【三维设计】2013届高考英语一轮复习提能力创新演练 Unit6 Design 北师大版必修2

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1、三维设计2013届高考英语一轮复习提能力创新演练:Unit6 Design(北师大版必修2)A卷.单项填空1The students were sitting in the classroom with their eyes _ on the teachers.Abeing BfixedCwere fixed Dbeing fixed解析:句意:同学们正坐在教室里,眼睛注视着老师们。fix ones eyes on“注视,凝视”。在with复合结构中,eyes与fix之间为被动关系,应用其过去分词形式。答案:B2(2012马鞍山一模)China Daily is_a newspaper, fo

2、r it can also serve as a useful textbook for English study.Amore than Bmore or lessCless than Dmore and more解析:考查短语辨析。句意:China Daily不仅仅是一份报纸,它还有着英语学习教科书的作用。more than “不仅仅”;more or less“或多或少”;less than“少于”;more and more“越来越”。答案:A3What do you think of the Qipao (旗袍) Zhang Ziyi is wearing tonight?This

3、kind of womens dress is typical_China.Aon BbyCof Dto解析:考查typical的用法。typical“有代表性的,典型的”,可与of构成(be) typical of的习惯用语,表示“是的代表,是的典型”,符合句意“章子怡所穿的旗袍是中国女性服装的代表”。答案:C4He went to town _ sell one of his paintings.Aon purpose Bon purpose toCfor the purpose of Don purpose of解析:考查短语搭配。句意:他特意去城里把他的其中一幅画卖掉。on purpo

4、se to do“特意做某事”;for the purpose of后加doing; on purpose“故意地”。答案:B5He went_to Beijing, without stopping in Tianjin.Adirectly BstraightCstraightforward Dimmediately解析:考查词义辨析。句意:他径直前往北京,未在天津停留。straight“直接,径直地”;directly“直接地,直率地”;straightforward“(指人、态度等)诚实的,坦率的”;immediately“立即”。答案:B6We all _ Jack, for he i

5、s always _ others.Aat the mercy of; have mercy ofBhave a mercy on; at the mercy ofChave mercy on; at the mercy ofDhave mercy on; at mercy of解析:have mercy on/upon sb.“对某人表示怜悯”;at the mercy of“在支配中,任凭摆布”,以上两者都是固定搭配。答案:C7(2012安阳月考)Though the professor explained the point _ many students still couldnt u

6、nderstand it.Ain ruins Bin detailCin conclusion Don purpose解析:句意:尽管这位教授详细地讲解了这一点,但许多学生仍然不理解。in detail意为“详细地”,符合句意。in ruins “一片废墟”;in conclusion“总之,最后”;on purpose“故意”。答案:B8It seems that the manager is very unhappy.Surely she is. You see, Steve left the company half an hour ago, with his work _.Ato le

7、ave unfinished Bwas left finishingCleaving to finish Dleft unfinished解析:考查动词的非谓语形式。句意:“似乎经理不高兴啊。”“她确实不高兴。你看,Steve半小时前离开公司,工作也未完成。”注意两个结构的结合:with宾语补语,四个选项均是补语;补语和his work又构成动宾补结构的变式,即leave his work unfinished变成了with his work left unfinished。答案:D9The ancient vase,_ the Tang Dynasty, is quite valuable.

8、Adated back to Bdating back toCdating back from Ddated from to 解析:date back to相当于date from,但它不可用被动形式,故此处应用动词ing 形式作后置定语。答案:B10Unfortunately, the storm _ the crops, destroying the hope of farmers.Adamaged BruinedCbenefited Dhurt解析:考查动词辨析。句意:不幸地是,暴风雨摧毁了庄稼,毁了农民们的希望。ruin“毁灭”;damage “损坏”;benefit“受益”;hurt

9、“伤害”。只有B项符合句意。答案:B11The audience _ to see who would win the gold medal.Awas out of breath Bheld their breathCtook a deep breath Dlost their breath解析:out of breath “上气不接下气”;hold ones breath“屏住呼吸”;take a deep breath“深吸一口气”;lose ones breath“喘不过气来”。由句意知选B。答案:B12Have you got anything else to say?No. I ha

10、ve nothing to _ my earlier statement.Aadd to Badapt toCrefer to Ddevote to解析:答句句意:我对我早先说的话没有什么补充的。add to此处表示“对作补充”。答案:A13I saw some trees _ leaves were black with diseases.Awhere BwhoseCin which Dof which解析:考查定语从句。句意:我看到了一些因病而叶子发黑的树。leaves和trees是所属关系,故用whose。关系代词whose作leaves的定语。答案:B14A great person

11、is always putting others interests _ his own.Abelow BaboveCin Don解析:句意:一个伟大的人总是把他人的利益置于个人利益之上。above“在之上”,符合题意。below“在之下”;in “在之内”;on“在(表面)之上”。答案:B15Every means has been _. None is effective.Atrying out Btried onCtried in Dtried out解析:考查词义辨析。句意:每一种方法都试验了,但没有一种是有效的。try out“试验”;try in是错误搭配;try on“试穿”不符

12、合句意;根据语法和句意可知应用被动语态,故选D。答案:D.阅读理解A(2012南京二模)“Choo, Choo!” Here comes the Chunnel train.Get aboard if you want to learn more about this underground transportation system. This is an unusual form of transportation, because it is a tunnel that trains travel through and not an actual form of transportat

13、ion.The Chunnel is actually the English nickname for the Channel Tunnel. In French, it is called Le tunnel sous la Manche. It is a rail tunnel beneath the English Channel at the Straits of Dover. It connects Cheriton in Kent, England with Sangatte in northern France. It is the second longest rail tu

14、nnel in the world.Did you know that the British and the French had a race while they were building the Chunnel? The race was to see who could get to the middle of the tunnel first. The British won by a little bit. It took 15,000 workers over seven years to dig the tunnel. The tunnel was finished in 1994.The completed Chunnel cost about $21 billion. But it all paid off, because it became very popular, very quick. Millions of people use it. Now it is getting even more popular.There are three complete tunnels in the Chunnel. The two outside ones



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