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1、三年级英语下册期末冲刺班专题一一、重点句型:I m = I am youre = you are hes = he is shes = she is We re = we are theyre = they are 人称代词: I(我) you(你) he(他) she(她) it(它) we(我们)they(他们) you(你们 ) be 动词: am(只能与 I 搭配)I am . are(和第二人称和复数人称搭配)you / we / they / + are . is (第三人称或者单数人称搭配)he / she / it + is 二、练一练。1、写出下列组合的缩写形式。 We ar

2、e ( ) You are ( ) They are ( ) She is( ) He is ( ) It is ( ) I am ( ) What is ( ) Who is ( ) 2、 单项选择。( )1) _is this? Its a desk. A. What B. Who C. How . ( )2).Jenny is_. Tony is sad. A. short B. cold C. happy ( )3)_ you happy? Yes, I _ . A. Is am B. Are am C. Am am ( )4) Is this a table? B:_ . A. Ye

3、s, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. No, they arent. ( )5). A: Whos he? B: _ . A. She s my mother. B. Hes my brother. C. Its a bird. 5、 连词组句。1. is, small, Jenny ( . ) _ 2. are, we, tall (. ) _ 3. you, are, happy ( ?) _ 4. Jenny and Tony, are, cold ( .) _ 6、左右搭配。( )1、Do you like tennis? A. Im fine, thanks. ( )

4、2 、How are you ? B. His names Peter. ( )3、Who s she ? C. No, it isnt. ( )4、Is this a pink pencil ? D.I like soup. ( )5、What do you like? E. Shes my sister. ( )6、Whats his name ? F. Yes, I do. 专题二一、重点单词: color 颜色 red 红色 yellow 黄色 blue 蓝色 green 绿色 orange 橙色 brown 棕色 pink 粉红色 purple 紫色二、重点句型:What color

5、 is this ?(这是什么颜色?)It s +颜色.(它是 . 颜色)Is it + 颜色?( Is it blue? 它是蓝色的吗? ) Yes ,it is / No ,it isnt 二、Is it a /an+ 物体? (Is it a cat? Is it an apple?) Yes,it is / No ,it isnt 三、练一练。 1找出不同类的一项,把答案的序号填在括号内。( ).A. green B. yellow C. book ( ).A. bag B. blue C. black ( ).A. black B. white C. crayon ( ).A. du

6、ck B. dog C. bag ( ).A. Good morning B. Stand up C. Good afternoon 2根据情境选择正确的选项。( )1. 你想让同桌出示蓝色,应说:.Show me blue. .Show me red. ( )2. 你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说:.Brown, brown .Sit down . .Black, black. Stand up. ( )3 你与 Sarah 初次见面,你应该说:. Nice to meet you . B. Good morning . ( )4.当别人跟你说 “Nice to meet you ”,你应

7、怎样回答. Nice to meet you . . Nice to meet you, too 专题三一、重点单词: bed 床 pillow 枕头 window 窗户 door 门 clock 时钟 lamp 台灯 black 黑色 white 白色 number 数字二、重点句型:询问别人那是什么? What is that ? It is a/an . Is that a/an. ? Yes,it is. / No ,it isnt. 三、选择题。1)( )_is that? Its a blue desk. A. When B. What C. How 2)( )_that a bl

8、ack dog? Yes, it is. Its a black dog. A. Are B. Am C. Is 3)( )Look! Its _ banana. No, its _ apple. A. an; a B. a; an C. a; a 4)( )Is it a pencil? _. (是的,它是。 ) A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. 四、连词成句。1. that , is , what _? 2. a , brown , door , is , that _? 3. chair , a , it s ,red _. 4.

9、 isnt , the , cat , green _. 5. isnt , No , it _. 五、选择最佳答案,把字母编号填在括号里。()1. A: Is that a chair? B: _ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. ()2. A: What s that? B: _ A. No, it isnt. B. Its a blue desk. ()3. A: Do you like tennis? B: _ A. No, I dont. B. No, it isnt. ()4. 你想问同学那是什么,你可以这样问:A. Whats that? B. Whats

10、 this? ()5. 你想问同学那是不是一只黄色的狮子,你可以这样问: A. This lion isn t yellow. B. Is that a yellow lion? ()6. 你想问这是什么,你会这样问:A. Whats that? B. Whats this? 六、选出不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号里。()1. A. yellow B. white C. pink D. watch ()2. A. desk B. tall C. table D. chair ()3. A. blue B. pillow C. clock D. lamp ()4. A. happy B. bed

11、 C. sad D. cold ()5. A. book B. door C. pen D. pencil 专题四一、重点单词: these 这些 pear 梨子 watermelon 西瓜 strawberry 草莓 cherry 樱桃 orange 橙子 peach 桃子 grape 葡萄二、重点句型:Whats these? (那些是什么)回答: They are apples 引出: They are + 物品的复数形式。 (它们是 ) Are these bananas ?引出: Are these +物品的复数形式?(它们是.吗?)回答: Yes,they are / No, th

12、ey aren t. 引伸:拓展【this, that, these , those 的区别】this: 这、这个 (用于单数名词),离物品比较近 that:那、那个(用于单数名词),离物品比较远 these :这些(用于复数名词),离物品比较近 those :那些(用于复数名词),离物品比较远【名词单数变复数规律】 1.一般+ s :banana-bananas orange-oranges pear-pears 2.以 ch,sh结尾的 + es:peach-peaches 3.以 y 结尾的,把 y 改为 i,再+es:strawberry-strawberries cherry-che

13、rries 三 写出下列单词的复数形式。 1) banana 3 )orange 5 )strawberry 7 )grape 四、选词填空。1)Are these ? (grape/ grapes) Yes, they are. 2)Whats (this/ these) Its a .(pear/ bananas) 3)Are these peaches? No, they_(are/ arent ) .Theyre _ (banana / oranges) . 4)What are _ ? (this / these) Theyre red cherries. 5)Is_(this /

14、these) a watermelon? Yes, it . 五、单选题。1)( )What are_? They are _A . this, peach B. these, peach C. these, peaches 2)( )Whats that ? _ a pink lamp. A . They re B. Its C. They are 3)( )Are they green? No, they_ peach A . are B. is C. arent 4)( )Is that a black door? Yes, A . it isnt B. it is C. they ar

15、e 4)( )“水果” 的单词是 A . color B. animal C. fruit D. room 5)( )They are two A . cherry B. peaches C. strawberries 专题五一、重点单词: morning 早上 on 在.上面 box 盒子 socks 袜子 under 在.下面 pants裤子 open 打开 between 在.(两者)之间 skirt 裙子 jacket 夹克衫二、重点句型:(1)询问某一件东西在哪里?(单数) Where is the + 一件物品的名称?It is + 方位介词( in、on、under 、betwe

16、en ) . 例子:Where is the book? It is on the desk. (2)询问两件或者两件以上的物品在哪里?(复数) Where are the + 物品名称(复数)?They are + 方位介词( in、on、under、between ) . 例子:Where are the pens? They are in the box. 三、练一练。 1、选出不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号里。()1)A. under B. bed C. on ()2)A. between B. socks C. pants ()3)A. skirt B. jacket C. in ()4)A. what B. where C. class ()5)A. open B. morning C. look 四、单项选择题。 1)( ) _is my book? A . Where B. Who C. What 2)( )Where my pencils A . am B. is C. are 3)3)( )Open _ books A . I B. your C. you 4)4)


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