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1、第19讲九年级Units 78 要点梳理【词汇拓展】1tiring(adj)引起疲劳的;累人的一tired(adj) 疲劳的,累的2including(prep)包含,包括一inelude(v)3translate(v)翻译一translator(n)翻译员41ight(adj)轻的一light(adj)明亮的一light (n)灯光一light(v)点燃5hunger(n)饥饿一hungry(adj)饥饿的6coach(v)训练;指导一coach(n)教练7pleasure(n)愉快;快乐一pleased(adj)令人快乐的【重点短语】1would likelove to do sth 想要

2、做某事 2trek through穿越3take it easy放轻松 4hope to do sth 希望做某事5some dayone day(总)有一天 6somewhere relaxing令人放松的地方7consider doing sth 考虑做某事 8in general大体上;总体上9be supposed to do sth 被认为是;应该是10provide sbwith sth= provide sthfor sb 提供某人某物11save money省钱 12be away(from)远离13spend(moneytime)on sth 花(钱时间)在某物上 14tho

3、usands of成千上万15take part(in)参加 16do well in擅长于 1 7as soon as possible尽快地18so that以致于;以便于 19continue doing sth 继续做某事20according to根据 21all kinds of各种各样的 22quite a few相当多的23dream ofabout梦想 24be willing to(do)乐意(做)25hold on to sth 坚持某事 26clean up the city parks清扫市公园27help stop hunger帮助脱离饥饿 28help homel

4、ess people帮助无家可归的人29set up a food bank建立食物供给站30give out food at the food bank在食物供给站分发食物3 1cheer up sick kids使生病的孩子快乐起来32help kids with their school work 帮助孩子做功课33give away clothes to charity赠送衣服给慈善机构34come up with a plan=think up a plan想出方案35(not)put off making a plan(不要)推迟制订方案36write down all the i

5、deas写下所有意见37put up signs贴告示38hand out advertisements分发广告39call up people打 给人们40volunteer oneS time to do sth 志愿花时间做某事41put sthto good use好好利用某物 42spen&(in)doing sth花费做某事43not onlybut also 不但而且44feel good about(doing sth)对(做某事)感觉良好45run out of用完 46take afterbe similar to与相像47fix up修理 48fillwith 用装满49

6、help sbout帮助某人脱离困境 50at once立刻;马上【重点句型】1where would you like to go on vacation?你想去哪里度假呢? Id likelove to trek through the jungle我想穿越丛林。2I hope to see Niagara Falls some day我希望有一天能看到尼亚加拉大瀑布。3Why not consider visiting Paris?为什么不考虑去巴黎?4Id like to help homeless people我想要帮助无家可归的人们。5We could help clean up

7、the city parks我们可以帮助清扫市公园。6Ill hand out advertisements after school我将在放学后分发广告。7Were going to set up a food bank to help people我们将建立食物供给站来帮助人们。8Lets cheer up sick kids让我们使生病的孩子快乐起来吧9Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do帮助别人不仅使我感觉很好,而且我开始做我喜

8、欢做的事儿了。10Being a volunteer is great!作志愿者真伟大!考点精讲【重点单词短语】1provide n提供。供给。供给 (1)provide sthfor sb=provide sbwith sth意为“为某人提供某物。如: My parents provide me with some money every week=My parents provide some money forme every week我的父母亲每周给我一些钱。(2)provide+从句意为“规定;约定。如: The school provides that no students ar

9、e allowed to be late for sch001规定学生上学不许迟到。适时点津offer也意为“提供,其用法为:offer sbsth=offer sthto sb活学活用Our teachers us with some helpA offer Bgive Csend Dprovide解析:此题考查provide的用法,以及与其他动词的辨析。这个空需要一个双宾动词,就是动词后跟间接宾语和直接宾语。这里的直接宾语前有个with,与with搭配的就只有provide。答案:D2consider n=think about考虑。认为(1)consider doing sth意为“考虑

10、做某事。如:Can you consider going with us?你能考虑和我们一起去吗?(2)consideras意为“把看作。如:We consider Bering as the heart of our country我们把看作是祖国的心脏。 (3)consider sbto be意为“认为某人。如:I consider him to be my her0我视他为我的英雄。适时点津接动名词作宾语的动词还有:keep,mind,finish,enjoy,practice,imagine等。活学活用Mum。why not having hamburgers instead of d

11、umplings? Good ideaIll get for youApractice Bremember Cforget Dconsider解析:此题考查动词短语consider doing sth,根据句意“考虑吃饺子不吃汉堡,应选D。答案:D3come true成为现实。实现 是不及物动词词组,主语为某物。如:My dream has come true=I have achieved my dream我的梦想实现了。 适时点津 achieve与come true都表示“实现,但achieve是及物动词,它的主语通常是某人。 活学活用 ()He said,“Jack,now you ca

12、n go to the art college and your will come trueI will take care of you Away Bidea Cdream Dpractice 解析:此题考查词义辨析。根据句意可知是实现梦想,故dream符合语境。 答案:C 4pleasure n愉快,快乐,快乐(是不可数名词) (1)Its amy pleasure别客气。(用来答复别人的感谢。) With pleasure当然可以。(用来表示乐意帮助。) (2)pleased为形容词,意为“感到快乐的,满意的,形容人的满足感与快乐感。词组:be pleased with“对感到满意。如

13、: Im pleased with the results对结果我非常满意。 (3)pleasant(ndj)愉快的,常用来形容某物或做某事令人愉快。如: Its very pleasant to sit down after standing for a long time站了很长时间后坐下来很舒服。活学活用 () you help me with the heavy box? With pleasure AMust BShould CCan DNeed 解析:此题为情景对话,根据答复With pleasure用来表示乐意帮助。 答案:C5fill v装满,填满 (1)fillwith意为“

14、用装满,其主语通常是人。如: He filled the bag with apples他把袋子装满了苹果。 (2)fillwith的被动形式是be filled with,相当于be full of,其主语通常是物或人。如: Her eyes were filled with tears她眼里噙满了泪水。 The bottle is full of water这个瓶子装满了水。适时点津full是形容词,其反义词为empty空的。活学活用()So songs were often angerAfilled with Bshort of C in need of解析:此题考查动词词组be filled with的用法,主语为某物,根据句意可知应是“充满


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