冀教版九年级下册英语课件 Unit 3 Safety 单元整合与拔高

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1、单元整合与拔高 冀教版 九年级 Unit 3 Safety 习题链接 1A 2A 3A 4B 6 7 8 Work hard go out forget to 真题真练提示:点击 进入习题 5Dont shout 答案呈现 9seriously 10themselves 11careless 12safety 13strangers 14 D 15B 习题链接 16 17 Be careful with your notes/ Write down your notes carefully D 答案呈现 真题真练 习题链接 1Because we could get injured from

2、falling glass or parts of buildings. 2 We should keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, and anything else that could fall and hurt you. Also keep away from a fire. (列举出3种即可) 3 Stop the car if its safe. Stay inside the car until the earthquake stops. 答案呈现 原汁原味

3、 作文 学必有法 真题真练 一、语法整合真题练 1. Please _ here earlier! We dont want to miss the last bus to the library. 【中考吉林】 A. arrive B. to arrive C. arriving A 真题真练 2. _ me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise. 【中考重庆A】 A. Give B. Giving C. Gives D. To give 【点拨】句意:给我一次机会,我将会带给你一 个惊喜。祈使句的句首是动词原形。故选A。 A 真题真练 3. _ run

4、 in the hallways, Mike. Sorry. Ms. Clark. 【中考湘西】 A. Dont B. Please C. No 【点拨】句意:不要在走廊里跑,迈克。 对不起,克拉克老师。分析句子结构知 ,第一句为祈使句,祈使句是用动词原形开 头的,否定句用dont。故选A。 A 真题真练 4. Tommy, _ play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car. 【中考广东】 A.do B. dont C. must D. mustnt B 真题真练 5. You shouldnt shout

5、back to your parents!( 改为祈使句) 【中考乌鲁木齐】 _ _ back to your parents!Dont shout 真题真练 6. If you dont work hard, you will fall behind. (改为同义句) 【中考天水】 _ , or you will fall behind.Work hard 真题真练 7. 周末不要独自外出。(go) 【中考荆州】 Dont _ alone on weekends. 8. 不要忘了提醒我日期和地点。 【中考重庆渝北】 Dont _ _ remind me of the date and pla

6、ce. go out forget to 真题真练 二、高频考点真题练 9. To achieve our dreams, we must take every life choice _ (serious) . 【中考贵阳】 seriously 真题真练 10. Teenagers should learn how to protect _ (they) from all kinds of danger. 【中考莱芜】 11. Tom was so _(粗心的) that he made many mistakes in this maths test. 【中考德阳】 themselves

7、careless 真题真练 12. Whenever I go out, my mother is always worried about my _(安全) . 【中考德阳】 13. Some parents tell their kids not to speak to , _(陌生人) . 【中考日照】 safety strangers 真题真练 14. It _ about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth. 【中考泸州】 A. pays B. costs C. spends D. takes

8、 D 真题真练 15. Its _ for you to keep secrets for your friends. In this way, you can win their trust. 【中考泰州】 A. strange B. necessary C. possible D. lucky B 真题真练 16. 仔细记笔记,这对你的学习有帮助。 【中考葫芦岛】 _ _ , and it is helpful for your study. Be careful with your notes/ Write down your notes carefully 真题真练 17. Steph

9、en Hawking, a great scientist, had a strong will (意志) . His serious illness never _ him _ living a meaningful and colourful life. 【中考昆明】 A. learned; from B. protected; from C. saved; from D. stopped; from 【点拨】learn from向学习;protectfrom保护某人 (某物)免受伤害;save from从拯救;stop from阻止( 某人)做某事。句意:史蒂芬霍金,是个杰出的科学家 ,

10、他有着顽强的意志。他严重的疾病从来不会阻止他过 着有意义的丰富多彩的生活。结合句意故选D。 D 原汁原味 阅读文章,回答问题。 1. Why dont we go outside immediately in earthquakes? _ _. 【点拨】根据原文: Do NOT go outside immediately. You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings.可知答案。 Because we could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildin

11、gs. 原汁原味 2. What should we keep away from in earthquakes? (List at least three points) _ _ _ _ We should keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, and anything else that could fall and hurt you. Also keep away from a fire. (列举出3种即可) 【点拨】原文第四段便是答案,整体讲的 都是地震的时候我们应

12、该远离什么。 原汁原味 3. What should we do if driving a car in earthquakes? _ _ 【点拨】根据原文第三段的最后一句: Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.可知答案。 Stop the car if its safe. Stay inside the car until the earthquake stops. 学必有法 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是Safety(安全), 安全问题关系到 我们每一个人,我们应该时刻提高警惕,注意安全 ! 学必有法 二、

13、写作方法 “三步法”写安全类话题作文 第一步:开篇点题,简明扼要 第二步:提出建议,详略得当 第三步:总结概括,首尾呼应 学必有法 三、素材积累 1. “安全类” 作文常用词汇: safe/safety, dangerous, protect.from., careful/careless, stay calm 学必有法 2. “安全类” 作文常用句型: It is necessary/ important (for us) to do. Here are some suggestions for you. We all need to learn how to protect ourselv

14、es and stay away from danger. Safety must come first. 学必有法 四、写作任务 【中考十堰】 3月26日是第二十三个全国中小学生安全教育日。 今年安全教育日的主题是“普及安全知识,确保生命 安全”。暑假即将来临,为了进一步增强中小学生的 安全意识,提高自我保护能力,学校将举行以安全为 主题的征文活动。请你根据下列表格内容写一篇题为 “How can we make ourselves safe?”的英语短文。 学必有法 提示词:be careful(小心) go bad(变质) 要点内容 饮食安全不吃变质食物,少吃或不吃垃圾食品 。 交友安全

15、网上慎重交友,不和陌生人交谈。 旅行安全照看好私人物品,遇险及时报警。 游泳安全不独自游泳,不到河、湖里游泳。 学必有法 要求:1. 必须包含所给的全部要点及内容,可适当发挥 。 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。 3. 字数80-100,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 How can we make ourselves safe? As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially important._ _ 学必有法 五、写作模板 学必有法 六、满分作文 How can we make ourselves safe?

16、 As teenagers, to learn how to make ourselves safe is especially important._ _ _ _ Here are some of my suggestions. First, we are supposed to be careful when making friends online, which may bring us unnecessary troubles. 学必有法 _ _ _ _ _ _ Second, remember never to go swimming on our own in the river or the lake because doing that will probably put ourselves into dangerous situations. Besides, in order to eat healthily and safely, wed better eat less junk food and not eat food that goes bad, for



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