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1、GRE备考资料杭州朗思教育杭州朗思 2016年10月30日GRE阅读机经2016年10月30日GRE考试都考了哪些题目?GRE加试考的是什么?朗思教育GRE名师参加本次GRE考试,并从前方带回了10月30日GRE阅读回忆解析,希望这些2016年GRE机经对各位考生备战2016年GRE考试有所帮助!点击查看2016年10月21日GRE考试回忆解析汇总。短文章:For years, the leading theory for what caused the Younger Dryas (a dramatic reversal, about 12,900 years ago, in a globa

2、l warming trend) was a release of water from Glacial Lake Agassiz. The theory posited that this meltwater flooded into the North Atlantic, lowering the salinity and intensity of surface waters enough to prevent them from sinking. Ocean currents were changed in such a way that northward transport of

3、heat in the ocean diminished, and the North Atlantic regions plunged back into near-glacial conditions. However, evidence has emerged that the Younger Dryas began long before freshwater flooded the North Atlantic. Additionally, the temperature changes included by a shutdown in the North Atlantic hea

4、t conveyor system are too small to explain the Younger Dryas.文章解析:有一个理论讲主要A湖放出来的水导致YD现象(温度降)。展开湖水出来后进入NA,降低表面水的盐度和强度,然后表面水下沉不了,洋流这么改变后,向北传热就不行了,然后NA地区进入接近冰川的condition(YD).但是证据表明YD出现得要比湖水放出来要早(因此YD不可能由放水带来)而且向北传热停止带来的温度变化太小了,无法带来YD.1. The author of the passage implies which of the following about the

5、 release of water from glacial Lake Agassiz?DA. The notion that the release occurred has been challenged by more recent findings.B. The release probably occurred much earlier than scientists have generally assumed.C. The release would not have been sufficient to cause any temperature change in the N

6、orth Atlantic.D. The timing of the release is such that it probably did not trigger the onset of the Younger Dryas.E. The release was probably unrelated to the global warming trend that was taking place.答案:选D.解析:问下面哪个是作者暗示的和放水相关的.D说放水时机是这样的因此不可能带来YD的开始,完美符合选文中转折后面放水YD之后的描述。A选项质疑放水这件事的发生时原文没提及的。B说放水比

7、科学家所普遍假设的要早,如果把科学家普遍假设和leading theory放在一个队伍的话,他们之前认为放水带来YD,那他们肯定认为放水要早咯,而实际YD要更早,那实际放水时间肯定比科学家假设的要晚。C选项错在any,太绝对了,没说放水一点温度变化也不能带来。E选项文章没说放水和全球变暖的关系。2. The passage is primarily concerned withAA. presenting evidence that undermines an explanationB. explaining the nature of a climatological phenomenonC

8、. questioning the timing of a particular eventD. discussing a new explanation for a phenomenonE. suggesting revisions to a popular theory答案:A解析:这是一道主旨题。读完文章抓住主干,文章作者核心目的就是引用事实去质疑leading theory.BCD都不是文章核心目的,而且还有细节性错误,比如文章没有给出任何解释去解释现象,而且没有质疑任何事件的时机。E选项要注意revision这个词,这个选项要对,文章必须给出修正过得观点,在此文中即是什么带来了YD.

9、然而并没有。短文章A critical consensus has emerged that Mary McCarthy will be remembered primarily as an essayist rather than as a novelist. But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers

10、 McCarthys best essays are herfictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts. She makes her points by telling stories or by way of vivid description, arresting images and subtle characterization. And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthys greatest contribution was to blur the distinctions

11、between different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mind and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.文章解析:评论家们有一个共识:MM会更多地作为一个essayist而不是一个novelist被记住。但是尽管她有一些discursive和polemica的特点,以及作为一个intellectual的名声,但是她最好的essay是由小说的的天赋power的。她用讲故事生动刻画等

12、小说的手段去表达观点,尽管她对事实有一种仔细精准的关注,但是她最大的贡献是讲essay和novel的区别给模糊化。For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.1. The author of the passage suggests that Mary McCarthys writing is characterized byABCA. The use in her essays of devices more typical in works of

13、fictionB. A narrowing of the differences between narrative and expository proseC. Careful attention to factual accuracy.答案:ABC解析:问MM的写作特点。A选项说在essay中用到小说中更典型的手段,原文中说了essay被novel的power,以及最后细节说essay受益于novel的技巧。B选项说中narrative prose和expository prose分别对应novel和essay,讲两者区别变窄,对应最后一句。C选项说仔细关注事实的精度,对应最后一句让步部分

14、。2. In the context in which it appears, “discursive” most nearly meansDA. ProlificB. SophisticC. RamblingD. AnalyticalE. Circuitous答案:D解析:选项代入原文要能替代discursive,原文discursive要和essayist和polemical以及intellectual一个方向的意思,D最贴切。备注:以上填空阅读真题在新东方高端班型住宿直通车班及走读冲分班中都有原题。短文章媒体的政治影响力某某社会学家声称媒体对于那些对于政治最不感兴趣的人的政治倾向影响是最



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