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1、Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square第三课时 (Section C-1a,1b,1c)教学设计思路:本课继续学习时间状语从句和方位词。首先让学生介绍学校的平面图来复习方位词。然后通过讲故事的方式一边复习时间状语从句并学习更多的引导词,同时把新词汇展示出来。解决了词汇以后呈现1b图片让学生预测故事情节。随后让学生读1a来检验预测结果并同时完成1b,1c。接着组织学生处理1a中的重难点,最后再次运用图片来引导学生复述1a 完成本课时的教学任务。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge

2、aims: 继续学习时间状语从句。2. Skill aims:(1)能够运用时间状语从句描述事件发生的先后顺序。(2)能够根据关键词来复述短文。3. Emotional aims: 4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1) Words and expressions : bicycle, space, push, direction, step, slowly, beside, sadlyarrive at ,be full of, be surprised at, more and

3、 more. , as soon as, too.to. , not. until.(2) Sentences: After parking their bicycles, they walked to Tiananmen Square.While the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet.As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped around happilyAs they were exploring happ

4、ily, more and more people came to the square.He was too worried to think about what to do. points: (1)正确运用时间状语从句主从句部分的时态。 (2)正确地识别出本课中不规则动词的过去式。. Learning strategies(1)利用构词法学习新词汇。如:sadly, slowly等。(2)利用插图来预测课文的大致情节。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins): Revision show a plan of

5、 the school to revise directions.T: Hi, boys and girls, glad to see you again.T: (shows a picture about directions) Do still remember the words about directionsT: What are they Please list them clockwise. Lets start from here.T: Good memory! Look at the plan of our school. Now, work in groups to des

6、cribe our school. You should use the directions words. Two minutes to prepare for it. T: Your show time now. Which group will be the first to reportStage 2(8mins): Lead inTell a story to revise adverbial clause of time and teach the new words.T: Hi, everyone ! I will tell you a story. Listen careful

7、ly and try to catch the adverbial clauses of time and main idea of it. Are you readyT: This morning, as I was riding slowly on my bicycle along the road, I saw a boy crying sadly beside the bus station. I got off my bicycle, walked to him and asked the reason. He said after he got on the bus, he fou

8、nd a space beside the window as usual. The bus was full of people soon. They pushed him in all directions. When he pushed his way out of the bus, he found his school bag was lost. As soon as he told me the bus number and family number, I called the bus company and his parent. I didnt leave until his

9、 father arrived. Before the father said thanks, I rode on my bicycle and left. T: Who can tell me the main idea of the story T: In the story, I used some to words to introduce the adverbial clause of time. What are theyT: In fact, I used “as, as soon as, not .until.” .Stage 3(2mins):Pre-readingShow

10、the pictures in 1b and encourage the Ss to guess what the passage is about.T: Hi, class! From Section B we know Kangkang, Michael and his friend from America explored Tiananmen Square. Do you want to know what happened to themT: Ok, look at these pictures, try to guess what happened during their tri

11、p. You have one minute to prepare.T: Who has got T: I wont tell who is right now. As soon as you finish reading 1a, you will know the result .Stage 4(5mins): While-readingLet the Ss read 1a. Find out whose guessing is right and finish 1b, 1cStage 5(20mins): Post-reading the Ss read 1a and underline

12、the adverbial clauses of time and the words they dont know2. Let the Ss find out the useful expressions3. Encourage the Ss to retell the passage according to the picturesStage 6(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMK the Ss to summarize what they have learned. First, tell me the words we use to begin an adverbial clause of time.2. Assign the HMKFor todays homework, Id like you to write a story. You should use what we learned today.


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