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1、2019中考英语完形填空优练题(八)及答案 第一篇 Dear George, Half a year has gone by 1 we said goodbye to each other at the aita airport ( 飞机场 ) . Ecept for 2 hurriedly written notes you have not written to any of your old 3 any letters 4 a few days. We are studying 5 a foreign university, but now 6 of what is going on a

2、bout you. Last night, John, Tom and I 7 a happy reunion (重聚 ) in dinner. It was all lie the old high school 8 ecept that you were not in this get together. 9 we all felt 10 you. We then began to tal about you and wondered 11 at that moment. At last we 12 to your health. What ind of life you are livi

3、ng in London? Is your school-wor eeping you 13 ? And there are a thousand things we want to 14 . Please tell us. My 15 regards ( 问候 ) , also John s and Tom s. Your old friend, Tonny 1. A. since B. after C. before D. when 2. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 3. A. classmates B. friendsC. comrades

4、 D. masters 4. A. in B. for C. with D. during 5. A. in B. at C. on D. to 6. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 7. A. made B. started C. had D. did 8. A. time B. place C. days D. teaching 9. A. Suddenly B. But C. Or D. And 10.A. to miss B. in missing C. miss D . missing 11.A. what were

5、 you doing B. what you were doing C. how were you doing D. how you were doing 12. A. drin B. dran C. had drun D. was drining 13. A. busy B. happy C. free D. sorry 14. A. understand B. hear C. see D. now 15. A. good B. better C. best D. well 【参考答案】 36. 名师点评 这是一封温馨老友的信,信中提到了同学的重聚勾起了对往日学校生活和昔日同窗的怀 念。 答

6、案简析 1A。主句是现在完成时,从句由since引导。 2D。a few 和 few 均修饰可数名词,但few 表否定。 3A。其它三种表达方式错误,这里无需用名词的所有格。 4B。for 加一段时间用于现在完成时表延续。 5A。in a university / at university 均可以表示上大学,这里因为已有了a故选 in,而 不选 at。 6D。因为好久没通信,所以对George的情况一无所知。 7A。have a reunion为固定搭配。 8C。想起了过去的日子,故选days 。 9A。 10D。feel doing something 表示“感觉” 。 11B。宾语从句用

7、陈述语序。 12B。根据上下文的时态可知这里用一般过去时。 13A。朋友们都想知道学校里的事是否让他很忙。这里可以比较四个选项的意思, 再根据上文的意思可知选busy。 14D。他们想知道许多关于George的事。 15C。my best regards相当于 my best wishes 。 第二篇 2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会现象类 Most children lie TV. TV is very interesting. On TV can learn a lot, and they can see and now many things their country an

8、d the world. Of course, they can over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily with . Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can t anything over the radio. Many children watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on . But a few

9、 children watch TV every . They go to bed very late. So they can t have a good . How about you, my young friend? 【小题 1】Awatch Bto watching Cwatches Dto watch 【小题 2】ASo B And CBecause DBut 【小题 3】Awe B they Cshe Dus 【小题 4】Aat B on Cabout Dwith 【小题 5】Alearn Bsing Cdance D hear 【小题 6】Aradio Bfilm Cgame

10、D TV 【小题 7】Ahear B lie Csee Dlearn 【小题 8】Aweeend Bweedays (工作日) Cweeends DSunday 【小题 9】Anight B time Cman Dplace 【小题 10】 Atime B rest Cgame Dmeal 第三篇 话题:成长教育词数: 277 参考用时: 8 分钟 When I was a young child, my parents often told me that a positive heart brought man everything. I didn t understand and won

11、dered why _1_ has such a big influence on a person. And now, although Im just a middle school student, I d lie to _2_ my own opinions on this saying. Once I read a sentence “ To mae this world a _3_ place to live in, rather than the whole world, youd better change your _4_. ” It made me lost in thou

12、ght. There are so many things around us that go _5_ our will. We cant force life to follow our wishes. The earth won t _6_ turning whether we accept it or not. What we can do is just to mae ourselves suit the world. I thin we should learn to _7_ welcome whatever life gives us, the spring sunlight or

13、 the winter snowfall, and try to get _8_ from it. I have tried to catch every pleasant thing in my life, but I _9_ catch most of the pleasant moments, such as being hugged by mother when in fear, being 10_ by the teacher when in trouble, being helped by a stranger when _11_. I realie that I don t ju

14、st live alone and that there are others around me I should _12_. They all pay attention to my growing up, and are proud of my achievements _13_ it is just a little progress. It is their care and love that _14_ remind me I live in a warm and happy world. Different people may have different _15_ towar

15、ds life. But there is one rule should be followed and that is to mae the world better. ( )1. A. it B. he C. she ( )2. A. hold B. mae C. show ( )3. A. nice B. dull C. rich ( )4. A. job B. heart C. taste ( )5. A. above B. along C. against ( )6. A. stop B. eep C. start ( )7. A. casually B. politely C.

16、warmly ( )8. A. friendship B. success C. pleasure ( )9. A. wont B. cant C. neednt ( )10. A. invited B. trained C. cheered ( )11. A. in line B. in danger C. in agreement ( )12. A. thin of B. hear of C. dream of ( )13. A. as for B. now that C. even though ( )14. A. never B. often C. sometimes ( )15. A. plans B. habits C. attitudes 【答案详解】1-5. ACABC 6-10. ACCBC 11-15. BACBC 1. A 考查代词。 it 指代上文的positive heart (积极的心态 )。句意: 我不明白并想知道它对 一个人为何有如此大的影响。 2. C 考查动词词义。句意:现在我虽然仅是一个中学生,但我想就这个说法表明我的观 点。 hold “握住;保


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