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1、高一英语下学期期中考资料包PART 1 期中考必考学问点总结:1. 名词性从句2. 主谓一样主语和谓语:时间要一样、主被动要一样、谓语动词与人称要一样;3. 非谓语动词PART 2 真题完形填空When Alice started to cycle home fromJenny s house, she wasn t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. 1 , it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she beganto wish that she hadn

2、t been so 2 .As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly 3 cold very cold. Alice s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move 4 that she didn t hear twhich suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped

3、by the road. The big black car also 5 .Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light insidethe car, something 6 .Then,the lightbrightenedand Alicewas staringat a sweet,grey-haired old lady.“ Hello, dear,” said the old lady.“ I need 7. I m afraid I to find

4、 the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.”“ Airport. You 8 are lost,” Alice said.“ You need to go back five kilometers 9 you reach the T-junction. Turn left and 10 for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway.From there, just follow the 11 to the airport. But I m afraid

5、there s no 12 yothere in five minutes.”“ Thank you very much, dear,” replied the old lady.I “ll _D1o3n_ t iwnotrimrye.”The 14 moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it 15 and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something 16 happened. The car beganchanging.First,it

6、scolor 17fromblacktosilvery-grey.Then,thewheelsbegandisappearing, but the car continued to move forward, 18 just above the ground. As the car 19 into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more andmore brightly.Witha faint whistling 20 , the car was gone in seconds,

7、leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief1.A. HoweverB. BesidesC. ThereforeD. Otherwise2.A. braveB. excitedC. curiousD. stubborn3.A. fellB. seemedC. provedD. grew4.A. asideB. aroundC. forwardD. backward5.A. arrivedB. stoppedC. stayedD. started6.A. gatheredB. existedC. droppedD. moved7.A. helpB. ga

8、sC. restD. water8.A. necessarilyB. normallyC. basicallyD. certainly9.A. ifB. untilC. unlessD. as10.A. driveB. walkC. followD. march11.A. addressB. signsC. noticesD. guidance12.A. doubtB. roomC. timeD. way13.A. have itB. get itC. make itD. finish it14.A. doorB. windowC. headlightD. wheel15.A. passedB

9、. rushedC. turnedD. continued16.A. strangeB. sensitiveC. imaginableD. horrible17.A. developedB. appearedC. spreadD. faded18.A. rollingB. floatingC. drawingD. flashing19.A. pointedB. returnedC. brokeD. rose20.A. tuneB. voiceC. soundD. tone阅读懂得AIt is one of the liveliest festivals that happen in Bath

10、and it is returning this September. The Jane Austen Festival kicks off on September 8 and runs for ten days untilSeptember 17 with events running every day and evening.What are some of the festival highlights. Grand Regency Costumed Charity WalkThe highlight is usually the walk which sees 600 or mor

11、e fans dressed in period dress as they walk from Royal Crescent Lawn through the city to Parade Gardens. It is a splendid sight to see in the historic, Georgian streets.When : Saturday, September 9/11: 00 am-12: 30 pm Where : Royal Crescent LawnTickets : 10 per adult / FREE to watchMr Wickham and an

12、 evening with Jane AustenJane Austen s most memorable characters come to life at the Old Theater Royal. Performances include the handsome Wickham Adrian Lukis. Period music and a talk from historian Catherine Creon will also feature.When : Sunday, September 10/7: 30 pm-9: 00 pm Where:The Masonic Hal

13、l Old Theater RoyalRegency Dance Workshops“ There is nothing like dancing. After all. I consider it as one of he first refinements of polished societies.” Join in on the fun. Costumes are welcome but not necessary.When : Thursday, September 14/10: 30 am-12: 00 pm Where : Assembly RoomsTickets : 15Ar

14、e there any free events. Yes.A Reading ofNorthanger Abbey. The novel will be read aloud throughout the festival. Sections of Austen s first novel are set in Bath and you can still find the locations mentioned.When : Everyday from Sept. 10-sept. I7 from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Where : Waterstones bookshop, M

15、ilsom Street upstairs1. What does the author say about the festival.A. It is in honor of a novelB. It starts on September 8C. It is held beyond BathD. It is intended for the locals2. Where should people wear special costumes to attend an event.A. Royal Crescent Lawn.B. The Masonic HallC. Assembly RoomsD. Waterstones bookshop.3. Which of t


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