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1、UNIT 3 Money MattersUnit Goals Talk about your financial goals Express buyers remorse Describe your spending habits Discuss reasons for charitable giving Write a composition about the themeLesson 1Lead-in On-the-Street Interview: Im a little better about savingA. Match each statement with the person

2、 who said it. You will use one name twice.1. b 2. c 3. b 4. aBComplete each sentence with the correct name1. Joe 2. Deepti 3. Deepti 4. Joe 5. Deepti 6. LisaVIDEO SCRIPTInterviewer: So tell me a little bit about you and moneywhether you are good at saving, or can you save for something special. Do y

3、ou just blow all your money as soon as you have it? Deepti: Well, when I was growing up in India, my parents were, you know, very open and free with money. So if I wanted something, they would say, “OK, you can go ahead and take this.” And I think that spoiled me a little bit, because I would just,

4、whatever I wanted, Id take the money and go buy it, and I didnt really realize the importance of saving money. So when I grew up, I was twenty-two, and I left India to go to Singapore, and I was on my own, and I had a scholarship, and my father would, on the phone, he would ask me, “So, how much mon

5、ey have you saved?” And I was like, “What are you talking about? Im not saving any money.” And he got married, and he wanted me to start saving money. It was very hard for me to save money because I would go out and walk past a shop that had clothes and go, “Oh, I want that,” and I would go in, get

6、it, and be really happy. It made me happy, you know. But, I think after a year or so when I realized that I had to take care of myself, not only now, but lets say a year from now, and a year from now I might not have the money that Im getting now, so I have to start saving so that Im not, you know,

7、no the streets without any money. So I started saving, but I still had a hard time with it. My sister is very good. She is very stingy with money, you know. And when I was in India, I would tell her, “Oh come on, go on, spend the money. You know, if you want something, go get it.” And she would alwa

8、ys tell me,” You should think about our parents. Theyre making all this money for us, but we shouldnt spend it just like that.” I think now I am a little better about saving, but not very good. Not as good as I could be.Joe: I think Im very good at handling money. I save when I need to; I spend when

9、 I would like to. I try to keep control of my funds so that I dont end up in situations where I dont have money to pay for basic necessities. But I do feel that you should spend money that you have while you have it and while youre here, as opposed to saving it for a rainy day that never comes.Inter

10、viewer: And saving, what are you trying to do to save? Have you made a plan?Lisa: I have made a plan. I, what I do now is just take out a certain amount of money at the beginning and save it. I just put it away before I even really see it. So that way I can like build up and spend whatever else I ha

11、ve.Interviewer: And is that working?Lisa: Its going pretty well. Its going pretty well. I have a little bit of something saved up.Listening Part 1Talk About Saving MoneyA. Read and listen to a conversation between two friends about saving money.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1 Have students look at the pi

12、ctures. Ask What is it?What do you think its used for?Step 2Then ask How do children save money in this country?Step 3After students read and listen, ask What did Judy buy?(an entertainment system) Did she pay in cash or by credit card? (in cash) Is she rich? (No. she had to save up for it.) How did

13、 she save enough money? (She cut back on spending; She started living within her means.)Step 4To draw on students own experiences, ask Have you ever put money aside to buy something you wanted, such as an entertainment system, a computer, a bicycle, or a car? Encourage students to share their experi

14、ences. Ask Was it hard to save the money you needed?Language note: Students may need help with the following words or expressions: strike it rich (suddenly make a lot of money); cut back on (reduce the amount, size, cost, etc., of something); out of hand (impossible to control).Save, save up, put mo

15、ney away, and put money aside have the same meaning. (The latter is introduced in lesson 2.) They can be followed by an infinitive or for and a noun. For example, I want to put money aside to buy a car; Im saving up for a new car; Im putting money away for a down payment.Kind of is an expression use

16、d in spoken English meaning slightly or in some ways.Culture note: A piggy bank is a container used mainly by children to store coins. Piggy banks are to encourage good saving and spending habits: the pig must be broken open for the money to be retrieved, forcing the child to justify his or her decision. The name piggy bank originated in the twelfth century; pygg ref



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