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1、,Welcome to college,-First step of your dream.,ME,con,tents,01,YOU,02,US,03,CET-4,04,You will know me fully well in the following 16 weeks, but before that.,We are going to complete some certain missions together. And of course we got rules!,I want to know something about you. Anything you can tell

2、me ?,Not just the final exams . Your also should do your best to pass cet4 in collage.,ME,01,You will know me fully well in the following 16 weeks, but before that,宋杨,Young Song,18865522288,Pass 01,1,3,4,5,6,13437577,songyang_sonia,LOREM IPSUM,Pass 01,YOU,02,I want to know something about you. Anyth

3、ing you can tell me ?,Pass 02,US,03,We are going to complete some certain missions together. And of course we got rules!,Pass 03,8 Units,16 weeks,2 weeks for each unit,Lead in and Text A,Text B & Speaking,about our text book,MOMODA POWERPOINT,20%,Speaking test,20%,10%,50%,Performance& Homework,Mid-t

4、erm exam,Final exam,Score,Pass 03,Pass 02,You should arrive the classroom 10 before the class begins. DO NOT bring breakfast into the classroom. Do bring your text book and your BRAIN to the class. Listen to me during the class, DO NOT do things that are irrelevant to the class. Complete homework se

5、riously .,Benefits,First 3 line,点击添加文本,CET-4,04,Not just the final exams . Your also should do your best to pass cet4 in collage.,About CET 4,Pass 04,Pass 04,30%,70%,Listening & Reading,Writing & Translating,鲁,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,eer,hina,ate,ast,ish,reenstuff,alidom,ebel,orea,ight,anchester goods,orth,ffice,ond,uality,ich,teel,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,复习永远比记新词重要,要反复高频率的复习,复习,再复习!,一天都不能间断!,Pass 04,Freshman,2017,Senior,Doctor,Junior,Bachelor,2018,2019,2020,2021,2024,2027,Sophomore,Master,Anyway Life is short, Golden time is even shorter, Make each day count!,


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