人教PEP版三年级英语上册《Unit 4 Part A 第一课时》教学课件优秀公开课

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1、Unit 4 We love animals,Part A Lets talk& Lets play,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册,Lets sing the ABC song.,Warm up,Guessing game.,Whats this? Its the letter F.,Lead in,Whats this?,Its the letter A.,Whats this? Its the letter C.,Whats this?,Its the letter G.,Whats this?,Its the letter H.,Lets talk,Is the let

2、ter F? Its a shadow of our hands. Whats the animal? Lets watch the video.,Presentation,Watch againandanswer.,Whats this? Its a duck . Whats this? Its adog . Whats this? Its a bear.,Listenandreadafter it. Whats this?,Its a duck.,Whats this?,Oh, no! Its a bear!,Whats this?,Its a dog.,Oh, its Zoom!,Lan

3、guage points,Whats this? Its a duck.,【详解】这组对话常用于询问和回答近处的某物是什么。 回答用“Its (It is)+ a/an +名词.”。,Whats this?,IIttssaapneenrcails. er.,Its a duck.,Whats this?,Oh, no! Its a bear!,Whats this?,Its a dog.,Oh, its Zoom!,1. Read freely in groups.,2. Act and find the best group. Whats this?,Whats this? Its a/an

4、 ,Practice,Lets play,Its a duck.,Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a dog.,Pair work.,两人一组,轮流做出动物叫声与动作或者手影。要用Whats this? Its a .相互提问。,一、连一连。,duck dog cat bear,Exercises,Its a cat. Its a dog. Its a duck.,( C ) 1. Quack! Quack! ( A ) 2. Mew! Mew! ( B ) 3. Woof! Woof!,二、选一选。,this(?),bearit(.),iswhat _? ais, _

5、.,三、连词成句。,I want to know,Do you like animals?,Animals can do a lot for us. They are our friends. We should love them. We should protect their homes.,1. 学习了下列单词:bear, duck, dog。,2. 学习了询七问动彩物课名称堂并回答的句型: What伴s th你is? 成长 It is a/an ,Summary,伴你成长,听、跟读并与七自己彩的,同伴表演 Lets talk。,课堂与同伴一起玩Lets,play。,one,two,Homework,谢谢观看,Thank You,


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