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1、广州新版五年级第一学期期末练习Part I1、将下列单词分类并把代号写到相对应的位置。A. chipsB. music roomC. sunnyD. libraryE. coffeeF. swimming poolG. cloudyH. playgroundI. noodlesJ. gymK. dumplingL. cloudM. waterN. rainO. rainyP. breadQ. windR. bunS. pancakeT. fishU. juiceV. milkW. teaX. cokeFoods:_Drinks:_Weather:_Places:_二、左右连线。1.一碗米a c

2、up of tea2.一瓶果汁a bowl of rice3.一杯水a bottle of juice4.一杯茶a glass of water5.一杯咖啡a glass of milk6.一杯牛奶a can of coke7.一罐可乐a bowl of soup8.一碗汤a cup of coffee9.一袋米a box of eggs10. 一盒鸡蛋two cups of coffee11.两杯咖啡a bag of rice三、翻译短语。1. 做飞机模型_2. 玩音乐 _3. 读书 _4. 玩电脑游戏 _5. 照相 _6. 集邮 _7. 养宠物 _8. 写故事 _9. 打乒乓球 _10.

3、读点书 _11. 画卡通 _12. 叫醒 _13. 去市场 _14. 去购物 _15. 去图书馆 _16. 去电影院 _17. 留在家 _18. 去游泳 _19. 穿 T 恤 _20. 放风筝 _21. 堆雪人 _22. 在户外玩 _23. 说英语 _Part2 提高练习1、按实际情况回答问题。1) What s your hobby?_2) Do you like collecting stamps?_3) What can a robot do?_4) Can you speak English?_5) What can you do with your hands?_6) What do

4、 you usually do after school?_7) Does your father usually cook?_8) Do you want coffee or tea?_9) What do you want to drink for lunch?_10) What do you think of tomato and egg soup?_11) What do you usually have for dinner?_12) What s the weather like?_二、判断正误。写 T 或 F。1、Chinese People eat with chopstick

5、s and bowls(.)2、Western People eat with knife and fork. ()3、People from Guangdong enjoy sweet and hot food. ()4、Beijing people like eating noodles and dumplings. ()5、There are four seasons in Guangzhou. ( )6、A duck can fly high. ( )7、We can read books in the gym. ()8、Chinese people like eating rice

6、and bread. ()9、We can use fork to drink soup. ()10、Spring in Guangzhou is warm and wet. ()三、填空,首字母已给出。1、People in China eat with c_ and b_.2、My h_ is keeping p_.3、The chicken smells very d_.4、My family is always very b_ at the w_.5、We have dinner t_ every day.四选择正确的一项。1.My brothershobby is2.Sometime

7、s he3.I can jump very4.Can I have some5.I tsalways very(make,making) kites.(go,goes) swimming with his friends.(high,tall).(chip,chips) and fish?(hot,cold) in Beijing in summer.五、根据问句选出正确的答语。1、() What s the temperature?A.No, I dont.2、() What do you think of the food?B. Sure.3、() Can I have a large c

8、oke?C. It is 15.4、() What do you usually do at the weekend?D. It smells delicious.5、() Can you play basketball?E. I usually play and read books.6、() Do you like playing music?F. Yes, I can.五阅读短文,判断正误。My name is Amy. Im11 years old. I like spring. Itswarm. There are many flowers .It sabeautiful seaso

9、n.And my birthday is in spring. It sApril 16 th. On my birthday, there is always a birthday party.My friends will come and play with me.We sing and dance.We eat the birthday party .After that,we often go to the park and fly kites there. ( )1.Amy likes spring.()2.It shot in spring.()3.Amy sbirthday is in summer.()4.There is always a birthday party for Amy on her birthday.()5.Am


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