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1、 编号:_本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载en上海德纳达国际货运代理协议-ok 甲 方:_乙 方:_日 期:_说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。话虹SHANGHAI DENADA INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CO., LTD.国际货运代理协议 /agreement for internatonal TRANSPORTATIONNO :DND0500甲方 /SHIPPER :联系人/PIC :电话/TEL :地址/ADD :乙方

2、/AGENT:上海德纳达国际物流有限公司联系人/PIC :电话/TEL :地址/ADD :甲方委托乙方代理 口岸国际货物运输事宜(年货量约 ,本着互惠互利,诚信为本的原则,经双方 友好协商,达成如下协议,以便共同遵守。Shipper undertakes to ship a minimum aggregate quantity of each year.。业务操作 /service commitmentsI. 出口 /EXPORT :A. 甲方须在预定船期(航班)七日前,将有关订舱资料提供给乙方,一般物品提供出口货物明细单(正本或传真件),危险品还须提供危险品外包装容器鉴定证书,及危险品说明书

3、等相关申报单证。Shipper should advise booking request 7 days before ETD date. For general goods, Shipper offer the shipping order by fax copy or original. For hazardous goods, shipper should offer package inspection certificate and product instruction additionally.B. 乙方接受甲方委托订舱后,须即时告知甲方具体包括船名(航班) ,关单等内容的确认

4、书,甲方则须按乙方要求即时将货物送入仓库或告知提货地址及做好其他准备工作。Agent should advise shipper booking condition, such as vessel and voyage, B/L No. promptly. Shipper should deliver the goods to the warehouse appointed by the agentin time, or inform the D/D address and get ready for cargo loading.C. 甲方须在预订船期(航班)四天前,将所有通关资料提供给乙方。

5、提单确认以书面确认为准。在开航后,乙 方按协议将提单及帐单发票等其它装运文件提交甲方。Shipper provides all documents for the customs clearance 4 days before ETD date. B/L content should be confirmed in writing. Agent will deliver the B/L and invoice to shipper according to this agreement after the sailing date.D. 退税,核销单及相关退税资料,在双方遵守协议的基础上,乙方

6、应在开船后二十五工作日内退还甲方,如由于乙方原因造成单证丢失或甲方不能退税等其它的责任及损失乙方应承担,甲方同时应保证委托乙方操作业务的连续性。Base on the obligation of this agreement by both parties, agent should return back all the drawback documents to shipper 25days after vessel sailing. Agent undertakes the responsibility and loss due to any documents loss caused

7、by agent, which result in the shipper unable to drawback. And shipper undertakes to guarantee the continuity of the shipment business.II. 进口 /IMPORT :A。 甲方委托乙方租船订舱,双方确认运费后,乙方应在收到书面委托五个工作日内安排装船,甲方在船到港5日 前,提供提单与其它换单文件。乙方审单无误后应及时跟踪船期,办理换单手续,若涉及到付运费按本协的第二项III款执行。Shipper give advance notice of booking an

8、d confirm the freight rates with agent. Agent should arrange the cargo load on board within 5 work-days after receipt ofshipping order in written form. Shipper should advise shipping documents 5 days before ETA date. Agent checks the documents and get the D/O in time. The freight rates is specified

9、in Term 4 of this agreement.B。 所有进口通关资料甲方应在船到前4日前提供给乙方,并保证其真实、合法、有效性。乙方应在收到单证后及时审单、报关,发现问题应立即通报甲方,协商解决。甲方即时按协议付费的基础上,乙方可做到免税货物3个工作日内通关,征税货物4个工作日内通关。The shipper provides all the documents for the import customs clearance 4 days before the vessel arrival, and guarantee its facticity, legality, validit

10、y. Agent checksthe documents, applies to the Customs on the receipt promptly and advise shipper ifany problem for consulting. Agent will fulfil the customs clearance in 4 work-days,and 3 work-days for tax-free cargo, on the condition of prompt freight payment from the shipper.C。 通关放行1日前,甲方通知乙方货物准确的流

11、向,并做好相关收货准备。乙方按甲方的指示,准时、安全将 货物送达,甲方收货时,若发现关封启动、货物破损等异常情况,应及时通知乙方,以明确原因责任。Shipper gives at least 1 day advance notices of the final delivery address for the shipment before customs clearance, and also get well ready for receiving the cargo.Agent should deliver the cargo punctually and safely accordin

12、g to shippers instruction. Shipper should inform any unconventionality, such as container unsealedor cargo damage, upon receipt of goods to clear the liability.D. 核销报关单等进口单证,通关放行后,在双方遵守协议基础上,乙方及时将单证返还甲方,甲方并保证委托乙方业务的连续性。On the observance of contract by both parties, agent returns the import customs c

13、learance documents back to the shipper after clearance, the latter undertake to guarantee the continuity of the shipment business.III. 乙方有关具体操作环节的联络人告客户书。CONTACT PIC REFER TO “ COOPERATION NOTICE ”二。费用结算 / ACCOUNT SETTLINGI. 海(空)运费确认,双方每月书面确认一次,特殊情况另行确认。The ocean (air) freight of the shipment under

14、this contract refers to the rate confirmation by writing monthly, or confirmed case by case by both parties.II. 人民币费用,原则上以乙方每年报价为准,特殊情况双方确认如下:The RMB charges of the shipment under this contract refers to the offer from the agent yearly, or confirmed by both parties details as following,III. 乙方同意按 方式

15、与甲方结算运费Shipper undertake to pay the freight to agent on the term of1) 收到发票 日内付款To remit payment in full wire all the freight within days after receipt of invoice2) 每月15日以前结清上月所有费用Remittence must made on or before the 15th of each month for the foregoing months activity.3) 船开后30日内同城托收.(附:有关同城托收无承付结算协议另行签订The shipper a



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