冀教初中英语九下《Lesson 57 Best Wishes》word教案 (1)

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1、Lesson 57 Best Wishes课题名称Lesson 57 Best Wishes课时安排一课时一教材内容分析学生面临着毕业与分别,本课内容以毕业留言卡片为主,非常贴近学生们的情感需要。卡片主要包括两个方面内容:初中回忆与美好祝福。并且文本中为学生准备的素材丰富多样,使学生在大量的语言材料输入后,可以自己取舍和加工,从而提高学生们综合运用语言的能力。并且在这个时刻,送上一份祝福是再合适不过的了,也能让学生懂得感恩与珍惜。二教学目标LanguageKnowledgeWordsSs will be able to use the words: wallet, owner, senior,

2、 juniorSs will be able to use the phrases: junior high, senior highTopicStudents will know how to express their feeling when graduate.LanguageSkillsListeningStudents can write down the information while listening about the cards.SpeakingStudents will be able to talk about their feelings while gradat

3、e.ReadingStudents can understand the cards about graduation quickly and well.WritingThey can write some graduation cards in English. 学习策略在学习中积极思考,主动探究,善于发现语言的规律。能总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。善于抓住用英语交际的机会。情感态度在学习中敢于用英语来表达自己的看法。培养学习英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。体会在毕业离别之际的惜别之情。Teaching importantpoints1 Master the words and str

4、uctures in this lesson.2 Learn how to write the graduation cards.TeachingdifficultpointsTo write about their graduation cards.三教学策略选择与设计本课是一篇阅读课,侧重阅读之后的语言运用,实用性更强。以毕业留言卡为主要内容,那么在本课的设计上,一方面要注重通过气氛的渲染来激发学生们的表达欲望,另一方面则通过对文本反复阅读、运用的练习,使学生能够准确运用适当的句式来表达自己的感受。另外,本课中听和说的练习也不容忽视,通过卡片录音不仅可以让学生感知语调,更加可以把学生带入情

5、境。同学们对往昔回忆的交流,不仅可以提高学生说的能力,还可以增进学生之间的情感交流,使他们懂得珍惜在一起的时光。四教学环境及设备,资源准备1. a blackboard 2. PowerPoint 五教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesAim of designTimeStep 1:Warming up and Leading in1. Before class, the teacher play the song “I dont want to say goodbye” for the children.2. T: How time flies

6、! Its time for you to graduate from this school. Now, you are in junior high school. And you will go to senior high school. At this time, I dont want to say goodbye. I want to show my best wishes to you. Today lets remember our school life together.1. Ss listen.2. Ss listen and try to read the new w

7、ords.1. Lead into this new lesson quickly.2. To make them feel to part. 3. To learn the words: graduate from,junior high, senior high2Step 2Speaking and new wordsThe teacher helps them to remember the things happened in the three years.1. T: What will you miss most about junior high school? Show the

8、m some sentences to help them: I remember the day/ time I will never forget It wont be easy to forget2. T: I can remember the day I found a wallet. Can you guess the owner of it? The same way to learn row.3. Show them a picture of a graduation message. 1. Ss answer the teachers questions freely: S1:

9、 I remember the day I came to this school. My friend Jenny helped me.S2: I will never forget the time you teach me.S3: It wont be easy to forget Tony. He is so funny and he is my best friend. 2. Ss guess freely. S1: _ is the owner. S2: _ is the owner. 3. Students look at the picture and try to read

10、the new words.1. To learn the sentences to talk about the memories.2. To learn some words: wallet, owner, row3. To prepare for the following parts of the lesson.32Step 3Listening1. T: Lets listen to some graduation messages and write down the wishes.1. Ss listen and write down the answers.2. Ss tell

11、 the answer.1. To practise listening skills.2. To know about the whole text for the first time.2Step 4Reading about the wishes1. What wishes did Brian, Danny, Jenny, Steven and Kim give each other? Lets read.Please read and match.Check them.2. T: What do you want to say to your friends?3. T: You can

12、 have some more to say. Please read the text again, and find out what you can wish others.1. Ss read the text again and match the wishes with the right person. Then check them.2. S1: Tony, best wishes to you! 3. Ss read the text again and underline the sentences they need. S1: Ill miss all of you. 1

13、. To improving the students reading skills.2. To know all the sentences for wishing.3. To help them use the sentences about wishes.124Step 5Reading about their memories1. T: Lets see what will Brian, Danny and Steven miss most. Please read the text and fill in the table.2. Encourage the students to

14、tell their answers. While they tell, the teacher shows the key words on the screen. 3. Encourage the students to retell the things in English.1. Ss read the text and fill in the table. 2. Ss check the answer in it: S1: Steven will remember the day he found a wallet with Brian. They waited for hours

15、to give it back to the owner. And they rowed boats in the rain. He will never forget Dannys DeskCycle.S2: Brian will never forget the time Danny tried to move to the next level by standing on a chair in the classroom. And he will remember the friends in Canada.3. Some students retell the things.1. To improve the students reading skills.2. To improve the students speaking skills by practicing the sentences they learn in


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