2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 wildlife protection高考试卷分块专练 新人教版必修2

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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 wildlife protection高考试卷分块专练 新人教版必修2_第1页
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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protection高考试卷分块专练.阅读理解AHere is a collection of some TV series.For this list, we stick to those that have been released in recent years and we choose not to include TV hits like Game of Thrones or Sherlock.Stranger ThingsThis US television series is a combination of three genres (类型)

2、:the typical college movies where the losers rise up, the science fiction films about crazy scientists who reached their top in the 1980s and the horror movies written in the style of Stephen King.This show, starring Winona Ryder and a group of amazing kids, has managed to combine these genres so we

3、ll that it has already acquired a vast army of fans worldwide.The Pillars of the EarthIt is set in the twelfth century, a time which is considered one of the darkest and most romantic (浪漫的) periods in the history of England. Based on the bestselling novel written by Ken Follett, this TV show starrin

4、g the brilliant Eddie Redmayne is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas of recent years.MahabharataThis Indian Hindilanguage series is liked by many people for being regarded as the simplest and the most fun way to learn about the ageold wisdom of the Indian people.It tells us ab

5、out the kings and heroes who love, fight and make wise decisions.This drama is about the endless struggle between good and evil.The CrownThis story about the transformation of the young Princess Elizabeth into the queen shows everything about the British monarchy (君主制)It includes many storylines, ea

6、ch of which could be made into a separate TV show.The series focuses on the ageold themes of family, marriage and politics, and this is probably what makes The Crown win popularity.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。介绍了四部近年来比较受观众喜爱的电视剧。1What do we know about Stranger Things?AStephen King determined its style.BIt consist

7、s of three children stories.CMost of its central characters are kids.DIts much more popular than Sherlock.解析:选C细节理解题。由第一部电视剧简介中的“starring Winona Ryder and a group of amazing kids”可知,Stranger Things的主要角色大部分都是孩子。2Which aspect of The Pillars of the Earth is stressed in the text?AIts background.BIts sta

8、ff.CIts theme song. DIts plot.解析:选A推理判断题。由第二部电视剧简介可知,文章主要强调了The Pillars of the Earth的时代背景。3Which TV series is more like a biography?AStranger Things. BThe Pillars of the Earth.CMahabharata. DThe Crown.解析:选D推理判断题。由第四部电视剧简介中的“This story about the transformation of the young Princess Elizabeth into the

9、 queen”可知,The Crown是围绕着英国女王的成长故事展开的,比较接近个人传记类型。4Which of the following do the four TV series share?AThey are highly thought of by the audience.BTheir storylines are relatively complex.CThey mainly discuss universal themes.DTheir original languages are English.解析:选A推理判断题。由第一部电视剧简介中的“it has already ac

10、quired a vast army of fans worldwide”,第二部电视剧简介中的“is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas of recent years”,第三部电视剧简介中的“is liked by many people for being regarded as the simplest and the most fun way to .”和第四部电视剧简介中的“this is probably what makes The Crown win popularity”可推知,这四部电视剧都受

11、到观众的好评。BDessi Sieburths love of birds started about six years ago.Now, he has his own group called Protecting Our Birds.Recently, Dessi, 14 years old, chatted with TFK about his work and goals for the future.TFK:What is Protecting Our Birds?DESSI:Birds are citizens of the world, so they need protect

12、ion.I basically try to do conservation work to help birds get protected throughout the world.I recently wrote an article about a bird called the bartailed godwit (斑尾鹬)I interviewed a biologist named Nils Warnock, who had studied the bartailed godwit.He expressed the concern about the threat that the

13、 bartailed godwit is facing.I wrote an article about his answers to the questions, which is published on the American Birding Association Website.TFK:What impelled you to start this project?DESSI:When I was eight years old, our class had to do a woodworking project, so I chose a bird feeder (喂食盒)I d

14、idnt like birds at the time.I made the feeder, filled it up with seed, put it in my backyard and then the birds started coming.I got really interested in birds as more came.I later got involved in my local Audubon Society, which is devoted to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems.It really got

15、 me into birds and I realized bird populations were declining, and many are becoming endangered quite rapidly.I wanted to help them, so I started the project.TFK:What are some future projects you plan to work on?DESSI:I live in LA., where there are a lot of parrots.Most of the parrots native range i

16、s in Mexico, but theyre really declining there because of habitat loss.I want to study the parrots and help them in their native range in Mexico, so they can start increasing again.TFK:How can people learn more about Protecting Our Birds and the work youre doing?DESSI:I have a website.Its protectingourbirds. myfree.website.There people ca


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