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1、剑桥二级(上)期末测试一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(101=10)( ) 1. A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy( ) 2. A. mine B. his C. he( ) 3. A. big B. bigger C. biggest( ) 4. A. go B. goes C. went( ) 5. A. Friday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday( ) 6. A. bread B. juice C. tomato( ) 7. A. thirty B. thirteen C. three( ) 8. A. Chinese B. English C.

2、 Maths( ) 9. A. on B. under C. in( )10. A. glass B. class C. pass 二、根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语。(52=10)( ) 1. A. Yes, I do B.Yes, I can C. Yes,I am( ) 2. A. Yes, there is B. No, there are C. No, there arent( ) 3. A. I watched TV B. He went swimming C. Yes, I did( ) 4. A. Its that B. Its mine C. Its the short

3、one( ) 5. A. Sausages and burgers B. Yes, I did C. I didnt like it三、照样子写出下列单词的比较级和最高级(20分)1.big _ _ 2.old _ _3.tall _ _ 4.strong _ _ 5.quick _ _ 6.fat _ _7.small _ _ 8young _ _9.thin _ _ 10.slow _ _ 四、单项选择(101=10)( ) 1. Can you dance? A.Yes,I can B.No,I can . C.I like dance( ) 2. Do you like my new

4、bike ? A. Yes, its beautiful. B. Yes, I like. C. Yes, I do( ) 3. Is this book yours ? 这个句子的同义句是_A. Whose book is it ? B. Is this your book ? C. Who has a book ?( ) 4. Tom _ swimming last Sunday . A. goes B. went C. go( ) 5. What _your father do yesterday ? A. do B. did C. does( ) 6. There _an apple

5、and some bread in the fridge. A. is B. are C. am( ) 7. There _books on the desk, but there_ any books on the desk now. A. are, arent B. were, werent C. were, arent( ) 8. Have you got a computer ? A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I have C. No, I dont( ) 9. Did you do your homework last night ? A. Yes, I did B. N

6、o, I did C. Yes, I do( )10. Which one is _, the rabbit or the turtle ? A. fast B. faster C. the fastest五、按要求写词(101=10)1. go(过去式) 2. do (过去式)3.your (名词性物主代词)4. play(过去式)5. get(过去式) 6. old(最高级)7. wash (三单形式) 8.short(反义词)9. thin(反义词) 10. my (名词性物主代词)六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点。(52=10)1. bike, is, whose, this ? _2.

7、 are, books, on, there, some, the desk_ 3. is, there, juice, any, in the bottle _ 4. Tom, had, at school, lunch _ 5. did, do, your friend, what, last Sunday _七、句型转换(102=20)1. Tom has a car. (用we 代替Tom)_2. Is there any food in the fridge ?(作否定回答)_3. 用 taller tallest 写两个句子。 _ _4.What do you do on Mond

8、ay?(用上学回答) _5. I do homework erery day. (用yesterday 代替 every day) _ 6. Whats the weather like today?(用有风的来回答) _ 7.Where are you going?(用去公园回答) _ 8.Where is the cat? _(它在桌子下面) 9.Did you have a good time?(做肯定回答)_ 10.Is that your dogs?(做否定回答) _八、选择(10分)1.We (getgets)up at seven every moring. 2.My fathe

9、r often (drinkdrinks)milk in the moring. 3.The rabbit is (quickerquickest)than panda. 4.What (does/did)you do last Sunday? 5.Did you (watched /watch)TV yesterday? 6.I am( going /went)to school . 7.He is the (tallest/talle)boy in my class. 9.Tom (went /go)fishing yesterday. 10.Its (windy/wind)taday.3


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