Unit9My favorite subject is scienceSection B(1a-2c)学案 人教版英语七年级上册

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Unit9My favorite subject is scienceSection B(1a-2c)学案 人教版英语七年级上册_第1页
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《Unit9My favorite subject is scienceSection B(1a-2c)学案 人教版英语七年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9My favorite subject is scienceSection B(1a-2c)学案 人教版英语七年级上册(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级英语导学案 学生姓名: 班级: 编制: 七年级英语组 审核: 印制时间 课题:Unit 9:My favorite subject is science.第三课时: Section B(1a-2c)学习目标 (2)1. 我能背诵并默写下列单词:free cool Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday useful from.to Mrs. finish lesson hour 2. 我能掌握重要句型:Whats sbs favorite subject ?Why does he like Chinese?Task One(10)1. 独立完成1a,小组讨论并

2、核对答案。补充下列知识点:(1)free 形容词,意思是:_,免费的 。反义词:_ 其名词形式;freedom意思是:自由(2)useful形容词,意思是:_ be useful to sb:对某人来说是有用的。Eg:_ _ _ _(语文对我来说是有用的)比赛二: 完成又快又好的组,加2分。Task Two(20) 完成下列单项选择1. Lets go to school!-Today is _.We dont need to go to school. A .Monday B. Sunday C. Thursday D. Tuesday2. I think math is difficult

3、 ,but _. A. interesting B .boring C. easy 3. -_do you have P.E.?-We have it on Tuesday . A. How B. Why C. When D .What4. I have nothing to do .Im _. A .free B .boring C. excited D. sad5. Her favorite day is Wednesday _she has a music lesson. A. why B. because 6. Friday is the _day of a week.A. five

4、B. fifth C. six D. sixth7. He_ geography. Its so boring.A. likes B. dont like C .doesnt like8. Do you have_ on Monday? A. Chinese B .a Chinese C. the Chinese D. an Chinese9. _favorite subject is biology(生物)。 A .His B. Hes C. He D .Him10. I like biology and history .-Why do you like _?A. they B. it C

5、. them11. Our classes finish _5:00 in the afternoon.A. at B. on C. in D. to12. I like math _its difficult for me. A .but B. and C .or D./13. Is that OK_ you?-Yes, it is. A. of B. in C. with D. at14. He plays basketball _two hours _school.A. for, after B. for ,for C .after, after D. after, for15. Thi

6、s is _Li. She has three children. A. Mrs. B. Miss. C. Sir D. Mr. 16. 老师说数学游泳,但我认为它很难。 The teacher says _is _,but I think it is _.17. 科学难但是有趣。_is difficult _interesting.18. 午饭从12点到1点。Lunch is _12:00_1:00.19. 我的课程从1:50结束,但是之后我要上两个小时的美术课。 My classes _at1:50,but after that I have an art lesson _two _.20

7、.我想在星期五下午见你,但是我真忙。I want to meet you _ _afternoon, but I am really _.课题: Unit9:My favorite subject is science ?第四课时 (Grammar focus) 一、 短语归纳;1. favorite subject最喜爱的学科 2. P.E. teacher体育老师 3. play games 玩游戏 4. the next day 第二天5. on Monday 在星期一 6. have math 上数学课 7. have an art lesson 上美术课 8. for two hou

8、rs 两个小时二 重点句型 1. play games with sb 和某人玩游戏 2. have+学科名词 上.课.3. finish doing sth 完成做某事 4. on+星期几 在星期几 5. from .to.从.到.三 重点语法:特殊疑问句 单元检测 一 单项选择1. We _ math and English this afternoon . A play B eat C take D have 2. After school .I play basketball _ an hour . A on B for C in D at 3. We go to school _ M

9、onday _ Friday . A on; on B on; at C from ; to D to; from 4. They have the art class _ 2:00 p.m. _Monday . A on; on B at; on C on; at D at; at 5. I dont like history _ its boring . A because B so C or D but 二 英汉互译6.my favorite subject_7.我的数学老师_8. play games _9.上美术课_10. have lunch _11. 从.到._12. after

10、 class _13. 第二天_14.on Tuesday _ 15. 两个小时_三 根据首字母提示完成单词。16. My s_ teacher is Mr. Black .17. His f_ subject is art .He likes drawing very much .18. We have sports for two h_.19. I like English ,b_ it is fun .20.The girl speaks C_ very well .四 根据汉语意思完成句子。21. 我们的课在四点三十结束。 Our classes _ _ 4:30.22. 下课后,我想

11、和你一起玩游戏。_ _,I want _ _ _ with you .23 .“你为什么喜欢体育?”因为它令人兴奋。 -_ do you like P.E.? -_ it is exciting .24. 他最喜爱的学科是什么? Whats his _ _?25. 今天是星期二,我们上历史课。 Its _.And we have _.五 补全对话 A:Whats your _26_ subject ? B:My favorite subject is P.E. A:_27_ do you like P.E.? B:_28_ its fun ._29_ _30_ you ? Whats _31_

12、 favorite _32_? A:My favorite subject _33_ music . B:Really ? Why ? A: _34_ _35_ relaxing ?26. _27. _ 28. _ 29._ 30._ 31._32._33._34._35 _六. 试一试 单项选择(拔高题)36. -Look ! There are so many young people in the park . -Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning . A in B on C at D to 37. If you sit in a chair _ a long



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