冀教初中英语七下《Lesson 33 Kim's Favourite Season》word教案 (1)

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1、Kims Favourite Season教学目标1. 掌握词汇:temperature,pie,clap,happily. 2. 掌握短语:in front of,gettogether,talk about,the same as. 教学重点学会用英语表达自己最喜爱的季节以及活动。教学难点学会用英语表达自己最喜爱的季节以及活动教学方法反复读对话,分角色表演教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware教学步骤教师活动学生活动调整与思考教学过程设计教学过程设计前置学习一 复习巩固 1. do some research _ 2.favorit

2、e season_3.forget to do sth_4.go back_5.get together_6.make a snowman_7.cant wait for winter_ 8.in the snow_一. 用所给词的适当形式填空snowman, scarf, amaze, winter, clearly1. _ in Heilongjiang are very cold. 2. Its snowing. Lets make a _. 3. Little Tom bought two nice _ for his mother. 4. We can have snowball f

3、ights in winter here. Its _! I cant wait for winter. 5. What a _ river! 二.呈现目标,明确任务交流释疑一. 自学(一)短语及句子自我突破重点短语:1.on weekend_ 2.pick apples_3.two-full-boxes-of_ 4.make apple pie_5during the season _ 6.谈论_7.帮助某人做某事_ 8.玩得很高兴_9.召集_ 10.be filled with_重点句子:1.Its a good season for apple picking.2.On weekend,

4、my family gooes to the farm and picks apples.(二). 速度竞赛:勾画出表达感叹的句子。二. 互助(一). 生生互助: 学习重点句子,并总结知识点,画出不理解处,小组之间交流(二). 教师点拨1.happily adv. 幸福地;满足地Everyone happily takes an apple. 每个人都高高兴兴地拿了一个苹果。I have a happy family. 我有一个幸福的家庭。We all want happiness and health. 我们都想要幸福和健康。happy的词形变化(1)happy为形容词,意为“高兴的”,其副

5、词形式为“happily”,意为“幸福地;满足地”,其名词形式为happiness, 意为“幸福”。(2)副词happily是由形容词happy变y为i加ly变化而来的。类似的词形变化还有:luckyluckily;heavy heavily 2.sunny adj,意为“阳光充足的”由sun+ny 构成,在名词词尾加-y构成形容词是英语构词法的一种。 snow-snowy rain-rainy cloud-cloudy wind-windy fog-fogy ice-icy训练提升一.展示 .短语互译1. in front of. . . _2. during the season _3.

6、clap for. . . _4. 摘苹果 _5. 制作苹果馅饼_. 句型展示1. 室外温度凉爽,并且天空蔚蓝。_ _ _ is cool and the sky is blue. 2. 这是苹果采摘的好季节。It is _ _ _ _ apple picking3. 我可以欣赏树叶的色彩斑斓。I can enjoy the _ _ _ the leaves. 4. 真有趣啊!_ _ it is! 二.过关.选择适当的介词或介词短语填空with, of, in front of, for, during1. Can you give a report _ the class? 2. Jim i

7、s standing there _ a heavy schoolbag. 3. _ this season, the weather is really hot and rainy. 4. Did they clap _ you? 5. Pie is a kind _ cake. . 句型转换1. What bright and sunny weather! (改为同义句)_ _ _ _ the weather is! 2. All the people clapped the singer. (改为同义句)_ clapped _ the singer. 3. It is a great s

8、eason for sports. (改为同义句)It is a great season _ _ sports. 4. Pie is full of different fruits inside. (改为同义句)Pie is _ _ different fruits inside. 5. Jenny was excited. (改为感叹句)_ _ Jenny was! ReviewFinish and useLearn by oneselfGroup competitionTeamwork-learn and usePractice and improve作 业 Recite the passageWrite a short composition-My Favorite season板书设计Lesson33: Kims Favourite Season1. happily adv. 幸福地;满足地(1) happy adj.“高兴的”,(2) happiness n.“幸福”。2. sunny adj,意为“阳光充足的教学反思


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