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1、2020-2021学年小学六年级英语上册期末复习试卷及答案 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容(读两遍,10分)( ) 1. A. kingB. kiltC. quick( ) 2. A. watchB. wasteC. water( ) 3. A. fullB. thirstyC. hungry( ) 4. A. doctorB. astronautC. dentist( ) 5. A. a nice place B. travel aroundC. a tidy and clean place( ) 6. A. August 3rd B. October 3rd C. A

2、ugust 13th( ) 7. A. plastic bags B. paper bags C. plastic bottles( ) 8. A. Giraffe points at his neckB. Giraffe points at his long neckC. Giraffe points at his long nose.二、听录音,根据所对话及问题,选择正确的图片。(读两遍,5分)三、听录音,按所听故事给下列图片标序号。(读两遍,8分)四、听录音,根据你所听到的内容完成句子。(读三遍,11分)1.In spring, the weather in Hangzhou is _

3、and _.2.Every _ many students go to _ trees.3.In summer people can _ and _ _ in the lake.4.The winter in Hangzhou is _.5.The writer likes spring best, because the _ is _ and the leaves are _. 笔试部分(共70分) 一、语音和词汇。(18分)A)将下列单词按划线部分发音归类。(8分)It is Sunday morning. My little sistershouts “Brother, dont do

4、homework. Dont copy the words. Lets get out and do some sports.”1. for_ _2.worker _ _3. tiger_ _4.house _ _B)从方框内选择合适的词并用其正确形式填空。(10分)1. From then on, the weather _snowy.2. Yang Ling wants to be a _.3. Dancing makes people _ and beautiful.4. Wood _from trees.5. Spring Festival is coming soon. The ch

5、ildren are getting _.6. We must _the cars on the roads.7. The woman is _ fat. She cant move.8. I cant find my key. Can you help me _ the key?9. Dont drink _ cola. Its bad for your teeth.10. My mum _ me a new skirt from Shanghai yesterday.二、选择最佳答案。(10分)( )1.I dont understand. _?Because you should do

6、homework now.A.When can I watch TV.B. Where can I watch TV.C.Why cant I watch TV.( )2.At _,children knock onpeoplesdoors and shout “Trick or treat”.A.HalloweenB.ChristmasC.Thanks giving Day( )3.The Yellowstonenational Park is in _( )4.To keep the city clean, we shouldnt_A.throw rubbish on the ground

7、B.plant more trees C.walk to school( )5.Stop! Theres a _ man. We _walk now.A.green; mustntB.red; mustC.red; mustnt( )6.What _ the room messy?The _ make the room messy.A.make; toyB.makes; bookC.makes; books( )7.Welcome to Beijing. Let me_ you _our city.A.show; fromB.show; aroundC.show; for( )8.Dont u

8、se _plastic bags.A.too many B.too muchC.much too( )9.Lily is good at _ the piano, she wants to be a _.A.playing;pianistB.play; pianist C.playing; dancer( )10.I have a healthy diet, I have _at dinner.A.a lot of rice; much meatB.some cakes; a lot of ice creamC.a little rice; some fish and vegetables.三

9、、选用方框内的句子补全对话,并将序号填在横线上。(6分)A: Look at the photo of the Earth. _B: Are they land?A: Yes, they are. Well done. _B: They are clouds. _A: Yes, you are right. _.B:_ . Wemust protect the Earth四、根据上下文完成对话,每空填一词。(13分)A:_was your Spring Festival? _ you happy?B: Of course. I saw lots of interesting things.A:

10、 Did you_ the fireworks and firecrackers?B: No, I think the _ from them makes the city dirty. So I _do that.A: What did you do then?B: I _the old paper to make some paper cuts(剪纸) and _them on the door.A: Its a good way to _our city _.B: Yes. Well have a class _ for this winter holidayA: _ was it?B:

11、 Protect the Earth. _ you like to _ us?A: Yes, Id love to.五、阅读理解(15分)A)根据首字母和上下文提示,将下列短文补充完整。(5分)Nancy has many good h_. She a_ get up early in the morning and n_ goes to bed late. She can a_ puts her things in order and f_ her homework b_ dinner. She has a h_ diet, she usually has meals on t_ and e

12、ats lots of vegetables and fruit. She can f_ the traffic rules and stay s_ on the road, too. Shes really a good student.B)根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(5分)Forests are important to men and animals. They provide food and shelters for animals. If there are no trees, animals will have no food or shelters.

13、They will soon die. We get many materialsfrom forests. We get food from trees. Wood is useful for making paper and furniture. Land is also important. We use oil to make plastic. We use metal to make cans and use clay for making bowls and plates. We get sand from beaches. We use sand to make glass. All the things we get from forests and land are necessary in our daily life. We cant live without forests or land. Everyone should protect forests and our environment.() 1. Forests are important to us.() 2. Animals will die quickly without trees.() 3. Trees only



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