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1、简单的英语笑话加翻译 篇一:短篇英语笑话10则带翻译 短篇英语笑话10则带翻译 Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish. Fred: Where are you going to keep them? Stan: In the bathroom 。 Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath? Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛) them! = 斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。 弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们? 斯丹:浴室。 弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办? 斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛! The Reveng

2、e 欺骗的代价 Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: When Im dead I want you to marry farmer Jones. Wife: No, I cant marry anyone after you. Johnson: But I want you to. Wife: But why? Johnson: Jones once cheated me in a horse deal! = 老农约

3、翰逊就要死了。他的家人都站在床边。他声音低沉地对妻子说:“我死后,我想你嫁给农夫琼斯。” 妻子说:“不,在你死后,我不能嫁给任何人。” 约翰逊:“但我希望你这么做。” 妻子:“为什么?” 约翰逊:“因为琼斯曾在一笔贩马的交易中欺骗了我。” I think that Im a chicken 我想我是一只鸡 Psychiatrist: Whats your problem? Patient: I think Im a chicken. Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on? Patient: Ever since I was an egg!

4、= 精神病医师:你哪里不舒服? 病人:我认为我是一只鸡。 精神病医师:这种情况从什么时候开始的? 病人:从我还是一只蛋的时候开始。 How do I get the gum out我怎么把口香糖取出来 Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, Im meeting my wife

5、 right away. How do I get the gum out from my ears? = 当空中小姐给乘客们发口香糖的时候,她解释说口香糖有助于他们防止耳鸣。飞机着陆后,一位乘客跑到这位空中小姐面前,说道:“ 我马上就要见到我妻子了。我怎么才能把口香糖从耳朵里面取出来呢?” Where Am I 我在哪儿 An Englishman lost his way while he was driving in the countryside. He saw a farmer working in the field nearby, so he went nearer in his

6、 car and asked the farmer, Excuse me, can you tell me where I am? Yes, the farmer looked at him strangely and said, you are in your car, sir. = 一个英国人在乡下开车时迷了路,他看见一个农民正在附近的地里干活。于是他就把车开过去问那位农民:“劳驾,您能告诉我我现在这是在哪儿吗?” “可以。”农夫奇怪地看了看他,然后说道:“你现在在你的车子里,先生。” Why do you never phone me?你为什么不给我打? Mrs Harris lives

7、 in a small village. Her husband is dead, but she has one son. He is twenty-one and his name is Geoff. He worked in the shop in the village and lived with his mother, but then he got work in a town and went ant lived there. Its name was Greensea. It was quite a long way from his mothers village, and

8、 she was not happy about this, but Geoff said, There isnt any good work for me in the country, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in Greensea and send you some every week. Mrs Harris was very angry last Sunday. She got in a train and went to her sons house in Greensea. Then she said to him, Geoff,

9、 why do you never phone me? Geoff laughed. But, Mother, he said, you havent got a phone. No, she answered, I havent, but YOUVE got one! = 我会告诉你这篇没有中文翻译吗。 The Same Action Yields the Same Result相同的投资相同的结果 A couple of hunters chartered a small plane to fly them to a forest, and made an appointment with

10、 the pilot to come back and fetch them in about two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, they had shot a lot of animals that they wanted to load onto the plane. But the pilot said, This plane wont be able to take more than one wild buffalo. Youll have to leave the others behind. Then the hunters prot

11、ested, saying, But last year, another pilot with the same airplane let us take two buffalos and some other animals in the plane as well. So the new pilot thought about it. He was a little bit skeptical, but finally he said, OK, since you did it last year, I guess this year we can do it again. Then h

12、e loaded the two buffalos and a few other animals in, and the plane took off. Five minutes later, it crashed in a neighboring area. The three men climbed out and looked around, and one hunter said to the other, Where do you think we are now? The second one surveyed the area and said, I think were ab

13、out one mile to the left of the place we crashed last year. = 有两个猎人包机前往一座森林,到了以后,他们和飞行员约定好两周后来接。两周后,他们射了许多动物,而且打算把这些动物全部搬上那架小飞机,可是飞行员说:“这架飞机除了一头野牛外,没办法再多载了。你们必须把其他的猎物都留下。” 猎人说:“但是去年另一个飞行员开一样的飞机,就让我们带两只水牛,还有一些其他的动物上机!” 因为他们这样抗议,所以那个新飞行员想了一想后,尽管还是有点存疑,最后还是妥协说:“好吧!如果去年可以做到,今年应该也可以。”所以他装了两头水牛和一些其他的动物。结果

14、飞机起飞五分钟后,就坠落在邻近的地方。这3个人从飞机爬出来看了看四周,其中一个猎人对另一个说:“你认为我们现在在哪儿?” 那个人瞧了一下,说:“我想大概距离去年坠机的地方西边一英哩远!” Chief is at the wedding 长官在婚礼上 A police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street. But officer, the man said, I can explain. Just be quiet, snapped the officer.Im going to put you in jail until the chief gets back. But ,officer, I . I said to keep quiet! You are going to jail! A few hours later, the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, You are lucky because



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