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1、大学英语四六级考试/备考辅导2016六级听力备考精华笔记对电影的评价基本上是负面的If s a waste of time.It/s a waste of money.It isn11 worth the pr ice of the admission.It has got an awful review -对音乐会的评价基本上是正面的例题:A) It wi I I take about one month to repai r the wat ch.B) The woman should have saved more money.C) It is a good idea to keep t

2、he old watch.D) The watch i s no longer worth repai r ing.W: I can, t figure out whaf s wrong with my watch. It wasjust a month ago that I had it repa i red.M: Dont waste your time and money any more. Its a very old watch and is quite worn out.Q: What does the man mean?思维:崇尚消费仁东西坏了,扔了算了,买个新的2、修不如买东西

3、方思维差异:1崇尚消费2、提倡个人奋斗:借钱不借;借笔记一般也不借3、重视钱4、饮食方面:apple pie 一定好吃(代表美国的传统 文化 trad i t i ona I Amer i can)Thi s picnic i s as Amer ican as appl e pie. 典型的 美式野餐。apple pie vi rtue美国的传统美德I took the I ast one and it was out of the wor I d.Even my mother 1s cant match thi s.You wouldn, t have to force me to tak

4、e another he I p i ng.5、不谦虚 selfconf idenee6、表达直接且理性,逻辑严紧注:L figure out判断出2. worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫例题:A) Arguing.B) Pro testing.C) Comp I a i ning.D) Bargaining.M: Oh, what a morning! You know, I had so much work to do and the phone just kept ringing. Three salespecople cal led me thi s morning!W: I k

5、now how it is. I get a lot of calls too- even onweekends.Q: What are the two speakers doing?注:I know how it is. 表示同情。I know how you fee I例题:A) Fami I ies with cars.B) Amer ican1s heavy dependence on cars.C) Roads and highways.D) Traffic prob lems i n America.W: You Amer icans are funny! It seems as

6、if you were marr ied to your cars.M: Yeah, I guess thaf s true. The country is becoming onebig highway. I was reading that thereare about 4 million mi les of roads and high ways in th i s country now.Q: What are they talking about?短对话,听到什么不选什么。段子题:听到什么选什么。例题:A) Theapples andpears might not be so goo

7、d, not asB) The,good as the pears,apples areC) The.pears are very good,apples andD) Theapples and Pears are as good as theyI ook.W: I intend to buy some fruit for the chi Idren. These applesand pears seem to be in season. Ill get two dozen of each M: I hope theyre as good as they look.Q: What does the man mean?注:L pear梨pear I珍珠2. be in season 新骨羊2016六级听力备考精华笔记.doc全文共1476字编号:7271016


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