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1、Part I (共60分)I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. Some men saw what was happening and _ to fight the fire. A. rushed B. walkedC. jumped D. hiked ( ) 2. At 19, Mark came up _ a new way for college students. Now 23, hes trying not to lose its cool. A. with B. toC. like D. as ( ) 3. What _ you, science, math or

2、physics? Science. I liked it very much.来源:学优中考网A. troubled B. shockedC. interested D. hurt ( ) 4. The girl is a kind daughter. She _ her father with all the food and money he wanted. A. gave B. providedC. found D. lost ( ) 5. _ was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876.A. Where B.

3、WhenC. How D. Who ( ) 6. What have the scientists found? Theyve found how fat _ and stored. A. produced B. is producingC. has produced D. is produced ( ) 7. Oh, Ted, you look sad. What has happened? My pocket is _. I have no money to eat lunch.A. full B. emptyC. beautiful D. new ( ) 8. What did she

4、say about her mother? She _ her as a “walking miracle(奇迹)”.A. dreamed B. wroteC. saw D. described ( ) 9. What kind of crops(农作物) do the _ grow there? Rice and corn.A. teachers B. reportersC. farmers D. visitors ( ) 10. The concert was too noisy. I couldnt _ it.A. know B. standC. like D. say( ) 11. W

5、hy were you late this morning? Because my car _. A. broke through B. ran offC. ran away D. broke down ( ) 12. I like talking with the person _ loves his family. A. where B. whoC. whose D. which ( ) 13. Would you like to trek through the jungle with us?来源:学优中考网 _A. Where would you go?B. Yes, that sou

6、nds great. C. I hope you can enjoy it.D. What else can you tell me? ( ) 14. The old man said he could carry the bag because it was _. A. light B. heavyC. convenient D. adjustable( ) 15. By the time the man got to the station, the train _ already _. A. have; left B. had; leaveC. had; left D. has; lef

7、tII. 词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分)A) 根据中文提示填入适当的单词。16. Aalborg is the fourth largest and _ (最活跃的) city of Denmark. 17. Please enjoy some of the _ (奇妙的) experiences of Mr Wang. 18. Chinese began to celebrate(庆祝) Chinese New Year in _(古代的) China. 19. It will be a _ (令人愉快的) day for me if I see a sunset. 20. This b

8、ike is almost 15 years old. It isnt worth having it _(修理). B) 选择方框内所给的单词,并用其适当形式填空。lock, save, marry, throw, sour21. That old chair is broken. It should be _ away. 22. _ your doors and windows before you leave your home. It is not safe here. 23. Both Dave and Caroline were 29 years old when they got

9、 _. 24. How do parents help young children get in the habit of _? 25. I dont like eating the orange. The orange is _ than the apple. III. 同义句转换。每空一词。(每小题1分,共10分)26. I prefer pop music to country music. I _ pop music _ than country music.27. When I saw this picture this morning, I quickly remembered

10、my hometown.When I saw this picture this morning, I was quickly _ _ _ my hometown.28. The worker repaired the car for the man. And he got $125.The man _ the worker $125 because he _ his car. 29. Mike and Jennifer tell Craig they are waiting for their parents.Mike and Jennifer tell Craig they _ _ the

11、ir parents.30. The family want to take a three-week trip. The family want to _ _ from home for a trip for three weeks. 31. The Hope Project has built many Hope Schools in the west of China. The Hope Project has _ _ many Hope Schools in the west of China. 32. Toms father tried to make him happy by te

12、lling him jokes. Toms father tried to _ him _ by telling him jokes. 33. Many people said that the little girl was similar to her mother.Many people said that the little girl _ _ her mother.34. The father didnt go to bed last night to look after his daughter. The father _ _ last night to look after h

13、is daughter. 35. You must visit Yuyuan and Chenghuangmiao if you go to Shanghai. Yuyuan and Chenghuangmiao are not to _ _ if you visit Shanghai. IV. 补全对话。根据对话的上下文,在横线上写出所缺的内容。(每小题0.5分,共5分)A: Im going to Kansas and visit my 97-year-old grandmother next week.B: Oh, I was in Kansas once and it was very hot. I like (36) _ places like Colorado.A: I lived in Colorado for 3 years once and it was a nice (37) _ to live. But I like living in Texas (38) _ people are very friendly.B: I found Texas is a friendly place. And I liked it. But I (39)_ the friendliest people live in Alabama.A: Alabama i


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