冀教初中英语七下《Lesson 34 Steven's Report》word教案 (1)

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1、Stevens Report教学目标1.学会运用:maple,syrup,goose,honk,cloud,wet. 2.掌握短语及句型:Its ones turn to speak, have a picnic, great work.教学重点短语的理解与运用教学难点感叹句的正确使用。教学方法自主学习,合作探究,解决文中疑难点。教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware教学步骤教师活动学生活动调整与思考教学过程设计教学过程设计前置学习一复习巩固 .短语互译1.on weekend_ 2.pick apples_3.two-full-box

2、es-of_ 3.make apple pie_5during the season _ 6.谈论_7.帮助某人做某事_ 8.玩得很高兴_9.召集_ 10.be filled with_. 句型展示1. 室外温度凉爽,并且天空蔚蓝。_ _ _ is cool and the sky is blue. 2. 这是苹果采摘的好季节。It is _ _ _ _ apple picking3. 我可以欣赏树叶的色彩斑斓。I can enjoy the _ _ _ the leaves. 4. 真有趣啊! _ _ it is! 二.呈现目标,明确任务交流释疑一. 自学(一)单词突破1.Can you t

3、ell me the t_now.2.There are many c_ in the sky.3.She feeds the g_ enery day.4.Its rains today. The ground is w_.(二)读课文,完成课本练习Part3(P89)二. 互助(一). 生生互助: 读课文, 找出文中重点句, 并完成下列空格,小组讨论句子意思。 1.After breakfast, I _ _ a trip _ the countryside with my friends. 2.There _ many _.3We were _ _! 4. _ _ great day!

4、5. Lets give him _ _ _, class. .(二). 教师点拨1.Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事. ones必须是形容词性物主代词(如my, his等)或名词所有格。Eg:Its my turn to clean the classroom.轮到我打扫教室了。2. have a picnic=take a picnic 野餐Eg: We will have a picnic next week. 下周我们将进行野餐。3. begin v.(began/begun)开始,后跟名词、代词、to do或doing Begin to do sth=b

5、egin doing sth=start to do sth=start doing sth 开始做某事。Eg: After a short rest, they begin working. 短暂休息后,他们开始工作。训练提升一.展示 (一)翻译句子1.咱们为他热烈鼓掌。(Lets)_2.我喜欢在郊外散步。(countryside)_3.轮到刘英洗衣服了。(turn)_4.昨天他们在湖边进行了野餐。(picnic)_5.多么暖和的天气啊!(weather)_(二)根据句意提示完成句子。1.At the _(begin) of our class, Lets sing a English so

6、ng.2.They _(去野餐) next week.3.The boy _(抓住) a bird yesterday.4.My family _ (去旅行)Beijing last week.二.过关(一)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(5分)goose, dark, one, pick, happy1. He didnt turn on the light, so it was very _ in his room. 2. It is a good time for orange _. 3. Last Sunday we played in the leaves _. 4. How many

7、 _ does your grandma have? 5. _, you can take books out of your schoolbag. (二). 完成句子(10分)1. 他打算谈一谈他最喜欢的运动。He _ _ _ talk about his favourite sports. 2. 在这个季节,天气通常是晴朗的。In this season, the weather is usually _ and _. 3. 他的书包里装满了不同的水果,如苹果,草莓等。His schoolbag _ _ _ different fruits _ apples and strawberrie

8、s. 4. 天空中有几朵白云。There _ a few white _ in the sky. 5. 史蒂文和他的朋友们一起玩传接球游戏,做枫糖浆。Steven _ catch and _ maple syrup with his friends. Finish the review questions Learn by themselves and finish the blanksTeamwork and help each otherUnderstand remember and usePractice and improve作 业 Make sentences with the le

9、arned structures and phrases Writing practice-A report板书设计Lesson34 Stevens Report1.Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事.Eg:Its my turn to clean the classroom.2. have a picnic=take a picnic 野餐Eg: We will have a picnic next week. 下周我们将进行野餐。3. begin v.(began/begun) Begin to do sth=begin doing sth=start to do sth=start doing sth 开始做某事。Eg: After a short rest, they begin working. 短暂休息后,他们开始工作。教学反思



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