六年级英语下册 unit 3《we are going to travel》(lesson 13 & 14)练习题 人教精通版

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六年级英语下册 unit 3《we are going to travel》(lesson 13 & 14)练习题 人教精通版_第1页
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1、Unit3 We are going to travelExercise 1: choose(自读课文,独立完成选择) 1. They are going to travel around China during the_? A. Winter holiday B. May day C. summer holiday2. The Great Wall is in_. A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. Xian3. Harbin is in the _ of China. A. south B. north C. west4. They are going to Hangzh

2、ou by_. A. plane B. train C. ship5. _ is in Hangzhou.A. The West Lake B. The Great Wall C. The Terracotta Army 6. They are going to visit _. Its in Hainan Province. A. Xian B. Wuhan C. SanyaExercise 2: (下列练习三选一完成)1).Read the passage. (以四人小组为单位,用喜欢的方式朗读课文)2).Fill in the blanks. (完成答题纸上的题目) Lily is an

3、 American girl. Heres her family travel plan. They are going to _ _ China during the _ holidays. They are going to stay in _ for _ _.They are going to visit _.I know Hangzhou is in the _of China. Its in _ Province. Its famous for _. 3).Make a dialogue.(两人一组,编演对话)可用句型A: Where are we going today?B: We are going to .A: Where is .?B: . is in the . of China. Its in .Province.A: Thats great ! Lets go! 1



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