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1、V字仇杀队台词Remember, rememberThe 5th of November要记住,要记住11月5日The gunpowder treason and plot火药阴谋I know of no reasonWhy the gunpowder treason火药阴谋.Should ever be forgot.绝没有理由被遗忘But what of the man?但是其中的人呢?I know his name was Guy Fawkes.我知道他名叫盖伊福克斯.and I know in 1605, he attemptedto blow up the Houses of Par

2、liament.我还知道他在1605年企图炸毁议会大厦But who was he really?但他到底是什么人?What was he like?长什么样?We are told to remember the ideaand not the man.我们被教导要记住思想而不是记住人Because a man can fail.因为人可能失败He can be caught,he can be killed and forgotten.他可能会被捕他会被杀死、被遗忘But 400 years later.但400年后.an idea can still change the world.思

3、想仍可改变世界I have witnessed firsthandthe power of ideas.我亲眼目睹了思想的威力Ive seen people killin the name of them.我见过人们以它为名杀戮.and die defending them.或是为了维护它献出生命But you cannot kiss an idea.但你不能亲吻思想.cannot touch it or hold it.也不能触摸它或抱着它Ideas do not bleed.They do not feel pain.思想不会流血,不会感到痛苦They do not love.它们没有爱A

4、nd it is not an idea that I miss.而且我所思念的并不是思想It is a man.而是一个人A man that made me rememberthe 5th of November.一个让我记住11月5日的男人A man that I will never forget.一个我永不会忘记的男人片名:V怪客So I read that the former United Statesis so desperate for medical supplies.我听说前美国极度渴求药品.that they have allegedly sent severalcon

5、tainers filled with wheat and tobacco.据说他们已经送来了几集装箱的小麦和烟草A gesture, they said, of goodwill.他们说,这是友好的姿态You wanna know what I think?想知道我怎么想的吗?Well, youre listening to my show,so I will assume you do.既然你们在听我的节目所以我假定你们想知道Its high time we let the colonies knowwhat we really think of them.我觉得现在是时候让这些殖民地知道

6、我们到底是怎么看他们的I think its payback time for a little tea partythey threw for us a few hundred years ago.我觉得是时候来“报答”他们几百年前向我们发动的小小“茶会”了I say we go down to those docks tonightand dump that crap.我说让我们今晚冲到码头上去把那些破烂扔掉.where everything fromthe Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica belongs!.把所有烂屁眼的美国鬼子的破烂都扔掉!Whos wit

7、h me? Whos bloody with me?!谁跟我去?谁他妈跟我去?Did you like that?你喜欢这个称呼吗?U.S.A., Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica.I mean, what else can you say?烂屁眼的美国鬼子我是说,我们还能说什么呢?Here was a country that had everything,absolutely everything.曾是拥有一切的国家绝对是拥有一切.and now, 20 years later, is what?.而现在,20年以后变成了什么?The worlds bigges

8、t leper colony. Why?世界最大的麻风病患集中地,为什么?Godlessness.不信上帝Let me say that again.让我再说一遍Godlessness.不信上帝It wasrt the war they started.It wasrt the plague they created.不是他们发动的战争也不是他们制造的瘟疫It was Judgment.是上帝的审判No one escapes their past.No one escapes Judgment.没人能摆脱过去没人能逃脱上帝的审判You think hes not up there?你们以为没

9、有上帝?You think hes not watching overthis country?你们以为他没有在注视着这个国家?How else can you explain it?He tested us, but we came through.还有什么其他解释吗?他考验了我们,而我们通过了We did what we had to do.我们做了我们必须做的事Islington. Enfield.I was there. I saw it all.埃斯棱顿、恩菲尔德我都在现场,我都目睹了Immigrants, Muslims.移民,穆斯林.homosexuals, terrorists

10、.同性恋,恐怖分子Disease-ridden degenerates.They had to go.散播瘟疫的下流种他们必须滚Strength through unity.Unity through faith.力量来自团结团结来自信仰I am a God-fearing Englishman,and Im goddamn proud of it!我是敬畏上帝的英国人我真他妈的为此骄傲!Thats quite enough of that,thank you very much.已经够意思了非常感谢Oh, shit.哦,糟糕A yellow-coded curfew is now in ef

11、fect.现在开始黄色等级宵禁Any unauthorized personnelwill be subject to arrest.未经许可出门的人将被逮捕This is for your protection.这是为了你的安全A yellow-coded curfew is now in effect.现在开始黄色等级宵禁Any unauthorized personnelwill be subject to arrest.未经许可出门的人将被逮捕This is for your protection.这是为了你的安全- Excuse me.- Sorry, I didnt see you

12、.- 对不起,小姐- 对不起,我没看到你.- In a hurry, are we?- I was just.- 有急事,是吗?- 我只是.- Its past curfew, you know.- My uncle, hes very sick.- 已经过了宵禁时间了,你知道吧- 我叔叔病得很厉害- Sick uncle? What you think on that, Willy?- Its a load of bollocks.- 哦,叔叔病了,你觉得如何,威利?- 我觉得是瞎扯I made a mistake. I shouldnt be outafter curfew. I know

13、 that.我错了,我不该在宵禁后出来的我知道的Maybe you could look after usbefore getting back to your uncle.也许去管你的叔叔之前你能先照顾照顾我们See, my friend, hes kind of sick.Aint you?你瞧,我的朋友也病了对吧,威利?Real sick. Bad case of the blues.You can feel them.病得很厉害,忧郁得不得了你都能感觉到- Dont touch me!- Look, Willy, kittys got claws.- 别碰我!- 瞧,威利,小猫还有爪子哩- She just threatened us.- That she did, that she did.- 她刚刚威胁了我们- 没错,没错You know what that means,dont you?你知道这意味着什么,对吧?It means that we exerciseour own judicial discretion.意味着我们可以行使一下执法权了And you get to swallow it.你只能自食其果了- Youre Fingermen.- Shes getting the picture.- 你们是秘密警察- 她开始明白了N


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