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1、密 封 线班级: 姓名: 20172018学年度第二学期三 年 级 英 语 期 中 考 试 试题分 书写分 总分Listening part(40%)一、选出你所听到的单词。Listen and choose.(10%)( )1、A. on B. under( )2、A. Canada B. China( )3、A. dad B. father( )4、A. map B. boat( )5、A. desk B. car( )6、A. sister B. brother( )7、A. she B. he( )8、A. ball B. toy( )9、A. new B. and( )10、A. m

2、an B. woman二选出你所听到的句子。Listen and choose.(10%)( )1.A.Hi,Im Amy. B. Hi, Im Mike.( )2.A.Its in your desk. B. Its on your chair.( )3.A.I am the student. B. I am the teacher.( )4.A.Whos that man? B. Whos that woman?( )5.A.Lets go home. B. Lets go to school.三、给句子排队。Listen and order.(10%) ( )1、No, it isnt.

3、( )2、Yes, it is. Thanks.( )3、Where is my cap?( )4、Is it in your bag?( )5、Is it in your toy box?四、判断对错。Listen and judgeor.(10%) 1、 2、 3、 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4、 5、( ) ( ) 笔试部分(共60分)五、默写前10个字母大小写。Writing. (5%)六、英汉互译。Writing.(5%)1.中国_ 2.女孩_ 3.姐妹_4.under_ 5.pupil_七、选出不同类的单词。Choose.(10%)( ) 1. A. cat B. she C. he

4、 ( ) 2. A. girl B. boy C. new ( ) 3. A. USA B. student C. pupil ( ) 4. A. China B. teacher C. Canada ( ) 5. A. father B. family C. mother 八、选择正确的答语,填序号。Choose.(10%)( )1.Where are you from ? A . Hi Mr Jones ( )2 .Hi Amy. B. I m from the USA. ( )3.Lets go home! C. She is my sister. ( )4.Whos that girl

5、? D. Yes , she is.( )5.Is she your mother ? E. OK. 九、英汉配对。Match.(10%)1、Silly me! A.你好!2、Have a good time! B.我真傻!3、Hello! C.玩的开心点! 4、Yes,she is. D.我是英国人。5、Im from the UK. E.是的,她是。十、单选题。Choose.(10%)( )1.Whosthatboy?A.Mybrother. B.Mysister. C.Mymother.( ) 2.Nicetomeetyou!A.Goodmorning! B.Hello! C.Nicet

6、omeetyou( ) 3.Wehaveanewfriendtoday.A.Welcome! B. Thankyou!C.watchTV( )4. Whereareyoufrom?A.Boyorgirl? B.Ohno! C.ImfromChina( )5. Whosthisman? A.Shesmysister.B.Shesmymother.C.Hesmyfather十一、阅读理解。Reading.(10%) Hello,Im Sarah.Look,this is my family.This is my father.He is tall .He likes cats.This woman

7、 is my mother.She is thin,she is a teacher.She likes bears.This girl is me.I am short.I like rabbits. ( )1、My father is _ A、tall B、thin C、short ( )2、My mother is _ A、fat B、short C、thin ( )3、My mother is a _ A、teacher B、student C、doctor ( )4、My father likes _ A、monkeys B、bears C、cats ( )5、Who is this girl? She is _ A、Sarahs sister B、Sarah C、Sarahs friend


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