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1、1对比文体学作业纸(2):英汉词素、词汇层文体突出形式对比分析学号 姓名 学号 姓名班级 11 翻译学号 姓名 学号 姓名标题 英汉词素、词汇层文体突出方式 得分 批阅 日期从意义上讲,英语词素层意义风格失协突出形式有:新造词 coinage(词缀法、复合法、转换法、混合法等) ;从形式(结构的排列组合)上讲,英语词素层形式风格失衡突出形式有:词素交替 polyptoton,恒素法 homoioteteuton。请翻译下列句子,指出词素层次突出方式,并说明翻译转换后是否能保留这种方式带来的文体风格,如能,翻译转换采用的方法是什么。原文 译文 词素层次突出方式 翻译转换分析The purpose

2、 of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible .It was intended that when Newspeak forgotten, a heretical thoughtthat is., a thought diverging from the principles of

3、Ingsocshould be liberally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-four1And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.Shelley, To a Skylark2What objects are the fountainsOf thy happy strain?What fields, or waves, or mountains?What shapes of

4、 sky or plain?Shelley, To a Skylark3读书干嘛?就是要挣个大票子、买个好房子、娶个美娘子、生个大胖小子!4核心提示:27 日,唐骏现身南京林业大学,做了一场主题为“我的成功可以复制”的讲座。一位南京大学的女生带着一沓“西太平洋大学”学位证书邀请唐骏签字,并质问其美国绿卡的由来等问题。该女生称“我觉得唐骏先生的成功不仅可以复制,还可以复印。 ”5欣慰啊,这么烂的大学也终于出了几个有自己思想的学生!遗憾的是被洗的脑残的仍是大多数,且又心胸狭窄,容不得不同意见,还没出社会就已满身官僚习气。6到了,这不,苏格兰调情。爷,你说反了,是苏格兰情调。7收回越南,啊不!不是收

5、回,是“回收” ,然会对越南人做垃圾处理,废物利用之!8强列要求收复越南,重建广南省! 9大家可以访问我的博客, www.白云飘飘.com 。大娘都有博客啦?名人都有这玩意儿。名人嘛,都刻薄。10我白云大小也是个名人,走了!什么名人?!那就是个人名!你就飘吧!啥时候一阵风来把你飘走了!怎么了?有能耐黑土你也飘啊!我飘起来是沙尘暴!11从意义上讲,英语词汇的意义风格失衡突出形式有:高频词汇集,即同一词汇集的词的高频率出现(词汇集:同一语场词汇的高频率出现) ,失协突出形式有:混合词汇集,包括:A.双关(同形异义词 homonyms,同形异音词 homographs,异形同音词 homophone

6、s,异叙 syllepsis) 、B. 词汇集的混合(a. 两个词汇集所表达的意义都与情景有关,包括:在某一词汇集中加入别一词汇集的项目、禁忌语 taboo、委婉语 euphemism、隐语 cant;b. 不同词汇集的词的意义转移:其中一个词汇集所表达的意义转化为另一个词汇集所表达的意义,作为另一词汇集的补充意义或附加意义,或进一步强化另一词汇集的意义,这类手段称为“ 意义转移”semantic transference,如:明喻、隐喻、拟人、象征、联觉、典故、情感误置等;c. 同一词汇集内词的意义的转移,如:代称,借喻,举喻) 。2从形式(结构的排列组合)上讲,英语词汇的形式风格失衡突出形

7、式有:A.词汇搭配和词汇集(重复、同义和搭配)B.意义相同、相似或相反的词汇的规则性出现(词汇对偶、排比) ,C.义、形相同词汇的重复出现(重复、渐升、渐降) ,D. 词汇系列修辞(一种特殊的排比手段,即在词汇项目之间的排比手段) 。请翻译下列句子,指出词汇层突出方式,并说明翻译转换后是否能保留这种方式带来的文体风格,如能,翻译转换采用的方法是什么。原文 译文 词汇层次突出方式 翻译转换分析The current condition of much of our commercial agriculture is good by certain criteria. It is highly p

8、roductive, a very great national asset at all times, and especially during periods of great international torque. It is progressive in the sense of achieving increases in output per unit of input over time. On the whole its physical plant is in good condition12The second fission, we suggest, involve

9、s the internalization of the discrimination between the latency and good-attainment dimensions again with special reference to attitudinal aspect of affectivity and affective neutrality. The critical change is that the instrumental-xpressive distinction comes to be differentiated out from the power

10、axis.Warner, 1961: 177-17813Most manfully besiege the patrons gate.And. oft repulsed. as oft attack the great.With painfull art, and application warm.And take at last some little place by storm.Edward Young, Love of Fame. Satire III14A young man married is a man thats marrd.Shakespeare, Alls Well Th

11、at Ends Well II.iii15Therefore pardon me,And not impute this yielding to light loveWhich the dark night hath so discovered.Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet II.ii16Here thou, great Anna! Whom three realms obey.Dost sometimes counsel take and sometimes tea.Pope. The Rape of the Lock III17Puffs, powders,

12、patches, Bibles, billet-doux.Pope. The Rape of the Lock, I18“Barkers for me, Barney,” said Toby Crakpit.“Here they are,” replied Barney, producing a pair of pistols.”You loaded them yourself.”“All right!” replied Toby, stowing them away.”The persuaders?”“Ivee got em”, replied Sikes.“Crape, keys, cen

13、tre-bits, darkies nothing forgotten?”Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist19Harvey agreed to meet Bill at Ethels because Bill said on the phone that he had something heavy to lay on him and thought they ought to get together in a nurturing environment. Ethels did a mind-blowing minted trout. Minted trout wa

14、s nurturing. And evading Mr Murphy for one evening. Harvey thought, might just be the saving of his savity or at least his lower back.Cyra McFadden. The Serial20The Human Dress is forged Iron.The Human Form a fiery Forge.The Human Face a Furnace sealdThe Human Heart its hungry Gorge.213William Blake

15、, A Divine ImageThey round her in across the rolling foamThe cruel, crawling foam.Ruskin, Modern Painters, Vol.3, Part IV. Chp xii22The Young moon lies on her back tonight as is her habit in the tropics, and as, I think, is suitable if not seemly for a virgin.V. Sackville-west, No Sighposts in the S

16、ea23My mother bore me in the southern wild.And I am black, but O! my soul is white;White as an angel is the English child.But I am black, as if bereavd of light.William Blake. The Little Black Boy24like unto cicadas that in a forest sit upon a tree and pour forth their lily-like voice.Homer.Illiad,iii.15325Pyramas: I see a voice, now will I to the chink,To spy on I can hear my Thisbys face.Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream26Ju


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