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1、第四章 英译汉基本技巧(三)一、部分否定(一)部分否定的定义all,both,every,everybody,everyone,everything,everyday,everywhere,many,entirely,altogether,absolutely,wholly,completely,always,often等与否定词not搭配使用。“并非所有,并不是都”。All that glitters is not gold.Both the windows are not open.Everybody does not believe the rumor.They are not alwa

2、ys in the office on Sundays.The responsibility is not altogether mine.The situation is not necessarily so.(二)传统用法“all not”和“every not”等结构属于传统用法。现代英语中,采用“Not all ”和“Not every ”这种表达形式。Not all metals are good conductors.Not everyone accepts his proposal.二、全部否定never(决不,从来不),no(没有,不),not(不,不是),none(没人,谁都

3、不,没有任何东西),nobody(没人),nothing(什么也没有,没有任何事情),nowhere(没有什么地方),neither(两者都不),nor(也没有,也不),not at all(一点也不)。He is no professor.None of my friends smoke.Our great motherland has never before been so prosperous as it is today.Nothing in the world is difficult for the one who sets his mind to it.Never have w

4、e been daunted by difficulties.三、双重否定no not(没有不),without not(没有就不),never (no) without(每逢总是,没有不),never (no) but(没有不),not (none) the less(并不就不),not (never) unless(不少于,不亚于,和一样),not any the less(没有而少做)。Now no spaceship cannot be loaded with man.You will never succeed unless you work hard.There is nothin

5、g unusual there.The machine is working none the worse for its long service.She did not work any the less for her illness.Thats nothing less than a miracle.No task is so difficult but we can accomplish it.四、形式肯定但意义否定(一)more than can 结构The beauty of the park is more than words can describe.The boy has

6、 become very insolent and it is more than his parents can bear.Dont tell him more than you can help.She never does more work than she can help.(二)anything but 结构He is anything but a scholar.The wood bridge is anything but safe.(三)have yet to do 结构I have yet to hear the story.I have yet to learn the

7、new skill.(四)may (might) as well 结构It is still raining hard outside; we may as well stay here over the night.You might as well burn the book than give them to her.(五)借助具有否定意义的动词或动词短语miss(错过,即没有碰到),deny(拒绝,即没有答应),refuse(拒绝,即否认,没有答应),reject(拒绝,即没有答应),decline(拒绝,即没有答应),lack(缺乏,即不足),escape(逃避,即没有被发现),re

8、sist(抵抗,即没有放弃),doubt(怀疑,即不太确信),wonder(想知道,即不明白),fail(失败,即没有完成),exclude(排除,即没有接受,不包括),cease(终止,即没有坚持),overlook(没有注意到),neglect(没有注意到),defy(不服从),forbid(不许),give up(放弃,即没有坚持),refrain from(不允许),lose sight of(不管),keep up with(不落后于),save from(使不),shut ones eyes to(不看),to say nothing of(更不用说),not to mention

9、(更不用说),protect (keep, prevent) from(不让),keep off(不接近),keep out(不让进入),turn a deaf ear to(不听,不顾),fall short of(不足),live up to(不辜负),dissuade from(劝不要),keep dark(不把说出去)等。The specification lacks detail.My husband missed the last bus, so he had to go back home on foot.The error in calculation escaped the

10、accountant.Please keep the news dark.(六)借助具有否定意义的名词neglect(没有注意到),ignorance(没有注意到),failure(失败,即没有完成),refusal(拒绝,即否认,没有答应),negation(拒绝,即否认),absence(不在,缺少),shortage(不足),lack(缺乏,没有),loss(没有),reluctance(不情愿),exclusion(排除,即没有接受,不包括),Greek to(对一无所知)等等。We cannot finish the work in the absence of these cond

11、itions.She was at a loss what go do.English literature is Greek to her.(七)借助具有否定意义的形容词或者形容词短语far from(远不,一点也不),free from(不受影响),independent of(不受的支配),safe from(免于),short of(缺少,不足),devoid of(不具有,缺乏),deficient(缺乏),ignorant of(不知道,没有注意到),impatient of(对不耐烦),alien to(不同),different from(不同),foreign to(不适合,

12、与无关),blind to(看不见),dead to(对没有反应),far and few between(很少),absent from(不在),reluctant to(不愿意),less than(少于,不多于),the last(最后的,即最不愿意,最不配,决不)等等。The newspaper accounts are far from being true.Present supplies of food are short of requirements.Holidays are few and far between.He is the last man she wants t

13、o meet.(八)借助具有否定意义的介词或者介词短语past(超过),above(不低于),without(没有),beyond(超出),instead of(而不是),in vain(无效,没有),in the dark(一点也不知道),at a loss(不知所措),but for(要不是),in spite of(不管),at fault(出错),against(不同意),before(还没有就),below(不到),beside(与无关),but(除之外),except(除之外),from(阻止,使不做某事),off(离开,中断),under(在之下,不足),within(不超出),

14、beneath(不如,不足),beneath ones notice(不值得理睬),out of(不在里面,不在状态),out of the question(不可能),in the dark about(对不知)等等。That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson.Mr. Smith was above reproach.Her beauty is beyond compare.五、形式否定但意义肯定not until(直到才),not too(越越好),none but(只有),nothing but(只有,只不过

15、),nothing more than(仅仅),no sooner than(刚一就),none other than(不是别的人或物而正是),none the less(依然,仍然),not but that(虽然),make nothing of(对等闲视之),for nothing(徒然,免费),not only but also(不仅而且),not long before(很快就),no more than(仅仅,只是),no other than(只有,正是)等等。You cant be too careful in doing experiments.There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces.It is no more than a beginning.They gave me the wrong book, and I didnt notice it until I got back to my room.六、否定成分的转译(一)否定主语转换为否定谓语No energy can be created, and


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