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1、Period 2 Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This Period :This period includes revision of the text.learning about language.From this period the students will learn how to use some of the key words and expressions in the text and do some exercises for consolidation , and learn how to use the

2、Present Perfect Passive Voice.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn to use some useful words and expressions. 2.Enabl e the students to learn how to use the present perfect passive voice. Teaching Important Point :The use of the present perfect passive voice.Teaching Difficult Points :How to ma

3、ster the usages of some importantwords and phrases and the Present Perfect Passive Voice.Teaching Methods :1.Task-based learning. 2.Cooperative learning. 3.Explanation and practice. Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 RevisionT:Boys and girls ,in last period w

4、e learned something about the history and development of computers.Now who would like to retell the text with the help of these figures.S1: Let me try.In1642, a calculatingmachine was used inFrance.Then in 1922,the Analytical Machine wasmade by Charles Babbage.It could follow instructions from cards

5、 with holes.In 1936 ,Alan Turing ,the real father of computers ,wro te a book to describe how computers couldbe madetoworkandbuilta“ universalmachine ” tosolveanymathematical problem.Later , people discovered the computer had“ artificial intelligence” .In the 1960s , the computer got his new transis

6、tors.Its size was totally changes at that time.And in the early 1960s, the first family of computers were connected to each other.In 1970s , computers have brought into peoples homes.Now computers have been used bybillionsof people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the

7、world by the Internet.T:Congratulations.You ve done very well.Now try to do the same to your partners, OK. Step 2 Words and ExpressionsTask 1T:Please turn to Page 19 and finish Discovering Useful Words and Expressions.At first,look atEx.1.Fromthereadingpassage, findthewordsandexpressions withthefoll

8、owing meanings.Now , ten students will be asked to give the words.Who can.V olunteers.Check the answers together.Task 2.T: Well done.Now please look at Ex 2.and complete the passage with some of the words4above.Pay attention to the use and the forms of those words.The possible answers:networksothatw

9、ent bytotallytrulysimple-mindedAnywaydeal with Task 3T:Please finish Ex.3.Look at the sentences on Page 20.Tick the right word.Then some of youwill be asked to read the sentences one by one.The possible answers:1.Life totally changed when I went to university.2.I was amazed to find that I won the co

10、mpetition to design a new computer. 3.The competition was so exciting that we cheered all evening.4.I was so excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei that I could not sleep.5.Robots can be bought so cheaply that I gave one to each of my friends. 6.It was so unlucky that you lost your watch at th

11、e concert.Task 4T: Please turn toPage 56 and lets finishUsingWords and Expressions.First lookat Ex.1.Read through the words in the right-hand box below.Use some of them to name each part ofa computer in the left-hand box.We have known about computer.But who can giveus the exact names.The possible an

12、swers:1.floppydisc2.hard disc3.scanner4.modem5.CD-ROM6.monitor7.keyboard 8.printerTask 5T:Now please look at Ex.2.Complete the sentences with some of the words in the right-hand box above.You can use each word only once.First do the exercise individually, and then check yo ur answers with your partn

13、ers.And last seven students will be asked to report their answers tothe class.The possible answers:1.A printer is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper, especially once connected to a computer.2.A CD-ROM or disk is the main device that a computer uses to store information.3.A monitor is

14、 used to see your data on a computer.4.A keyboard is used to put data into a computer.5.A CPU is often used to conne ct computers to each other through phone lines. 6.Data can also be stored in a floppy disc , which is small and can be carried easily.7.A hard disc is a disc that contains computer da

15、ta.It can store a large amount of data.Step 3 Grammar The Present Perfect Passive VoiceT:Boys and girls , now please pay attention to the following sentences in the text :1. As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.2. Since then, my family and I have been used by billions of p

16、eople to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world bythe Internet.3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.T:What verb tense is used in these sentences.And what verb voice is used in these sentences. Yes, the present perfect pa ssive voice is used in these sente



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