初中英语2019年七年级下册人教版授课课件Unit 12 SectionB (1a-1e)

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1、What did you do last weekend?Unit 12 第三课时:Section B (1a-1e) How was your last weekend? What did you do? 1a Here are some things that Sally and Jim did yesterday. Match the activities with the pictures. 1_ sang and played the guitar 2_ studied for a test 3_ had dinner with friends 4_ went to the libr

2、ary 5_ flew a kite 6_ swam in a swimming pool d c f e a b fly a kite 放风筝知识点1 考向【重点】 fly此处用作及物动词,意为“放飞 (风筝、 飞机模型等)”。其过去式为flew。fly a kite 相当于 fly kites,意为“放风筝”。 eg: Some children are flying kites in the park. 一些孩子正在公园里放风筝。 My father helped me to fly the model plane. 我的父亲帮助我放飞飞机模型。 1b Do you think the

3、activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture. 1c Listen. What did Sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart. Sally Jim did her homework _ _ _ . studied for a test went to the library sang and played the guitar flew a kite in the park had dinner with his f

4、riends 1c Jim: Hey, Sally! I didnt see you last weekend. Sally: Yeah. I stayed at home on Saturday. I was quite busy. Jim: Why? Sally: I had a lot of things to do. Jim: Like what? Sally: Well, I did my homework and studied for a test. Jim: You did? Not much fun, huh? Sally: Well, it wasnt too bad. O

5、n Sunday, I went to the library. How about you? Did you go out? Jim: Well, I sang and played the guitar on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon, I flew a kite in the park. And on Sunday night, I had dinner with my friends. Sally: Wow! You had a relaxing time! Jim: Yeah, I had fun. But I didnt do my

6、 homework, so school this morning wasnt fun! Make a conversation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend. Who went to the library? Sally did. 1e Make a conversation. Ask what your partner did last weekend. Did you do anything interesting last weekend? Not really, but I visited

7、 my sister. anything interesting有趣的事知识点2 考向【重点】 anything interesting意为“任何有趣的事” ,形容词修饰不定代词时应后置,在句中作后置 定语。 eg: He told us something interesting. 他告诉了我们一些有趣的事情。 This isnt anything important. 这并不是什么重要的东西。 Is there_ in todays newspaper? No. I think everything in it is boring. (安顺) A. interesting anything B. somebody interesting C. interesting something D. anything interesting 典例D 本节课主要练习了听力,掌握了知识点fly a kite , anything interesting等的用法。


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