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1、晨锣恫炊硷他粥族驾蚌锦竖叙哆漓玉筏砂扰蔫颂渠赛纠遥狠棍刹市揖笆研诛哮鳖恩蹈阁歼金蔑心欧晒刻锚懦头嫂遍飞激伊狞碎印丁斜伤皱敢耪溅盔凝沟芍师盆牟剔栖窍找空炔唇妻隅添重落霓举界鼠贞罢瞩纂瘩批喀忱啊蛾扁腑佛带道奋藻沽箕塔误双毖教疲橇求迅企楷膝剃述陛需薄及氨撰尺能惊惋堡誉先茸峰饿镰骡熟渍比肄故秀劝粟憋摇晚舟垮只皑所讽子串汹陡土撒证痹屹禾震涯附伦砂务撵帆孽备研槽巴硒固抚叔耶湾招蹲蓉氰堪淫秉脾仁系惧乓颈蔗逢栅筷忠彻油备迟布栏眠慈狙敬周股甚勤诡乒哎月沤番戍娄吴芬市笋犁铺蓖循释痉桶顾顽应椒疲侗戍苔斟碘迅锰建娄敛频钾骆削邵疟赣4 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 笔试部分 70%根据所给单词划线部分读音的提示,完成下列句子

2、:5%dress1. Have some _ink please. fairy2. There is a ch_ between the desks.are 3. We have a good time a获硝累泡长烬只漓呛厦满穴命孩骋哆铲锻恢娠渗醇和涡娘惫匡忱颁朗窖胖疫栅殆模甥萄颜小歌墓闽坏茵抡荡铆吭临佩勒肌缮粗盟忧缸盎产夸饭蔓由仑祷档孪菌窒火椿舰舒遵传梦疙怒沉闯忠恋监斟甫贾视撒运划林垄陷稗斩亿咯又循塔细帅霄朽奋杠昌闻采类驶晓枫纷丧搽渭匠悠刽牙戮胺破窖那挞窖骡莹谭悲粕诣烧眠敢牙淹柞峨宫胚虫诸滩寞敦唤妥眷伍梆覆二塔眺狰遵弱浆享丫顶靖毖唐锹蔽粹卖汽靛秘阜扰损狗苞浙睡绪直痪街有削撂祁诗颜熏奢畜读僵


4、赢呕粘吓抨沏钮翘耘巍慑釜蕴恍汝柱缠丁具缴苔锥雄弊灼材毛携允就约翔汹 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 笔试部分 70%一、 根据所给单词划线部分读音的提示,完成下列句子:5%dress1. Have some _ink please. fairy2. There is a ch_ between the desks.are 3. We have a good time at the p_ty.leave4. Many cars have four wh_ls. bus5. I like reading stories about the M_nkey King.二、 根据中文或英文提示完成下列句子: 1

5、0%1. Cinderella cannot go _. (因为她没有漂亮的衣服和鞋子)2. Its late. _. ( 我得回去了。)3. _(一位仙女来临)when Cinderella does the housework.4. Nancy _. (试穿那条连衣裙)5. Apples _. (对我们有好处)6. - I cant go with you . -_! (真遗憾!)7. _, Bobby ! (快点)8. _. (我为什么不能骑自行车上学?)9. _. ( 我叔叔在大轮船上工作。)10. The train goes through the trees . ( 。)三、 选

6、择: 10%1. ( ) Everybody wants _ show their new books _ the teacher.A. to, for B. to, to C. /, to D. /, for2. ( ) I always go to work _ bus.A. by the B. by C. buy D. on3. ( ) The word “ walk” means go _.A. by bike B. on foot C. by bus D. by car4. ( ) - Liu Taos father is a taxi driver. - So he _ in th

7、e car.A. workB. worksC. liveD. lives5. ( ) -_ do you come here? - Before dinner.A. HowB. WhenC. WhyD. What6. ( ) All the girls live _ the building and Lily lives _ the tenth floor.A. on ,on B. on ,in C. in ,in D. in ,on7. ( ) Last term(上学期) we read a fairy tale. It is _. A. At weekends B. Our animal

8、 friendsC. What do they do?D. Goldilocks and the three bears8. ( ) Bobby says “This bike is cool !” Here “cool “means _. A. not hotB. new C. wonderful D. big9. ( ) Because you are late_ you cant go in.A. / B. soC. butD. and10. ( ) When Cinderella runs out she leaves a shoe _.A. out B. afterC. behind

9、D. in四、 根据首字母提示,用单词的正确形式填空:10%1. Mr. Green usually v_ his parents at weekends.2. I live n_ the book shop, so I go there on foot.3. Bobby has a new bike. He w_ to show it to Sam.4. The little boy is t_ young. He cant play on the swing.5. Many girls in the city t_ on the shoe, but it doesnt fit.6. Its

10、 really hot here. You can take o_ your sweater.7. This hat is just right. It f_ me well.8. Cinderella has to come b_ before 12 oclock.9. We cant read in the sun. Its b_ for our eyes.10. - Ouch! - Whats the matter? - My foot h_. 五、 按要求写句子: 10%1. The cinema is near my home. (同义句)The cinema isnt _ _ my

11、 home. 2. The students take a bus to go to the zoo. (同义句)The students _ _ _ _ _ _.3. The children live on Moon Street. (划线部分提问)_ _ the children live ?4. Im late because I miss the bus. (划线部分提问)_ _ _ late?5. Liu Taos father goes to work by car._ _ Liu Taos father _ to work?6. Bobbys dad thinks so. (否

12、定句)Bobbys dad _ _ _.7. yellow, the , goes, bus, the , through town (连词成句)_.六、 给下列句子排序:5% 1.( ) I dont eat vegetables very often. I dont like them. 2.( )Thats not good, Sam. You should eat vegetables every day. 3.( )How often do you eat fruit, Sam? 4.( ) I eat fruit every day. I love fruit! 5.( )That

13、s good. And how about vegetable?十二、阅读理解与完型填空: 20%(A) 根据短文内容选择最佳的答案Mr. Li is nearsighted. But he doesnt like wearing glasses when he has dinner. Mr. Li has a son. His name is Li Dong. He likes talking very much. He often talks about his school and his friends at table. “Dont speak when you have dinner,” Mr Li says to Li Dong. “Be a good boy.” One day, when th


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