江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案

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江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案_第1页
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江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案_第2页
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江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案_第3页
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《江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册(Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2))导学案(无答案) 牛津版 学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Grammar(2)导学案(无答案) 牛津版教学目标:1、学习人称代词主格的用法。 2、学习人称代词宾格的用法。 3、用正确的人称代词进行表达。 教学重点:用正确的人称代词进行表达 look at Let me see. after class. say hello to sb. On the phone教学难点:1、学习人称代词主格的用法。 2、学习人称代词宾格的用法。 Do you know the teacher over there? I have some new friends. Pardon.

2、教学过程: 一出示目标: 二、自主学习:1. 让学生归纳出已经学过的人称代词。 2. 自学课本36页B部分表格和118页的语法,初步认识人称代词。 3. 通过预习完成课本35页和36页的习题。. 三交流展示:1.学生之间相互交流学习成果。2.记忆人称代词的主格和宾格。四、释疑解难:人称代词不仅可以指代人,还可以指代动植物和无生命的物体。如果人称 代词在句子中做主语,用主格;如果人称代词作宾格,用宾格。主格常位于句首,宾格一般在动词或介词之后。五、当堂检测:得分:_1 填表格并完成下列题目我你他她它我们你们他们主格宾格Be动词(1) 让我看一看。 Let _ have a look.(2) 你在

3、1班吗?_ _ in Class 1?(3)西蒙是我的朋友,他在校足球队里。Simon_ my friend, _ is in the football team.(4) 基蒂是可爱的,她喜爱跳舞。 Kitty is cute, _ _ _.(5)这是我们的图书馆,它大而现代化。This is our library, _ is big and _. (6) 汤姆和我是好朋友,我们是同班同学。 Tom and I _good friends, _ _ _.(7) 我有许多朋友,他们都很好。I _ many friends, _are all very nice.二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1

4、. Miss Wang teaches _ ( we ) English.2. This is Daniel._ ( he ) is from Nanjing._ ( we ) all like _ ( he ).3. Look at that girl. _ ( her ) is my sister.4. Lets go and say hello to _ ( they )5. Eddie and Hobo are our friends. _ ( them ) are cute.6. There are some pictures. Please look at_(they). .7.

5、These small chairs are for_(we). 8. Miss Gao teaches_( I ) English.9. That girls name is Helen. _comes from Nanjing. We all like_ (she).10. There is a boy under the tree over there. Can you see _ (he)? 三根据句意,用正确的代词填空。1. My name is Lily. _ live in China.2. Hi, Amy! Do _ have a pen ?3. I am your Engli

6、sh teacher. Please listen to _ carefully.4. This is Millie. _ is a new student.5. Jill and Sandy are in the same class. _ are classmates.6.This is my book. please give _ to _.7.My new classmates are all nice to _.I love _ very much8. I like English very much. What about _ ?9. Where is my pen ? Oh, _

7、 is in the pencil box.10. My mother is ill. I have to look after _. 四、单项选择( )1. Zhang Hua is good at Maths, He often helps_with it. A. I B.me C. my D. he ( )2.-Is Mr Green your teacher? - Yes. He teaches _Maths. A. you B. us C. we D. our( )3.-Who is the girl? -_is my sister.A. She B. He C. It D.they

8、( )4What is this? _ is a desk.A. It B .he C. she D.this ( )5.-Parden?Millie, I cant hear _well. -I say you must come here before 7:00 tomorrow morning. A .me B. her C. him D.you五、翻译句子1、 别那样看着我。 Dont _ _ me like that.2. 、你现在不能见她,她正在打电话。 You cant see her now, she is _ _ _.3、 那有许多书。 There are _ _ books.4、 我所有的朋友真的很友好。_ _ _ are really nice .5、 下课后我喜欢和同学玩。 I like to _ _ my classmates _ _. 六、自我评价:



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