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1、九年级九年级英语英语 Unit 8 Lesson 29Lesson 32 人教朗文版人教朗文版【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Unit 8 Lesson 29Lesson 32一. 词汇 1. eve n. 节日或大事件发生的前夕the night or an important religious day or day before something important happens like a festival e.g. New Years Eve 除夕 on the eve of great events 大事件之前夕 Then on Christmas Eve

2、the night before Christmas Day children put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. 然后在圣诞节前夜圣诞节的前一天晚上孩子们睡觉前在他们的床头放一只袜子。 2. stocking n. 长筒袜sock e.g. a pair of stockings 一双长袜 Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well. 一些人甚至还给他们的宠物挂起袜子。 3. pet n. 宠爱的动物an animal that

3、lives in the house with the family . It is often thought of as a family member. e.g. Many people feed on pets in their house at present. 目前有许多人在家里饲养宠物。 Mary is the teachers pet. person treated as a favourite. 4. dry v. 把弄干;晒干not wet e.g. The wet socks will dry soon. 湿短袜很快就会干的。 We dried our shoes in

4、front of the fire. 我们在火前烘干了我们的鞋。 5. greet v. 问候,向人打招呼to welcome someone with certain words like hello , hi , etc. e.g. Please greet your teachers when you meet them. They greeted me with a shower of shouting. 他们对我以高声呼喊相迎接。 Music greets the ear. 乐声入耳。二. 课文重点分析: 1. Now come on , lets help decorate the

5、 tree. 快点吧,让我们来帮着装饰这棵圣诞树吧。 decorate 是动词,表示“装饰、修饰、装修等含义。 e.g. How beautiful the girls decorated the classroom ! 女孩们把教室装饰得真漂亮啊! It took us a month to decorate our new house last year. 去年装饰新房子花了我们一个月时间。 2. I mean we have to put up the lights and Christmas balls. 我的意思是我们得把灯和圣诞球挂在树上。 put up 在句子中是“挂上、挂起之意

6、,还可以表示“举起、抬起之意。 e.g. Look ! this is my new photo. Please help me put it up on the wall. 看!这是我的新照片,请帮助我挂在墙上。 Put up your hands if you know the answer, children. 孩子们,如果你们知道答案,请举起手来。 put up a tent 搭建帐篷 put up a notice 张贴布告 3. To be here at Christmas time is a dream has come true. 圣诞期间到这儿来是我的梦想,它终于实现了。

7、come true 意思是“愿望实现“预言成真等。 e.g. Your dream will come true some day. 有一天你的梦想会实现的。 She has won a gold medal in the Olympic Games . Her dream has come true. 她已经在奥运会上获得了一块金牌,她的梦想已经实现了。 4. What do you mean by “decorate the tree ? “装扮圣诞树是什么意思? mean 意为“表示“指而言 e.g. People call him Jesus Christ because Christ

8、 means to save. 人们叫他耶稣基督,因为基督是救赎的意思。 在 mean 的后面可接动词不定式,或接名词短语,或者接宾语从句。 e.g. I mean that we have to put up the lights and Christmas balls. 我的意思是我们在树上放上彩灯和圣诞球。 mean 还表示“意图、“打算等含意。 e.g. We sometimes hurt peoples feelings without meaning it. 我们有时会在无意中伤害别人的感情。 Do you mean to go without money ? 你打算身无分文地去吗

9、? 5. Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well. 有些人甚至也为他们的宠物挂上袜子。 as well 意为“也,多用于口语中,用法与 too 完全一样,通常放在句末使用,但不必与主句分开,加逗号。 e.g. He sent me a letter and some money as well. 他给我寄来一封信,还有一些钱。 Li Ye is not only good at singing , she is good at playing the violin as well. 李叶不仅歌唱得好,也擅长拉小提琴。 6

10、. Father Christmas is very kindhearted. 圣诞老人非常热心。 Father Christmas 相当于 Santa Claus . kind hearted 是“热心的之意。 e.g. When I got lost in Sydney . I met a kindhearted girl. 当我在悉尼迷路时,我遇上了一个好心的姑娘。 Is your new friend a kindhearted man ? 你的新朋友是一个好心人吗? 7. Even though Father Christmas is no longer living , his s

11、pirit of generosity lives on today. 尽管圣诞老人不复存在,但今天慷慨大方的精神依然长存。 1even though 意为“即使之意,大多置于句首,引导让步状语从句。在英语句子中,用 even though , 就不用 but,而在中文句子两者不可缺少。 e.g. Even though I fail Ill keep on trying. 尽管我失败了,但我仍坚持尝试。 Even though he is ninety , he looks strong and healthy. 尽管他九十岁了,但他看上去健康又强壮。 2no longer = not an

12、y longer. 意为“不再之意。 e.g. He no longer lives here . = He doesnt live here any longer. 他不再住在这里了。 My daughter can finish the work by herself , because she is no longer a child. 我女儿能单独完成这项工作,因为她已不再是一个小孩子了。 注意:no longer 多与延续性动词连用,指与过去比而不再,经常用于现在时态中,在句子中位于行为动词之前,be 动词的后面。 no more = not any more. 经常与瞬间动词连用,

13、表示今后不再,经常用于将来时,过去时态中。 3live on 意为“继续活着,on 表示“继续之意。 e.g. Mozart is dead but his music lives on. 莫扎特死了,但他的音乐还活在人们心中。 Do you know the spirit of Lei Feng will live on ? 你知道雷锋精神会继续传下去吗? Hold on , please. 请不要挂 。请稍等。 Why dont you go on ? 你为什么不继续下去? 8. Children wake up very early , and cant wait to open the

14、 presents in their stockings and under the tree. 孩子们早早就醒了,他们迫不急待地翻开袜子里和树下的礼物。 cant wait to do something 是“迫不急待地做某事,急迫地做某事之意。 e.g. Judy cant wait to open my letter. 珠娣迫不急待地翻开我的来信。 John likes watching TV so much that he cant wait to turn on the TV as soon as he gets home. 约翰太爱看电视,以致他一到家就迫不急待地翻开电视机。 9.

15、 Once upon a time , a man told people of the coming of a boy. 从前,有个人向人们讲述,一个男孩即将出世的事。 1once upon a time 意思是“从前,“很早以前,固定搭配短语,用于故事开头。 e.g. Once upon a time , there lived a fisherman. 从前,有一个渔夫住在这里。 Once upon a time , there were no men on the earth. 很久之前,地球上没有人类。 2tell sb.of 意思是“告诉某人“提到,提及,描述之意。 e.g. He

16、 told me of his worries. 他告诉我他的担忧。 The book told the students of the story about a famous scientist. 这本书给学生们讲述了一个著名科学家的故事。 Every year , parents would tell their children about the boy who would save his people. 每年,当父母的都要对孩子们讲那个能拯救人民的男孩的故事。 也可以用 tell sb . about sth . 10. That night Mary give birth to this very special boy. 那天晚上,玛丽生下了这个特殊的男孩。 1give birth to 是“生孩子,“孕育“产下之意。 e.g. She gave birth to a healthy baby last night. 昨晚她生下一个健康的婴儿。 The big cat gave birth to four little cats this year. 今年这只大猫产下


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