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1、常 用 药 品 监 管 英 语 与 缩 略 语 一、监管英语1.中华人民共和国药品管理法 Drug Control Law of the Peoples Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理 control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理 control over drug distributors 4.医疗机构的药剂管理 control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理 control over drugs6.药品包装的管理 control over drug packaging7.

2、药品价格和广告的管理 control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督 inspection of drugs9.法律责任 legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.

3、药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities 21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certifi

4、cate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守中华人民共和国药品管理法 All institutions or ind

5、ividuals engaged in research, production,distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in thePeoples Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the peoplesrepublic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。The drug regulatory agency of the State Council shall be responsible ford

6、rug administration and supervision nationwide. 32.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门负责本行政区域内的药品监督管理工作。 The drug regulatory agencies of the governments of provinces, autonomousregions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall beresponsible for drug regulation in their administrative areas. 3

7、3.药品监督管理部门设置或者确定的药品检验机构,承担依法实施药品审批和药品质量监督检查所需的药品检验工作。 The drug quality control laboratories established or designated by drugregulatory agencies shall undertake the responsibility for drug testingrequired for conducting drug review and approval and controlling drugquality pursuant to the law.34.开办药品

8、生产企业,须经企业所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门批准并发给药品生产许可证,凭药品生产许可证到工商行政管理部门办理登记注册。Any newly established pharmaceutical manufacturer shall be subject toapproval by the local drug regulatory agency of the government of theprovince, autonomous region or municipality directly under the CentralGovernment and be gran

9、ted the Drug Manufacturing Certificate, and, with thecertificate, the manufacturer shall be registered with the administrativeagency for industry and commerce.35.药品生产许可证应当标明有效期和生产范围,到期重新审查发证。 The term of validation and the scope of manufacturing shall be noted in theDrug Manufacturing Certificate. F

10、or renewal of the certificate onexpiration, reviewing and approval again is required.36.药品监督管理部门批准开办药品生产企业,应当符合国家制定的药品行业发展规划和产业政策,防止重复建设。 When giving approval to the newly-established manufacturer, the drugregulatory agency shall see to it that the development programs and policiesset by the State f

11、or the pharmaceutical industry shall be complied with soas to prevent duplicate construction.37.开办药品生产企业,必须具备以下条件:(一)具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员、工程技术人员及相应的技术工人;(二)具有与其药品生产相适应的厂房、设施和卫生环境;(三)具有能对所生产药品进行质量管理和质量检验的机构、人员以及必要的仪器设备;(四)具有保证药品质量的规章制度。 Any drug manufacturer to be established shall meet the followingreq

12、uirements: (1) stuffed with legally qualified pharmaceutical andengineering professionals and the necessary technical workers;(2) providedwith the premises, facilities, and clear environment required for drugmanufacturing; (3) having quality management and control units and personnelcapable of quali

13、ty management of and testing for drugs to be produced andthe necessary instruments and equipment; and (4) establishing rules andregulations to govern the quality of drugs.38.药品生产企业必须按照国务院药品监督管理部门依据本法制定的药品生产质量管理规范组织生产。药品监督管理部门按照规定对药品生产企业是否符合药品生产质量管理规范的要求进行认证;对认证合格的,发给认证证书。 Drug manufacturers shall co

14、nduct production according to the GoodManufacturing Practice Products (GMP) formulated by the drug regulatoryagency of the State Council based on this Law. The drug regulatory agencyshall inspect a drug manufacturer as to its compliance with the GMPrequirements and issue a certificate to the manufac

15、turer passing theinspection.39.除中药饮片的炮制外,药品必须按照国家药品标准和国务院药品监督管理部门批准的生产工艺进行生产,生产记录必须完整准确。 With the exception of the processing of prepared slices of Chinese crudedrugs, a drug shall be produced in conformity with the National DrugStandard and with the production processes approved by the drugregulatory agency of the State Council, and the production records shall becomplete and accurate. 40.药品生产企业改变影响药品质量的生产工艺


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