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1、外教一对一 http:/英语段落的展开与技巧 段落的组成段落的组成根据题目的要求,短文写作主要包括三个段落。第一段:通常要求考生阐述对于一个观点的理解,或者对一个观点进行反驳,或者对图画的主要信息进行描述。这个段落不必太长,三到四个句子就可以了。第二段:通常要求考生对图画的意义进行解释,或者要求对一个现象进行原因解释,或者举例说明观点合理性。这个段落需要在内容上适当延伸,需要五到七个句子完成。第三段:通常要求考生提出一些建议措施,或者对观点进行归纳,或者对现象进行前途预测。该段落大约需要四到五个句子完成。好的段落必须是意思完整,语义连贯,完全体现文章主旨中心,同时又是层次分明,结构严谨,逻辑关

2、系应用合理的。以下主要讨论各种段落的基本创作思路和变化。一个段落由三部分组成:主题句、扩展句和结尾句。主题句用来点出段落的主题(谈论什么);扩展句用来说明和支持主题;结尾句用来得出结论。1.主题句1)主题句的位置主题句一般位于段首,也可置于段尾或段中,考生最好放在段首。(1) 位于段首。在英文中,大部分段落的第一句便是主题句。开门见山地提出问题,后面的扩展句围绕主题句加以说明、支持、补充和解释。例如:An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the pub

3、lic alike as offering tremendous benefits.The more obvious ones are the abilities of police to apply first aid life saving techniques quickly, and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It a ids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime as wel

4、l as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department too is enhanced if rapid response is consistent and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force.(2) 位于段尾。主题句位于段尾便于总结全段的内容,给

5、读者以深刻的印象,是写作中的一种演绎方法。例如:At present rates of demand, the world has enough oil to last for more than 40 years, enough gas for more than 60 years and enough coal for more than 230 years. Naturally, demand will increase; but so will reserves as companies explore more widely and costs fall. Since 1970 vi

6、able reserves of oil have almost doubled while those of gas have leapt three-fold. One distant day a crunch will come, but as it approaches fossil-fuel prices will rise, making alternative forms of energy, perhaps including nuclear power, competitive.That is no reason to spend on nuclear now.(3)位于段中

7、。位于段中的主题句起承上启下的作用,这类主题句多起转折作用,一般由“but,however,yet,anyhow,nevertheless”等词连接,用于引起下文。例如:What we teach ourselves sometimes,indeed,is more useful than what we learn from others.Some great men had little or no schooling.But these great men probably studied harder by themselves than most boys do in school.

8、The greatest minds do not necessarily of those who have never been able to distinguish themselves at school,have been very successful in life later.It has been said that Wellington and Napoleon were both dull boys at school,and so were Newt on and Albert Einstein.2)写好主题句的方法文章是否切题是路线性、方向性的问题。英语中的一致性(

9、unity)原则要求每段只能有一个中心思想或主题,只能说明某一件事或某一个问题等,具体体现为要求段落“中心突出”。段落的中心思想或主题通常概括为一个主题句(topic sentence);其他各句称为支持句或从属句(supporting sentences),将主题思想充分展开。概括地说,“中心突出”要求主题句与段落中其他各句统一,从意义上体现段落的完整性。例如:Ever since this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. In fact, it has exerted great i

10、nfluence on our life and behavior. Electrical household appliances are making people more and more lazy. TV has been depriving children of their time for study after class. They can hardly finish their assignments. It is also depriving the cinema and theater of business. Electricity makes noises not

11、 only in factories but also in household by so many loudspeakers.If there were no electricity, things would be much better. Children could both finish their homework and read a lot of books. People would enjoy peace of their minds and find reunion of family members by telling stories. People can eve

12、n develop ties among themselves by visiting each other rather than watching TV all the time at home.Therefore, authority should bring the development and production of electricity under control so that people can enjoy their true life.分析文章语言流畅,语法错误也不多。但作者脱离了文章开头的主题Ever since this century, electricit

13、y has become an essential part of our modern life,只是一味地发感慨。因此,本文在思想内容上并不切题。要想写好主题句,首先应该认真审好题,明确自己要用几个段落、从几个方面说明主题,然后确定每个段落的中心。有了中心思想,就可以写主题句了。(1)主题句首先应是完整句。一个完整的句子才能做主题句,主题句不应是单个词组或什么修饰成分。例如:不完整:How to write a composition.完整:How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about.不完整:If the we

14、ather had been fine.完整:If it had been fine, we would have had a good time.(2)主题句应有明显的导向。主题句一般由两部分组成,即主题和对该主题的态度,或称主题导句。如:Good health is very important to everyone.(3)主题句应尽量具体。写好主题句的关键在于抓住重点、留有余地、避免空泛。也就是说,主题句既要能够反映该段落的中心思想,又要为段落的拓展规定适当的空间。不是什么样的句子都能充当段落主题句的。请看下面的例句:People try to improve their health

15、.He is great.Women are going out to work.The air is dirty.主题句要明确表达段落的中心思想,因此主题句不能太笼统,所以上述四个句子不适合做主题句。试比较下面几句:People try many ways to improve their health.There are many LeiFengs followers in our society.Some of the female intellectuals lead families in earnings.Air pollution should be prevented.以上四个句子都比较适宜做段落的主题句,因为各句都表达了明确的观点,对全段的展开具有指导意义。主题句不能太具体。属于描写细节的句子,不能做主题句,如:They moved to another province last year.A lorry driver smashed through the gates of Buckingham Palace.Gunmen killed two officers late on Tuesday in a village.Zhejiang ex


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