: What does Yang Ling say to Liu Tao. Please read the story and underline the sentences.S:Dont shout. Dont run. Dont eat. Dont talk.Dont sleep.T: 板书:将 Dont shout.Dont run.Donteat.Dont talk. Dont sleep.贴在杨玲的位置 4. Let s readT:Now let s read the s

8、tory. S: 仿照录音读课文; 5. Let s actT:Great. Lets try toact thestory.You can work in pairs.4 Consolidation1. Yang Ling s helpT: Mr Rabbit asks Yang Ling for help.Rabbit: Can you help me.Yang Ling: OK. Boys and girls,let s help Mr Rabbit together.Whats thetrick.S: Run./Don t sleep./Dont eat.T: Well done. T

9、hen you can win. Rabbit: Thank you, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Youre welcome.2. 考考你T:小伴侣们,在课堂中看到下面的情形你应当怎么说?S:Dont sleep. Dont talk. Dont eat.3. SummaryT: Today we learn five new words: shout, run, talk, sleep and eat.叫别人不要做某事说: DontNowwe know: Be good inclassand be good inthe library, pleaseHomework :1.

10、Copy the new words three times.2. Read and act the story.3. Make some public signs.附板书:word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除其次课时教学内容:Fun time教学目标:1. 能娴熟听懂、 会说、会拼写单词 shout,eat,run,talk, sleep和 drink ;2. 能娴熟听懂、会说祈使句的否定句Dont,并会用 I m sorry.来回答;3. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型Is this your.4. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处;5. 懂得没有经过别人的同意,不能任凭拿别人的东西

11、;教学过程:T: Class begins.S: Stand up.T: Good morning, class.T: Sit down, please.Game 1: Quick responseT: Boys and girls, do you remember these words. Let (一)导入新课,激发爱好S: Good morning, Miss Li.s read them loudly in this game.The rules of the game:(1) When you see the word, please read it loudly. (2) When

12、 you see“Hurray ”, please clap your hands. Game 2: Guessing timeT: Good job. Now look at this sign. Do you know what it means. 出示 talk标志,让同学猜是什么意思T: And what does it mean now. 出示加了禁止符号的talk标志,让同学猜是什么意思 S: Don t talk.T: Yes. Don t means 不,不要 . Don t equals do not. Now, can you tell me the meaning of

13、the picturesquickly.(二)自读课文,预习指导1. Watch and answerT: Look at the littlemouse. HeisBobbys cousin.Whatcan you say to him. Does the little mouse have good habits. Let s watch and answer.2. Read and findT: Read quickly and try to find: What did the little word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除mouse do.S: Shout/ea

14、t the cake/drink the milk/run3. Try to imitateT: What did Bobby say to him.S: Don t shout/eat my cake/drink my milk/run 老师新授 milk4. T: Please read the sentences after the computer.5. Try to learn(1) T: Is Bobby happy now. Why.(2) T: What does Tina say to Bobby. S: Is this your book.T: Try to read this sentence after the computer.(三)预习沟通,互助检查1. Read or act in groupsT:Now boys and girls,please r


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