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1、(广东外语外贸高校)英国文学期末考试试题Ins t on :This examinatin consiof 5 prts, a d the totati efo the x i at onishours、 Althe answ h uldbe entern o the Ans r Sheet;Pa t I: l ipleChoices( )Choo thebest anwer ttheol win sentences、1、 hich oft ll ingis T a f a ure o e ulf.A. Allitea io B 、 Ang o- axons early lifenE g nd

2、C、 Ge ma ica g ageD 、 he ti nal ep c o n l Saxon peol、Engl sh Renassance Perowas n a o 、A 、 prosea d ove B 、 po tr andra aC 、 ssa nd jo rn l D ; b ds and songs1 th3 、 h i litera f r of e ear yentury aspoet y.Jh Mi t was ak wled as t gre tes ; ide hi , the e wer to roup fpoe s. Theyer th Ca alier poe

3、t and、A.t la e e s ; th universit itsC ; th ta hys cal oet D ; the Romantcpoets4. Pam l s widelcon ide e to behe f rnove nd was i by_ .A 、 Thoma rdy. J eJoyc C、 S ue Ric ar on、 Henry Fielding.The pub icatio f, w ic was the joiwo k o Williamordsw rt n S muel T、 C l rid e, mare the be ingofhe R m ntic

4、 Age in Enland.A. D n J nB、 h ie f t e A cient Mar er 、 Ly ica B ladsD. ueen Ma6 、 A ong he most famou eal sticno e ists of the Vitoria ageare,W ; ;Tackeray, B onte sters, etc、A ;J e C n d. HenryFieldingC;Charles DickensD ;D.;La ren e7 、In James Joyc s thetory“ Evei ” inta o traito a n wo a rom Du i

5、n deciinghether n t tolea e herometow、A.Ulys sB 、 OrlanC. ubl n r 、 Po rai of tAr ist as Y ng Manth8 ; I th 18centu y n lan , s tir wa much used i riting 、Lite atu e of this age ro ed som excel en sa ris s,suc as J a h Sif , Henr Fi dingnd、illia Bl keB ; Robertur s、 A ex n er opeD 、 Dan e Defo9 、Wil

6、liamW rdsworthne e use “ gau yand a e hr seolo ”causee fe tthatp e r so _ 、A. b r on y y the w d ca edB. usedi icult voca l r to exp e sco p cat d mo i nsC ; s simple s eec t co mu i ate ttr h f hum e eriencD. rely on trange and unmonords o bri pe p enew ex e i nc 10 ;V giniaWoolfisren wnedf r ad pt

7、 ng he ec nique,whichdisplaysth sequecef to h s and i p sons ina personsind 、A. mind eading; thir -pe sn n rra inC、 tr m of co scio e sD ; em nistP tII:Ga F ll ng (10 )Cmpl t hefol win se tencesandriteyou an we s onth n er Shee;1 、 G f r Ch e s o kgiv s s a pictureof he onditionofngli h l e ofh s ay

8、,su h a o k andp ay,it de d nddreams, s unand sympath .2、D r g the No an C quest, the mosimpo t nt fo mlitera omp sition is, h repre nta i e ofwhichi helegendofKin Ar hu andtheroundt ek gh s.3 、Epoch f Renai sancewitnes edpa t ula velopmet of Eng ishd am 、 t asilliam hak pear and om dbla kver e ep n

9、 palvehic e ofxp ession n drama;4 ; Hamlet,Othello,Ma betha dare en ally eg rded s Willia hakespeare s fou g eatrage ies 、5 、 un Spe ser is genea y e a d d a t ereat st ondramic po t of the El abe an Age. H s am i c f sedon i m terpiece;6 ; InE za ethanPerio ,wrot mo tha ex elentes ays,which mad mo

10、eofthe bes ss yi ts inEnglish litert re.7.The s aprogre ve n ell ctual ve en throu hout wes ern E hropethe 18centur;18 th8.Inhelatter p rt ofthecentur ,th e ap ear d, as a eac i n ag st ea on, _ nov l and liteatur o sentimentali .9 ;ThomasG ayhighly prip emsow th poet s s mpa yforth or, ado d mnsth grea ones who d sp s thepoorbrin uffe ing o th


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