英语:chapter 3《a success story》reading 1重难点归纳(沈阳牛津九年级下)

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英语:chapter 3《a success story》reading 1重难点归纳(沈阳牛津九年级下)_第1页
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《英语:chapter 3《a success story》reading 1重难点归纳(沈阳牛津九年级下)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:chapter 3《a success story》reading 1重难点归纳(沈阳牛津九年级下)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 3 A success story一. 教学内容:Chapter 3 A success story Reading 1(一)课文重点单词(二)课文阅读理解来源:学优中考网二. 知识总结与归纳:(一)课文重点单词、短语1. abandon vt. 抛弃来源:学优中考网 The baby was abandoned by its mother. We abandoned our holiday because we had no money.2. admire v. 欣赏 I was admiring your new car.3. ambitious adj.有志向的 Mary

2、 is an ambitious girl.4. burning adj. 激烈的 She didnt lose her burning desire to develop herself.来源:学优中考网5. career n. 职业,生涯 Winning the competition gave her a chance to star on a new career path.6. contest n. 竞赛,比赛 She entered the writing contest and won it.7. cosmetic n. 化妆品 It is bad for children to

3、 use cosmetic.8. countless adj. 无数的 There are countless stars in the sky at night. It is hard to count them.9. degree n. 学位 She then studied for a Fine Arts degree at University of Hong Kong.10. extraordinary adj. 非凡的 The boy has an extraordinary imagination.11. fame n. 名望 His invention brought him

4、fame as well as money.12. fortunately adv. 幸运地 Fortunately, he got the tickets for the concert in advanced.13. graduate v. 毕业 She graduated from a French university.14. independent adj. 独立的 His wages enabled him to be economically independent of his family.15. praise v. 称赞 We all praised him for his

5、 honest.16. succeed v. 成功 I hope that you will succeed in your efforts.17. wander v. 徘徊来源:学优中考网xyzkw He wandered up and down the road aimlessly.18. syllabus n. 教学大纲 We should carry out our teaching according to the syllabus.19. available adj. 可用的,可看到的 Is the doctor available?20. industrialize v. 使得工

6、业化 It will take many years to industrialize all parts of country.21. poverty n. 贫穷 There are still many people living in poverty in some developing countries.22. squatter n. 擅自占用公地的人 Some squatters live in the old buildings without paying rent.23. vacuum v. 用吸尘器打扫 Do you vacuum the floor at home?(二)课文阅读理解阅读课文,用时5分钟。回答问题 P32 A What do you know about?B. Look and think.来源:xyzkw.ComC. Find the facts.P35 E Read and think. 学$优*中考,网



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