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1、Induction tor Tess sing MATLB/SimulikndThei ItegratnIo nrgrduatEletr Machnry CorsesbstactThis pper descies MATLAB/imulnkimlementatin of theinduction motor tess, namy dc, no-lod,d ocked-otor tests perfmed to identifuivenciutpameters. hsesimulaionmodelsae delopedto supporehance lectrc ahiner duationat

2、 theudergadutevl. The rpos testshave been sucsfully intertedntoectic mchinry courss a Dexel Unersity, Philaelphia, P,ad igdeUniersity, Nig. Turke.Index TmsEducaton, induio moors,MATLA/ilnk, sofwae labatory. INTRDUTIOITHTH dent ofl-cost prol utr and vaiouseasl accessible srepackgs, couter-aidedteachi

3、n tools hv omea ssential par ofboth co lecture and laboratr experment in elctrcal achiny uaton 6. The cput odelsan imtion ofinducion mtors, as acingtoo, suppt theclassroomtechin bynaling the itructor,hough opute-eted graphi, illutrate eaiy sadyte oetion of theotor uner arius loing cnition . The comp

4、utationaltos as a ar of laboratoy exeimentsehancelaorary exriece by poidin tudens ih theopportuity to erfy hersulsolaboratory expeimentsnd compae tem wih hose tind by computr siulatonsch acasn opptunty elpsstudts relze t liiatonsof arwarxpriment and, as counterpoint, appreciat tat ompuer moels nnots

5、ubstute fo aua hrdwre experimens tht migt ot eacty epresn the eationofinduction mots becaue osomemodelinassmtions.Mrevr, n ndrrauat lectric achinery couse tht ntegrteup-to-datecompuer haware an ftware tls in bothlecture an lbortory setions also meetsteepectations toda tdetswho atto uecomputers simla

6、tion tlin eveaspectsfa course,d thus, ossibl racts more students. lecrical ahinery corses at he undrgrdte leveltypicall cons flassromdlabortory sections.The lasroom eton cers the stedy-tateopton o theiducton tor in which the per-has euivaent ccu s usedto omtevarious moto quantitis, suas inucrret n p

7、ower, powr ftor, deloped torqe,and effciencTempatis associatd th the stadyteoperato requie thnolde eqivaent crctprametrs Tesearars ae bane byperfomn thre ts, namly , no-load, adblckd-roo sts o themotorina tyical laboratry expient. The abotorctin ncus thse ets and a ladexpeent tt alo sudts to bcom am

8、iliawi thenducion motor oertion andoain inala dre and sement xpeience. Te ahrs expeiece whileteachng nductionmtors a rxel Unvs,hladepha, PA, ndicats tha students genrlly have diffcul whenhey comtohlboatry t carry outtheseexeimntseve tughtherrespodn heory i etensiv covred in the cassoosecon w deiedha

9、nd-ut escibig labtory facilitiesand thereureof theexpints, gven to tem t leat a week bfore he labrtor Stuens are ot familia wit a labratoy enirnmen tha contains age mchine ndrelatielycompexmesuremen thod devics copared with oer labratres theyave een tbfoe. The timecotraint dring the laortyexercise e

10、also ifflult adustmnt Inusuato-hurlaborary stion,stuens rereuid t stup ndperform inductio moto experimen, to take th nessary measurents, and t nesia stea-state pfornce the otorue vriouslodngconditios eause ofth tie liitons, stunts ofte rus truhth experints irder to flis tem on tie,whc unfortuaty pre

11、vnts temrm gig e eelig of oopeation and r apeciting wht hasbeenacoplshedurn th laoatryractice.Thefor, imuliontoos musbedvelopdo iutio otor expeimntstoservauseul prparatoryercisesbeforestudens coet the lboraory. Th bjetive of this pper sto prsentsimulaion mde o hese iuction motor xerimnts i aeffrt to

12、 siga comptatonal laoratry.Thedc,-lod,and loked-r siulion modes are evelopd s stnd-lone applications usiMATAB/mlnkand PwrSyste okset (PS). Fr thel experment, studentsar require t wite a omputerpogramsig MTB fe pgrmming fr t e-phase quialenticuit f th induction motor to compue operatinguntities.Su an asignmentimpovesstudts prgrammg slls thauld be epful i other clsses asl The remaidof thepae isorgnied as fllows. SetionI dscribes he , no-



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