外研版八上英语Moudle 6 Unit 2 Reading and writing教案

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1、外研版初中英语八年级(下)教学案例课题Module6 Entertainment Unit 2课型Reading and writing1 课时设计来源:学科网ZXXK 思想本模块以娱乐为话题,语言材料包括谈论访问演出、影片介绍等,对话和阅读课文各侧重娱乐的不同方面,材料真实,语言简练,趣味性强,相信会引起学生浓厚的兴趣。在充分的语言输入的基础上,给学生创造了充分运用语言、表达自己想法的空间。学生可以通过本模块的学习和训练,提高围绕娱乐这一话题的综合运用语言的能力。本模块的语法重点是学习直接引语和间接引语,Unit 2的阅读课文是很好的学习巩固直接引语和间接引语的语言材料。教学 背景阅读课文介

2、绍的是一部美国电影加勒比海盗,学生对电影非常感兴趣,突出了以学生为主体的思想,教师应在教学过程中有意识的加以引导,激发学生发表自己对影视节目的看法和喜好,引发他们学习的积极性和主动性,充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用。 学生状况:总的来说,学生大都表现得兴致高昂,积极参与讨论,倾听他人看法,发表个人意见。教学来源:学科网ZXXK 目标来源:Zxxk.Co知识目标A、 重点词汇:fight,sail,ship,tonight,act,character,face,face to face,action,play,scene,funny,although,opinion,in ones opinio

3、n,except,advise来源:学.科.网B、主要句型:Direct and indirect speech能力目标能读懂电影简介及评论;明白文章的主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能。情感目标了解不同国家的影视文化,发展对影视的兴趣。教法学法Interactive approach.教具 学具Multi-media教学过程教师活动学生活动时间Step 1 Free talk Talk about the entertainment students like.Students can talk like this:A: Do you watch music videos?B: Yes, I

4、do. A: Whats your favorite music videos?B. I like the one byThen give all the classmates a short report.这一部分只要求学生口头表达即可,在全班展示以前可在小组内准备,降低难度,毕竟学生刚刚接触到直接引语和间接引语。3Step 2 Lead in Ask the students the following questions:Questions: 1.Which film do you like best? 2. Who is your favorite film star?3.Where

5、do ships take you?4. What does a pirate do?Students answer the questions 说明:这些问题选自WbP117 activity 5,与课文内容有一定关联,更好地整合教材。5Step 3 Look at the picture, choose some words to describe itStudents look at the picture, choose some words to describe itfamous fight gold island pirate popular sail sea ship terr

6、ible让学生看着图片,尽可能多地描述,老师不多加评论5Step 4 Read the passage and complete the tableStudents complete the tableFilm factsName of the film :Actors:Cinema:Time:Comment: bad good excellent8Step 5 Read again and check the main idea of each paragraphParagraph1: _Paragraph2: _Paragraph3: _Paragraph4: _8Step 6. Read

7、 the passage then answer the questions1. Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions1). What did Chen Huan say the type of Pirates of the Caribbean?2). What did Chen Huan say about the actors?2. Read Paragraph 3 and answer the following questions1). Why are Depp and Bloom sailing around the

8、island?2). Who do they meet?3). Why is there lots of action in the film?4). Who does Keira Knightley play?3. Read Paragraph4 and check the sentences1) The film is really true to our life.2) Chen Huan thought there was too much fighting in the film.Chen Huan didnt like the film at all8Step7 Let stude

9、nts retell the storystudents retell the storyPirates of the Caribbean is a _ _ film. Depp and Bloom act well in this film. Knightley _ Elisabeth. They make their _ believable. The story is about _ _ _. It _ the Caribbean islands. Depp and Bloom try to find some _ _. They come _ _ _ some pirates and

10、_ with them. The film isnt _ _ life. Theres _ _ fighting. After all, its an excellent film.5Step 8 Pair workStudents can practice like this:Jane: Did you hear Chen Huans culture report yesterday?Adam: No, I didnt. What did she say ?Jane: It was about Pirates of the Caribbean. He said it was on at th

11、e student cinema.Adam: What did he say about it ?Jane: He said that学生通过上文的问题回答已对文章比较了解,所以本活动应该不难。3Step 9. Homework:writing showWrite a short report about the film Chen Huan thought of,Ask some students to show it.Write a short report about the film Chen Huan thought of,Ask some students to show it.学生可参照上面提出的问题写,特别是课文第四段Chen Huan自己的观点,这样更有真实性。效果评价全体学生积极参与,课堂气氛活跃,发挥了学生的学习自主性及主动性。课堂教学层层递进,环环相扣,学生读懂了电影简介及评论,能运用间接引语转述别人的话。同时贴近生活的阅读材料和教学情境更能激发他们用英语表达的欲望,激发他们的兴趣,并将所学知识运用到实际中去,有助于培养学生的实际应用能力,学会用英文与别人交流自己对影视节目的看法和爱好,发展对影视的兴趣,课堂效率高。


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