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1、第一幕:A:Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our Karaoke contest! Lets start it! Who wants to have a try first?The clamors of the people bubbled upB:Troy,dont you want a try ? Troy:Forget it ,besides , its dull .B:You cant say that ,its so lively tonight ,its for fun !Come on, buddy !(He p

2、ushes Tory forward )另一边C:Gabriella,look ! Somebody is up there, dont you wanna try?Gabriella:No,singing before so many people? I will be so nervous!C:Come on! Its gonna be fine, you have the sweetest voice! And its so lively tonight, lets have a fun!!(把Gabriella推上台)T和G尴尬的看看对方音乐响起start at something n

3、ew结束后,两人离开众人,去一旁聊天T:Hey!G:Hi!T:HumYour voice was so charming!G:Wow, thanks. So do you!T:Oh,Im Troy,glad to meet you!G:Gabriella!(好友向Gabriella招手)EmSorry, I have to go nowMaybe we will meet again!T:Oh okay,see you then!(Gabriella走远后,Troy自言自语)T:Shes really special.第二幕:大学校园,课堂上T:Excuse me, can you tell

4、me how to get to Room 203?Chad:It happens to be my destination. Come on! Follow me. T:Thanks!Are you in Class xx, too?Chad:Yeah!Im Chad!Wait a minute,Ive seen you beforeAre you the guy in the match the other day? You are? T:Troy.Chad:Yes!Troy!You played so well!Do you wanna join the basketball team?

5、How about together!Troy:Great!But I think wed better make it to the classroom first,we are late!(两人下场,Gabriella上场)Gabriella:203 203(仰着头寻找,突然撞上一个人)Gabriella:Ah!Im so sorry!I didnt mean it,are you okay?Taylor:Its okay, Im fine. I heard you were talking about Room 203,I know where it is,come on!Gabriel

6、la:Oh thanks!Im Gabriella,and you are?Taylor:Taylor!Ive heard about you,last years chemistry contest(几天后 Gabriella&Taylor和Troy&Chad在楼道的通知栏前相遇)G:Hey!Troy!Are you in this school?T:Gabriella?What a coincidence!I heard that our music dramas male and female selection is gonna start ,so I just come and ha

7、ve a look. What about you ?G:Me too!Do you wanna join?T:To be honest,I didnt really want to take part in,but then I saw youG:Me,too. Sohow about join together?T:Great!Are you free? I guess we can discuss about the song later. G:No problem!Lets go!Chad:Oh no, no, no wait,Troy,you cant take part in th

8、is contest!You have basketball match, you forget it? You are our head men, what are we supposed to do without you! T:Chad, its not that complex ,its not gonna affect my basketball match !Chad:Buddy, it will divert your attention !T:I love singing。Chad:But you have more important business to do,thats

9、 basketball match !Troy listen,you cant give up basketball!Taylor:Thats right Gabriella!You are the core of the research contest,we wouldnt win without you!And I wont allow you to take part in that drama!G:But Taylor:Okay now, forget about the drama,lets go,we have experiments to do!Chad:Troy we hav

10、e basketball to play !Lets go!(四人下场,灯光暗,照Gabriella)音乐when there was me and you(音乐结束,照Troy)音乐Getcha Head In The Game(Taylor Chad分别在旁边看着两人,然后在楼道相遇)Taylor:Hey Chad:HeyTaylor:You know what,Gabriella looks upset.Chad:So does Troy. Is it right for us to do so?Taylor:What?Chad:I mean to stop them from doin

11、g things they like。You know what,its not what a friend should do。Taylor:They are not happy。Chad:Right!we should do something!I mean,to tell them,we are on their side!To tell them,they should aspire after things they love!Taylor:Thats right!(两人去找Troy和Gabriella)Taylor:Gabriella,we have something to ta

12、lk to you.Its about the drama selectionChad:Go for it !We shouldnt have given you guys pressure。We should have supported you to do things you like!Troy:Alright,you sure you are not kidding?Chad:Of course not buddy!Go for it! We shall always support you !Gabriella拥抱Taylor:Wonderful darling thank you!

13、Taylor:So what are you waiting for?Doesnt it need practice?几天后,排练厅 四人正在排练E:Geetoo bad!Taylor:What happened?E:I saw the notice just now,Academic Contest,Basketball match and music drama, they are all at 4:00 pm. This Thursday!Troy: How could it be!The music drama is supposed to be on this Friday?E:I

14、have no ideaWhat should we do now? Chad:It must be Sharpay and Ryan, they changed the schedule on purpose!They know they cant beat you,so they dont want you to take part in the contest!Gabriella:What should we do!We cant be absent either the match or the contest!We are doomed!Do we really have to gi

15、ve up the selection?沉默Chad:What ifthe two contest cant be held at the same time?四个人对视第三幕学术比赛的现场主持人:Now lets welcome the team of *university!Taylor:Gabriella ,darling,are you ready?G:(深吸一口气)Ready!(两人相视一笑,开始做实验)时间一点一点过去,突然,量杯中开始出现白色烟雾Taylor:Oh my god!I took the two kinds of chemical reagent for mistake!The smog might be poisonous!现场一片混乱评委:Wed better call off the contest,hurry!Taylor:hurry!Gabriella,this way!Gabriella:I dont know hows Troy!Taylor:just relax,theyll be fine!选拔厅内Sharpay 和 Ryan音乐what Ive been lookin


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