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1、四级词汇 CET4淘金词汇第四十九课 lesson49 Lesson_49ambassador n.大使,使节派驻国际 组织的代表 Mr.Li Zhaoxing was the former Chinese ambassador in the United States. ;李肇星先生是前任中国 驻美国大使. amid prep.在中间, 在之中;被围绕 Amid all the haste and confusion the bridegroom didnt remember ;忙乱中新郎忘记 giving the ring to the best man before leaving fo

2、r the church ;他在出发去教堂前已经 把戒指交给了男傧相. analyze vt.分析,细察,细查 Lucent Company carefully analyzed the telecom market ;朗讯公司仔细地分析了 电信市场, and won he biggest share in the bidding ;投标中成为最大赢家 for the CDMA network equipment supplier to China Unicom. ;在中国联通的CDMA网络 设备供应商. analysis n.分析;分析报告 Recent analysis showed th

3、at more and more people prefer to purchase an apartment ;最近的分析报告显示出, 越来越多人愿意购房, rather than rent one. ;不愿意租房. belief n.相信,信任;信念, (宗教)信仰 I have a firm belief that higher education will change a persons fate. ;我坚信高等教育会改变 一个人的命运. beloved a.所钟爱的,受爱戴的 Marx died beloved, ;马克思逝世了, revered and mourned by mi

4、llions of revolutionary fellow workers ;他都受到数百万革命战友 爱戴、尊敬和悼念 -from the mines of Siberia to California, in all parts of Europe and America. ;在整个欧洲和美洲, 从西伯利亚矿井到 加利福尼亚. collection n.收藏品,收集的东西; 收取,收集;聚集,积聚 Although we seldom mail letters now,some people still have a stamp collection. ;虽然我们现在很少邮寄 信件,有些人还

5、是有 邮票收藏. comedy n.喜剧;喜剧性(事件) All the world is a stage ;”大千世界是个舞台“ is a well-known line from Shakespeares comedy As You Like it. ;是莎士比亚的喜剧 皆大欢喜中的 一句著名的台词. command n.命令,指示;指挥;掌握 vt.命令;指挥;拥有, 掌握;值得;俯瞰 Soldiers must obey commands unconditionally. ;军人必须绝对服从命令. devise vt.设计, 发明(制度、工具等); 制定,策划;想出(方案 方法) As

6、tronauts must have the most rigorous training ;that is especially devised for them. ;宇航员必须接受专为他们 制定的最严格的训练. dial n.钟(或表)面; 标度盘;拨号盘 vt.拨(电话号码); 打电话给 Before you can surf on the Internet with your computer you have to dial up to the network ;你得拨号上网之后你 才能上因特网冲浪. diet n.日常饮食,食谱; (病人或减肥者的) 规定饮食 vt.节食 A su

7、gar-free diet is recommended for diabetics. ;(医生)建议糖尿病患者 使用无糖食谱. diplomatic a.外交的,从事外交的; 策略的,有手腕的 In general,good diplomatic relations ;总的来讲好的外交关系 will be helpful for the development of international trade. ;将有助国际贸易的发展. emotional a.表现强烈情感的,令人 动情的;情绪激动的; 感情(上)的;情绪(上)的 Bertrand Russell suffered a lot

8、of emotional problems ;伯特兰.罗素遭受了许多 感情问题的折磨, and as a result he had four marriages in his lifetime. ;一生中曾有4次婚姻. enable vt.使能够,使可能, 使可行 ICQ enables people to make online chats quicker and easier. ;ICQ (网上寻呼)使 人们能在网上聊天更快 更方便. enterprise n.(艰巨的)事业,计划; 事业心,进取心; 企业,公司 Conservative governments in Britain f

9、avour private enterprise ;英国的保守党政府赞成 私人经营 rather than nationalization. ;而反对国有化. flame n.火焰;火舌 He is bursting in to flames. ;他正怒火中烧. flee vi.逃走;逃掉 vt.逃离;避开;逃避 Japanese people are used to ;日本人已经习惯 quickly fleeing from buildings in an event of an earthquake. ;在地震发生时迅速逃离 建筑物. flesh n.肉,果肉; (the)肉体 The s

10、pirit is willing but the flesh is weak. ;心有余而力不足. grace n. 优美,优雅; 常p风度,魅力; (付款等的)宽限,缓期 vt.使优美,给增光 The grace with which Liu Xuan leaped into the air over the balance beam ;刘璇在平衡木上腾空而 起的优美姿势 was marvelous. ;真是绝妙. graceful a.优美的,优雅的; 得体的 Fu Mingxia is a graceful diving queen. ;伏明霞是个动作优美的 “跳水王后”. grave

11、n.坟墓 a.严重的;严肃的, 庄重的 Do you visit your ancestors grave when you have time? ;有时间你会为祖先 扫墓吗? highlight vt.强调,突出,使显著 n.最有意思的,最精彩的 (部分);最重要的事件 The highlight of our tour to Paris was visiting the Louvre. ;我们的巴黎之旅最精彩 的部分就是参观罗浮宫. highly ad.高度地,极,非常; 非常赞许地 Diamond jewelry is highly priced at the jewelers. ;珠宝

12、店里的钻石首饰标 价极高. injection n.注射;注入 The company will be revitalized by an injection of new funds. ;公司重新注入资金即 可复苏. insight n.洞察力,洞悉, 深刻的见解 We study science to gain deeper insight into natural laws. ;我们学习科学是要获得 对自然规律更深刻的了 解. instance n.例子,实例,事实 Lincoln is an instance of a poor boy who rose to fame. ;林肯是一个

13、由穷小子 一跃而成名的例子. jeans n.工装裤;牛仔裤 Wearing jeans to a formal party is rude and impolite. ;穿牛仔裤参加正式的 社交聚会是粗鲁无礼 的(表现). A jury is a group of people in a court chosen to listen to the trial ;陪审团是法庭选出来听 取审判jury n.陪审团;(竞赛或展 览的)评判委员会 and decide whether the accused is guilty or not. ;并审议被告人是否有罪的 一组人. practically ad.几乎,科实际上 Without a telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of practically ;如果没有电话, every business operation in the whole country. ;全国几乎所有商业运作就 都不能继续. pray v.祈祷;祈求; 请求;恳请 The Palestinian refugees prayed for an end to their sufferings. ;巴勒斯坦难民为早日结 束苦难而祈祷.


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