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1、人教版英语 八年级英语上册语法填空专题复习练习 ( 含解析 )一、八年级英语上册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多 限填 3 个单词)。Do you know our town? Its very big. There are three great clothes there. TrendyClothes is the biggest all It has the best service(服务) and always makes you ( feel) at home when shopping. Good Time

2、s quite great, too. You can always buy the newest clothes there. And it has ( comfortable ) seats for you to siton. Mr. Cools has the most ideas when ( sell) clothes. Sometimes they invite somefamous singers to sing and give interesting shows. So the store is always ofpeople. Which store is ( good )

3、 ? You may ask this question. It is ( real)difficult to answer because each store has its specials.【答案】 stores; of ; feel ; is; the most comfortable ;selling;songs;full;the best ; really 【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了作者小镇上的几家店铺。1)句意:那里有三家很棒的服装店。根据Trendy Clothes 可知 store 商店,基数词three 后是名词复数 , 故填 stores 。(2)句意:时尚服装店是最

4、大的,它有最好的服务,总是让你在购物时有宾至如归的感 觉。 of all ,固定搭配,所有的,故填of。(3)句意:时尚服装店是最大的,它有最好的服务,总是让你在购物时有宾至如归的感 觉。 make sb+动词原形,是某人 ,故此处是动词原形,故填 feel 。( 4)句意:好时光也很美好。 great 是形容词,此处缺少系动词be,是,主语是 GoodTimes 第三人称单数,全文是一般现在时,故 be 用 is , 故填 is。( 5)句意:它有最舒适的座位供你坐。根据the newest clothes there. And可知 and 前后都是最高 级,seats 是 名词其前 是形容

5、 词, comfortable 是形容 词,最高级是 most comfortable ,其前有定冠词 the , 故填 the most comfortable 。( 6)句意:酷先生卖衣服的主意最多。句子中用谓语has,故此处是非谓语动词, sell 主语是主动故选,故用现在分词形式,故填 selling 。( 7)句意:有时他们会邀请一些著名的歌手来唱歌,表演有趣的节目。sing song ,固定搭配,唱歌,表示泛指用名词复数, 故填 songs 。(8)句意:所以店里总是挤满了人。 be full of ,固定搭配,挤满了 ,故填 full。( 9)句意:哪家商店最好?前文提到的三家服

6、装店,故此处是最高级,good 的最高级是best ,最后的,其前有定冠词 the , 故填 the best 。( 10)句意: 这很难回答,因为每个商店都有自己的特色菜。副词修饰形容词 difficult ,real 是形容词, really 是副词 , 故填 really 。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的非谓语动词,词性,最高级搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多 限填 3 个单词)。It was a playground. Eight ( child ) were standing on the starting line t

7、o take part in a running race.Ready? Bang!All eight girls started running they heard the sound. After a minute, one of the smallgirls fell down. Because the pain (痛) , she started to cry. When the other seven girlsheard, one of them stopped ( run) quickly. Then she stood for a while to see whathappe

8、ned, She decided ( turn ) back to the place where the girl fell down, She kissedthe girl and ( advise) her to be strong. She said, I will be together you,Then, the girl helped the fallen girl stand up and looked after her carefully. They joined hands together, walked together and ( get ) to the wini

9、ng line. People were moved.Clapping of ( hundred ) of people came out. Though they lost the race, they wereboth best runners!Both the girls were strong and brave. What did they teach this world? Teamwork! Friendship! Love!【答案】 children ; when/after ; of ; running ; to turn ;advised;with ; got; hundr

10、eds ; the 【解析】 【分析】大意:本文讲述 8 个孩子比赛跑步,在途中,有一位女孩摔跤,而一位 女孩听到哭声,而返回安慰这位女孩( 1)句意:八个孩子正站在起跑线上参加跑步比赛。child 孩子,可数名词, eight 后接名词复数, child 的复数是 children ,故填 children 。(2)句意:八个女孩在听到声音后都开始跑。分析句子可知,空后引导时间状语从句,引 导词可用 when 当时候 /after 在之后,连词,符合题意,故填 when/after 。(3)句意:因为痛,他开始哭。引导原因,且后接名词,用because of,因为,故填 of 。( 4)句意

11、:当其他七位女孩听到时,她们其中的一位停止快速跑,run 跑,动词, stopdoing sth 停止做某事,故填 running 。(5)句意:然后她站了一会儿看发生了什么,她决定回到那个女孩摔跤的地方,她亲了那 个女孩并且建议她要坚强。 turn back 返回, decide to do sth 决定做某事,故填 to turn 。 (6)句意:然后她了一会儿看发生了什么,她决定回到那个女孩摔跤的地方,她亲了那个 女孩并且建议她要坚强。根据 decided 可知,用一般过去时, advise 建议,此处用其过去式 advised,故填 advised。( 7)句意:她说, ”我将和你在一

12、起。 together with sb 和某人在一起,固定搭配,故填 with 。( 8)句意:她们手拉着手,一起走到终点线。get to 到达,根据 walked ,可知一般过去时, get 的过去式是 got ,故填 got。( 9)句意:数百人鼓掌。 hundred 百,表泛指,用其复数,且和 of 连用, hundreds of 数 百,故填 hundreds 。( 10)句意:虽然她们输了赛跑,但是她们都是最好的跑步者。形容词最高级和the 连用,故填 the 。【点评】考查语法填空。首先理解文章大意,答题的过程中,注意考虑句型、语法、搭 配、语境等因素,最后得出正确的答案。3阅读下

13、面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多 限填 3 个单词)。My family makes the best chicken salad. Dad prepares all of the ingredients and Mom makes the relish. There a few things that make this chicken salad different from other chicken ( salad). First, we use fruit jam (果酱) in the relish, You can buy any fruit

14、 jam, like banana jam or orange jam But we have ( bottle ) of strawberry jam that my mothermade, so we use the strawberry jam. (two ), we put some green olives (橄榄) .Green olives give the salad an ( interest ) taste and make a big difference. Now let metell you how ( make) the salad.First, mix all o

15、f the salad ingredients in a large bowl. The ingredients are ( chicken) , tomatoes, green olives, onions and apples. you like lettuce, you can also put some. Next, make the relish. Please mix the jam, the juice and the salt. Finally, mix the relish with the salad ingredients.Do you have a favorite chicken salad recipe? Please tell about it, You can write to.【答案】 are;salads;bottles;Second;interesting;to make ; up ; chicken ; If; us 【解析】 【分析】主要讲了怎样制作鸡肉沙拉。( 1)句意:有一些东西使这种鸡肉沙拉不同于其他鸡肉沙拉。there be 表示有 ,主语things 是复数,时态是一般现在时,所以be 用 are ;other 修饰可数名词复数, salad 的复数是 salads,故填 are


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