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1、 六年级英语上册期末复习卷(一) 一、选择题,请将正确答案的编号填入括号内.1) This is _ very expensive watch. Dont touch it.A. an B. a C. the2) Do you like_, Gogo? Of course .Lets go.A. swim B. swimming C. swimming3) Tony must _ good at ice-skating.A. is B. be C. are4) Please look_the baby when I go out.A. for B. in C. after5) Of the t

2、hree books, this one is the _.A. thinnest B. thinner C. thinest 6) Whats wrong _ you? I had a bad cold.A. for B to C. with7) How _ is the hat, Tony? 100 yuan.A often B much C. many8) Will you go hiking _ me tomorrow?A. with B. for C. and9) He lost the book. He _ find it.A. have to B have C. has to10

3、) There _ a lot of food on the table.A. is B. are C. be11) I helped the boy_ the boxes yesterday.A. carried B carry C. carrying12) You can go when the traffic light is_.A. yellow B red C green 13) Wake up, Tony. Its time _school.A. to go B for C. go to13) What were you doing? I _ digging a hole.A wa

4、s B were C am14) I have _ envelopes but I dont have _ stamps.A. some any B any some C many any15) There are two _ of _A bottles/shampoo B bottle /shampoos C bottles/ shampoos16) _ ruler is this? Its gogos.A whos B Whose C What 17) How are you going to go to Beijing? _plane.A . Bye B By C Buy18) Next

5、 time I _ find a better car.A. will B. am C going to19) Do you usually find _? Of course!A . their B them C then20) _ your mother go fishing once a week? Not very often.A Do B Did C Does二、在B组句子找出能回答A组的答句。 A B( )1.Where did Gogo buy those socks? a Twice a month.( )2.Why are you scared ? b. I forget m

6、y homework.( )3.What happened? c. Yes. Here you are.( )4.How often do you go hiking? d. Theyre mine.( )5.Did you get up at 6:45? e I heard a noise.( )6.Were you at home yesterday? f At the supermarket.( )7.Which is the cheapest notebook? g No, I didnt.( )8.Whose cats are these? h Yes, I did.( )9.Can

7、 I use your phone? i Yes, I was.( )10.Does Tony usually go to school by bike? j The green one.三、根据实际情况,用英语回答下列问题。1.Do you like singing、dancing or reading?_2.How are you going to go to Guangzhou?_3.What were you doing last night?_4.Is the giraffe the tallest animal in the world?_四、中译英。1.I was upset y

8、esterday. I_ _ _.( 错过公共汽车)2.She _ _ _ _(在玩电子游戏)at lunchtime.3._ _( 多久一次)do you go shopping?_ _ _(两周一次)4.Wheres the _(餐馆)?_ _ _(直走到) the traffic light.五、阅读短文,判断下列各句是否与所读短文相符。相符打“”,不相符打“”。Next month is summer holiday. The weather will be hot and sunny. Tony and Gogo are going to the High Mountain for

9、the vocation. They are going to go by train. The price is 650 yuan. Its not cheap. They will stay in a hotel. Gogo likes go camping and Tony likes go hiking very much. Gogos favorite food is pizza, ice cream , cake and cola. So he wants to take them to the mountains. But they are bad for him. They w

10、ill take some bread , meat, vegetables , fruit and water. Because they are healthy food. They are good for them. Theyll have a good time.( )1. The weather will be rainy and hot. ( )2. They are going to get there by plane.( )3. Tony and Gogo are going to High mountain next Sunday.( )4. Theyre going t

11、o stay in a hotel.( )5. Gogo is going to go camping with Jenny.( )6. Gogo wants to take pizza, ice cream , cake and cola. ( )7 Theyll take some healthy food.( )8. The ticket is expensive.六、用英语写一段话。1仔细观察图1,请用英语写写Gogo在商店买了些什么东西。2仔细观察图2,请用英语描述他们在干什么。提示Ben was gigging.3. 仔细观察图3, 请说说Ben 的旅行计划。 _ 六年级英语上册期末复习卷(二)一、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1.A.Earth B.ear C.hear D.here( )2.A.the B.they C.thumb D.this( )3.A.light B.like C.chip D.kite( )4.A.cheap B.idea C.sea



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