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1、专业术语:人际交往能力 interpersonal skills弹性工作制 flexible working hours股票经纪人 stock broker债券经纪人 bond broker收购和兼并 acquisition and merger定金 down-payment成交信号 buying signal卖点 selling point 强行推销 hard-sell 负债 liabilities资产 assets售后服务 after-sales service自我激励 self-motivated 工作绩效 job performance 破产 go bankrupt债务人 debtor

2、债权人 creditor决策者 decision maker强行推销 hard-sell附加值 added value工作寻找者 job seeker预期寿命 life expectancy接收接管 take over受众 receptive audience不动产房地产 real estate应付账款 accounts payable 应收账款 account receivable 一般管理费 overheads行政成本 administrative costs 执行董事 executive director 新手 recruit老手 veteran开发商 developer企业挂牌上市 g

3、o public 婚姻状况 marital status 毛(重 )rough weight 净(重) net weight生增长 Organic growth非生增长 Non-organic growth固定成本 fixed cost可变成本 variable cost 达成交易 close the sale 总部 headquarters海外子公司 overseas subsidiary固定工作 permanent job第 9 页,共 9 页汉译英1. 只要资产价值的增长超过债务的增长,就不会有问题。As long as asset values rise faster than deb

4、t, there is no problem.2. 我了解我的竞争对手以及他们产品的优缺点。I know my competitors and the merits and pitfalls of their products.3. 网络购物使得人们不需要离家就可以浏览商品和商品目录。Online shopping allows people to browse goods and catalogs without having to leave home.4. 你能提供什么担保?What kind of security can you offer?5. 电视广告不能针对目标受众Televi

5、sion advertising cannot target the receptive audience.6. 我了解公司历史,产品围,财务状况,公司的核心竞争力,以及以及市场策略等。I know about the companys history, product range, financial situation , core competencies, marketing strategies and so on.7. 我能自我激励。I m highly self-motivated.8. 我遇到问题或有疑问要咨询呼叫中心时常常要等上10 分钟。Very often, I am p

6、ut on hold for up to 10 minutes when I contact a call centre with a problem or query.9. 我可以加班。I can work later than normal office hours.10. 企业文化由企业的态度、经验、信念和价值观组成。Corporate culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization.11. 项目 A 有更多的观众,因为他坐落在人口众多的学生居住区。Option A h

7、as access to a larger audience because it is in the popular student area.12. 我喜欢在一个能提供给我良好职业前景的公司工作,这样我工作起来会更加有干劲。I would like to work in a company with good career prospects because I can be more motivated.13. 培训能提高我的工作业绩。Training can increase my job performance.14. 大公司有更严格的评估制度,所以,成功主要靠你是否能融入公司文化以

8、及你个人的能力。Big company will have a rigorous evaluation system, so success is more based on your ability to blend into the company culture and your real productivity.15. 通货膨胀,房价飙升和食品价格上涨使得消费者信心降低到了最低点。Inflation, rocketing house prices and soaring foodstuff prices have pushed consumer confidence to the l

9、owest level.16. 中国存款率是 40%。这表明了中国人对借钱的态度。中国人很少借钱消费。不得不借钱时他们才借钱。The saving rate in China is 40 percent. This is an indicationof the consumer s attitude toward borrowing. Chinese rarely borrow for consumption. They will borrow only if they have to.17. 手机有时是令人讨厌的。例如,在正式的说话场合,在课堂上, 在图书馆或在电影院如果手机响了,那是很不适

10、宜的。A mobile phone could be bothersome. For example, it is veryinappropriate to hear a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation, during a lesson, in a library or in a cinema.18. 我们一般在价格基础上利润加成100%,但这样的话价格对于顾客来说就太高了。We normally mark up our prices by 100%, but I m afraid thatthis will make the

11、 product too expensive for the customer.19. 没问题。我会让我的总部寄送更多的促销点材料,如果我们能收到你下一笔订单的话。OK, no problems. I willask Head Office to increase the amount of promotional material they send when we receive your next order.20. 我想当职员,因为我希望有固定的收入。I want to be employee because I want to have a regular income.21. 在大

12、公司,如果经营状况好,你会有安全感,但个人不好发展。小公司比较容易倒闭。In a big company, Its quite secure if the company is doing well ,but not easy to progress personally.22. 为了给其产品做广告,供应商不得不付广告费或促销费给超市In order to advertise the other items, the suppliers have to pay advertising fees or promotional fees to supermarkets.23. 用手机打很方便,打的

13、人可以互相交流。Making phone calls is easy and interactive.24. 我想给一笔试单,但价格对于我们来说有点太高。能否给与第一笔试单一个折扣或优惠?Id like to place a small order as a trial. The prices are abit too high for usdo you think you could lower the price for the first four or five?25. 我想当个体商,因为我不想为别人干活。我要自己当老板。I want to be self-employed, beca

14、use I don t want to work for somebody else, I want to be my own boss.26. 我喜欢这些灯具,但我应该对现有的供应商忠诚。I do like the lamps, but I m reluctant to move away from my current supplier.写作(1) )五年来一直都是威尔康公司(Welcon)为你们公司总部提供接待员和门卫。最近他们的服务质量大不如前。公司的来客抱怨说他 们态度粗鲁,让他们等待很久并给他们带错地方。给这个公司写一 封电子:1) 强调你们公司与该公司一直以来的良好关系。2) 描

15、述该公司员工服务不够到位的地方。3) 坚持要他们马上改进服务质量。Dear Mr Jeavons,I am writing to express my deep concern at the standard of service given recently by your employees.We have been working with you for the last five years and have always been happy with the politeness and efficiency of the receptionist and doormen you have supplied. However, in the last month we have received the following complaints from visitors to our headquarters: doormen not opening the door (five complaints) being kept waiting in the reception area for over 15 minutes(three occasions)


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