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1、精品word学习资料可编辑五年级下册单元复习重点总结第一单元重点单词 : 对应词 down 向下-up 向上 sit 坐 -stand 站 hungry 饿得-thirsty 渴得candy 就是不行数名词没有复数 baby 得复数 babies短语:1,go to Beijing 去北京 2 ,at the train station 在火车站 3,wantto 想要4,sit down 坐下 5,stand up 起立 6,go straight 直走 7,run to 跑向 8,look out of 向外瞧 9,on the train 在火车 10, look at 观看 11,dr

2、awa picture 画画 12point to 指向 13,read a book读书 14,sing a song 唱歌 15,have breakfast吃早点 16,fly a kite 放风筝 17,hereyouare 给您18,readthe newspape读r 报19,havefun 玩得兴奋20,talk to与,谈话21,play with 跟玩 22,play cards 打牌 23,go on a trip to Beijing 去北京旅行 24, get the tickets 买票 25, howmuch多少钱 26,havea good/great/nice

3、trip 一次精妙得旅行 27,listen to music听音乐句子:1, Please dont jump!不要跳祈使句无主语, 动词开头, 动词前加not 表否定; 2, A:Whaat re you doing ?您在干什么?B:I m readinga book,我正在读书;3, A:Whois singing ?谁在唱歌?B:The girl is singing ;这个女孩在唱歌;4, A:Who is hungry?谁饿了?B:I m hungr,y 我饿了;5, A:Would you like some fruit. 您想要点水果吗? B: Yes,please/ No,

4、 thanks,6, A:What would you like.您想要点什么?B: I d like some candy,我想要点糖果;7, A:What is the baby doing ?这个婴儿在干什么?B:The baby is crying,这个婴儿在哭;8, The womabnehind meis singing , 在我后面得女人正在唱歌;一,二单元通用 作文用现在进行时态描述在火车上或就是在公园里观看别人正在干什么;On the Train/Inthe ParkTodayis Sunday,Myfamily goesto Beijing by train(thepark

5、 ), I see manypeopleon the train(in the park ) ,What are they doing now. Look. The girl is drawing a picture,The baby is crying ,Themanis singing a song,The womains reading a book,Somemenare playing cards ,Theyare happy,语法 :祈使句名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑定义: 用于表达命令, 恳求, 劝说, 警告, 禁止得句子;结构1 , 表确定动词原形+其她成分St

6、and up,Be careful,Lets go ,2 , 表否定 Dont + 动词原形Dont eat , Dont jump,3 , 句首或句尾加上please , 表示语气委婉;4 Dontturn left, 转变为确定句; Turn left ,5,Sitdow,n 转变成否定得句子;Dont sit down ,以后仍会学到 No smoking. No parkin,g其次单元单 词:arrive到达people人 们单 复数 不变child-childrenbaby-babies woman-womenman-men thousand千easy简洁得difficult困难得

7、 chair椅子table桌子fall摔倒camera相机 tired疲乏得hungry饥饿得thirsty口渴得 go去 stop停 wait等待kilometer缩写 km千米afraid可怕得busy 忙 碌得 kind 好心得对应词:easy 简洁得 -difficult复杂得ask问 -answer答 high高-low低sad哀痛得 -happy轻盈得短语:1,到达 arrivein +大地点arriveat+详细得小地点2,in the afternoon在下午3,onone s wayto, , 在某人去路上(ones 指谁得)4,in the park 在公园5,play f

8、ootball踢足球6, do Tai Chi 打太极7,take a picture /take pictures 照相8,Dont worry 别担忧9,lookin向里瞧10, be careful 当心11,need to 需要 12,far from 远离13,on the way back to 回去得路上 14,goforawalk去闲逛15,too many太多16,be afraid 可怕17,onthe street 在街上18,buy for 买给 19,how old 多少岁20,howlong 多长21,be goingto 将要22,more than超出 23,g

9、o on 连续24, on the Great Wall 在长城句子:1, They areon their way tothe hotel,她们在去宾馆得路上;2. There are many peoplein the park ,有很多人在公园;名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑3. Some people are taking pictures,一些人正在拍照;4. Dont worry ,I can help you , 别担忧, 我会帮您得;5. He hurts his tail, 她伤到了她得尾巴;6,Be careful . 当心Dont be afraid ,别

10、可怕;7, Somechildren are playing football;一些孩子在踢足球;8, Jenny can fly a kite , It s easy,珍妮可以放风筝, 它很简洁;Danny can t fly a kite, It s difficult, 丹尼不会放风筝, 它很难;9. A:How oldis the Palace Museum故.宫博物馆有多久历史? B:It s about six hundred years old ,它大约有六百年得历史;10. How longis it . About6000 kilometers, 它有多长?大约六千千米;10

11、, Jennybuysa kitefor her sister ,詹妮给她得妹妹买了一个风筝;11, A:May I take your picture. 我可以给您拍照吗? Sure ,当然可以;12, What timeisit.=Whatsthetime.Its2:30现在几点了?现在2:30语法:现在进行时现在进行时得结构: 主语+be动词+动词ing 形式+其她; He isreading a book,否定形式 : 在be动词后加notHe isnotreading a book,一般疑问句 : 把be动词提前Ishenot reading a book,确定否定回答Yes,he

12、is ,No,he isnt ,特别疑问句:特别疑问词+一般疑问句What is he doing now .动词现在分词:shop - shoppingsit - sittingfallfallingswim - swimmingtalk - talkingdo - doingplay - playinglike - likingdance - dancingdraw - drawinglook - lookingpoint - pointingsee - seeingsleep - sleeping have- having write writingput - puttingfeel f

13、eelingwait - waiting第三单元单词:postcard明信片write a letter写信email邮件 paper纸puter电影address地址 stamp 邮票 postoffice邮局 trafficlights红绿灯use使用take pictures拍照对应词 : remember 记得- forget遗忘slow -慢 fast快名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑短语:1,a picture of the PalaceMuseum一张故宫得图 2, sendto 寄给 3,on the left/right 在左/ 右边 4, on a puter

14、 在电脑上 5, excuseme 打搅了 6,turn left 左转 7,at the traffic lights 在交通灯处 8,at the post office 在邮局 9,write to 给某人写信 10,goodidea 好想法 11,gobackhome回家12,seeyousoon 回头见 13,at the end 最终 14,all the best 万事如意 15,a very big city 一个特别大得城市 16,on February8在二月八号 17,time to go home该回家了 18, go back to Canada= e home to Cana回da加拿大句子:1. A postcard has a picture on it;明信片上有一张图片;2. This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum,这张明信片有一张关于故宫得照片;3. He wants to send a letterto his father ,她想寄一封信给她得爸爸;4, Where do you write on a postcard.Onthe left ,您把



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