Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas 课件- 高一下学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册

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Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas 课件- 高一下学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第1页
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《Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas 课件- 高一下学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas 课件- 高一下学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Laugh out loud!Developing ideas,新标准英语高中选择性必修第一册,Activity 1,Read the short introductions to Mark Twain and Lin Yutang and share what else you know about them with the class.,马克吐温(1835- 1910)是美国人 作家、幽默家、讲师和冒险家, 因他的旅行故事而获得了国际声誉 ,尤其是傻瓜国外旅行记他的 冒险故事例如汤姆索亚历险记 和哈克贝利费恩历险记。 因为他的机智和讽刺他被认为是 北美最优秀、最受欢迎的作家

2、。,Activity 1,Read the short introductions to Mark Twain and Lin Yutang and share what else you know about them with the class.,林语堂(1895- 1976)是中国人 作家,翻译家,语言学家,哲学家 发明家。他的非正式而老练的中英文书写风格 ,使他成为他那一代最有影响力的作家之一。 他最具影响的作品吾国与吾民 、生活的艺术。他也作为一名聪明机智的汉语哲学和中国人的生活方式普及者。,Read the passage and judge whether the fllowi

3、ng state- ments are true(T) or false(F). 1. The writer Mark Twain succeeded in combining humour with serious messages. 2. Lin Yutang thought that humour was just about laughter. 3. The barber knew Mark Twain very well and had a friendly talk with him.,Activity 2,Activity 3: Read the passage carefull

4、y and choose the best answer. 1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. There is no humour in the texts of Ancient Greece. B. Mark Twain told the story about a tiger and a lion. C. Mark Twain knew the barber very well. D. Both Twain and Lin thought that humour was ver

5、y important. 2. The talk between the barber and Mark Twain showed that Mark Twain was very _ A. cold- hearted and proud B. humorous and modest C. humorous and proud D. boring and modest 3. We learn from the last paragraph that A. humour is very important in our daily life B. Lin Yutang thought poorl

6、y of humour C. Mark Twain thought highly of humour D. humour can make our life and work harder,Activity 4,Find out Mark Twain and Lins attitude towards humour,Mark Twain and Lins attitude towards humour is positive / favorable. And they practised what they preached,Activity 5,Complete the diagram.,1

7、. human behaviour 2. entertain 3. sensitive or emotive issues 4. combine humour 5. serious messages 6. funny and often mischievous 7. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 8. “Thats just my luck. I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!” 9. He borrowed “youmo” from Anciet Chinese as the translation

8、for the English word “humour”. 10. a master of humour 11. He told a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals during the dinner at a university. 12. way of life 13. illuminate the world,Activity 4,1 Work out the meaning of this equation. Consider the following: What i

9、s your understanding of “reality” and “dreams”? What is the function of “humour” in this equation? What is your understanding of “wisdom”? 2 Decide whether you agree with Lins definition of wisdom. Think of examples to support your opinion and make notes. 3 Share your opinion with the class.,Discuss

10、 and present your opinion of the equation from the passage.,Now think about your performance in this activity.,1 Humour has been an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years. There is comedy in the texts of Ancient Greece, and medieval writings are flled with jokes. While these same j

11、okes might not be as funny to us now as they were then, their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues. 数千年来,幽默一直是人类行为的重要组成部分。古希腊的文字中记载有喜剧,笑话也常常出现在中世纪的作品当中。虽然对现在的我们来说,那些笑话可能没有它们在中世纪的时候那么有趣,但它们的作者明白,幽默不只是一种娱乐的方式,它还可以使人们对敏感问题或有争议的问

12、题产生新的认识。,2 Closer to modern times, someone who is remembered for his ability to combine humour with more serious messages is American writer, Mark Twain. Twains particular style of writing is funny and often mischievous. For example, in his classic novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he famously say

13、s,“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words. But he is equally well known for his witty remarks in his everyday interactions with people. For instance, while on a lecturing tour of the United States, Twain went into a barbers shop to get a haircut and a shave. The barber, not

14、 recognising him, asked if he had a ticket to the lecture. When Twain replied that he didnt, the barber told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand, as there were no seats left in the theatre. Twains response was, Thats just my luck. I always have to stand when that fllow le

15、ctures! 到了近现代,美国作冢马克.吐温因擅长用幽默的方式表达严肃的内容而著称。他独特的写作风格幽默风趣,而且常常带有调侃意味。例如,在他的经典小说汤姆.索耶历险记中有一句名言:“写作很容易,你只需要把错误的单词划掉就行。”他日常与人交流中的诙谐言论同样出名。比如,有一次在美国做巡回演讲的时候,马克.吐温走进-家理发店去理发和刮脸。理发师没有认出他,问他有没有这场演讲的门票,马克.吐温说没有。理发师告诉他,如果他想去听演讲就只能站着了,因为剧院里没有多余的座位。马克.吐温回答说:“真倒霉。只要那个家伙演讲,我总是要站着!”,3 Like Twain, but on the other s

16、ide of the world,Lin Yutang was soon to become famous for his unique brand of bumour A wel-known bilingual writer, Lin brought the concept of humour to modern Chinese literature. In 1924, he creatively borrowed youmo from Ancient Chinese as the translation for the English word humour. Youmo is still being used in this way today. 和马克.吐温类似,在世界的另一端,林语堂很快也因其独特的幽默风格而出名。作为著名的双语作家,林语堂将幽默的概念引入了中国现代文学。1924年,他创造性地借用古汉语中的。“幽默”作为英文单词“humour的翻译。今天,“幽默”一词仍在以这种方式被人们使用。,4 Lins quick wit helped make him famous a


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