人教PEP版四年级英语上册《Unit 6 Part B 第一课时》教学课件优秀公开课

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1、Unit 6 Meet my family!,Part B Lets talk& Draw and say,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册,I Love You.,Lets sing I love you. You love me. Were a happy family. With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Wont you say you love me too.,Warm up,Who are they? What do they do? Can you guess?,Linlins family,Lead i

2、n,Linlins family,This is Linlins father.,Hes a teacher.,This is Linlins big brother. Hes a football player.,This is Linlins mother. Shes a nurse.,This is Linlin. Hes a pupil.,Zhang Peng and Sarah are talking about her family. Watch and answer.,2. Whats her aunts job?,1. Is Sarahs uncle a teacher?,No

3、, hes a football player.,Shes a nurse.,job工作,Presentation,Is this your uncle, Sarah?,Yes, it is. Hes a football player.,Whats your aunts job?,Shes a nurse.,Is this your baby brother?,No, its me.,Listen and read.,Is this your uncle, Sarah?,Yes, it is. Hes a football player.,aunts job?,Shes a nurse.,I

4、s this your baby brother?,No, its me.,1. Read the text freely.,2. Act it out in groups. Whats your,1. Is this your uncle, Sarah? Yes, it is.,Language points,【详解】此句型用来询问某人与说话方的亲属关系。it指代照片中的人物。 句型结构: Is this your ? 回答: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. eg. Is this your aunt? Yes, it is. Is this your baby brot

5、her? No, it isnt.,2. Whats your aunts job? Shes a nurse.,【详解】此句型用来询问某人的职业。 句型结构: Whats + sbs + job? 回答: 主语 + be动词 + a/an + 职业名称. eg. Whats your fathers job? He is a football player. Whats your cousins job? She is a teacher.,Fill in the blanks.,Is this your uncle, Sarah?,Whats your aunts job ?,Shes a

6、 nurse .,Yes, it is. Hes a football player .,Is this your baby brother?,No, its me .,Hi. Im Lucy. Meet my family!,This is my mother. Whats her job? Shes ateacher .,Practice,This is my uncle. Whats his job? Hes a football player.,This is my aunt. Whats her job? Shes a nurse .,We are a happy family!,T

7、alk about your family.,My mother isteacher.,My mother is a nurse. Joes mother is a teacher.,My father is a worker. Lilys mother is a nurse. Joes mother is a teacher.,My father is a football player. Jacks father is a worker. Lilys mother is a nurse. Joes mother is a teacher.,Lets do like this.,Draw a

8、nd say,Is this your mother? Yes, it is. Whats her job? Shes a nurse.,Is this your mother? Yes, it is. Whats her job? Shes a teacher.,Lets drawandsay.,A: Is this your ? B: Yes, it is. A: Whats his/her job? B: Hes/ Shes a ,Home is your warm harbor. Please love your family and love your parents. 家是你温暖的

9、港湾。 请爱你的家人,爱你的父母。,一、看图片,选单词。,Exercises,B. Thats my uncle.,B. Yes, it is.,B. She is a nurse.,B. She is a nurse.,二、为下列问句选出正确的答句。,A. Six. (B) 2. Is this your uncle? A. He is a football player. (B) 3. Whats your aunts job? A. He is a teacher. (A) 4. Whats your uncles job? A. He is a doctor.,(A) 1. How m

10、any people are there in your family?,三、连词成句。 this,your,is,brother( ? ) I_s_t_h_i_s _y_o_ur b_ro_t_h_e_r? is,your,what,uncles,job( ? ) Wh_a_t_is yo_u_r_u_n_c_le_s jo_b_? a,is,football,he,player( . ) He_is a_f_o_ot_b_a_ll_p_l_ay_e_r_. family,hi,meet,my( . ! ) Hi._M_e_e_t_my_f_a_m_il_y!,七彩课堂,1. 学习了下列词汇:job, football player, nurse。,学习了询问他人职业的句型: Whats伴your你s 成job?长 Shes/ Hes a .,Summary,Act the dialogue out,Read the tex伴t to y你our,parents.,Draw a picture of your,with your par七tner.彩课堂parents job, then ask,and answer in groups. 成长,ONE,TWO,Homework,谢谢观看,Thank You,


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