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1、学 校班 级姓 名 头台中心校2016-2017学年度上学期期末质量监测 小学三年级英语试题序号123456789得分得分 一 听力部分 1、Listen and tick .听音打勾 A )(12分) B、Listen and tick.听音打勾(8分) 2、Listen and match.听音连线。(8分) 3、Listen、choose and complete.听音选择填空。(10分) 二 笔试部分4、 Choose and complete .选择单词完成下面的句子并给图片标号。(12分) 5、Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(15分)( )1、Im eating

2、 noodles. A、 B、( ) 2、What are you doing ? Im reading. A、 B、 ( )3、What are these ? They are dragon boats. A、 B、( )4、Im the winner. _ . A、I can run very fast . B、I cant run fast . ( )5、Amy has got a cold . _. A、She can have an ice cream . B、She cant have an ice cream . ( )6、Im sorry. _.I can wash it .

3、 A、Dont worry. B、Be careful .( )7、Mingming is ill. _ . A、Shes got a dog . B、Shes got a headache .( )8、This is your book,Daming . A、This is Sams book. B、This is Sam book .( )9、What are you going to be? A、Im going to be a nurse. B、Im going to be a teacher .( )10、What are you going to do ? A、Im swimmin

4、g in the sea . B、Im going to run a race .6、Read and circle.(读一读,圈一圈)(5分) 1) Oh ,you like / likes meat. 2)This panda can ride / riding a bike . 3)Shanshan has/have got a cute dog.学 校班 级姓 名4)Sam is going to fly a plane . Heis going to be a doctor /pilot .5)Do / Does you want noodles? Yes ,please.7、 Re

5、ad and choose.选择。(10分)( )1)-_ eating an apple ?-Yes,I am . A、Is he B、Are they C、Are you( )2)Look!_ Sams trousers . A、Those are B、This is C、Its ( )3)I have tests _ Friday . A 、on B、in C、at( )4)Its got eight legs .Its black .Its a _ .A、 rabbit B、spider C、elephant( )5)-Can Daming go to the shop ?-No ,_

6、. A、she cant. B、you cant . C、he cant. 8、Make sentences.连词成句。(10分) 1)the / use / Do / UK /chopsticks /in / you / ? 2) HongKong / you / to / Are / going / ? 3) are / rain / The / in / playing /the / ducks /. 4)are / Damings / These / trousers /. 5) Have / a test / got / you / today / ? 9、Read and write“ T ”or “ F ” .读短文判断对错。(10分)1)Sam and Xiaoyong are at the airport . ( ) 2)Xiaoyong is going to HongKong by plane . ( ) 3)Xiaoyong is going to visiting his grandpa. ( )4)Sam is going to Hainan. ( )5) In Hainan ,Sam cant find his room . ( )


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